
Chapter 332 Rescue

Chapter 332 Rescue
On the top of Prison Peak, Yi Tian looked back and forth around the jade bottle and the small sword on the formation for several hours before making up his mind to break the seal.

In fact, the sealed spirit sword is definitely not a Xibei product, it is probably a spirit treasure brought by the upper realm, but the grade should be a little worse than that of the sun and moon, or it would not be sealed with two spirit treasures It works.

Ming Yaohui directly told Yi Tian the origin of the jade bottle and the spirit sword after he sent out the inner demon.It turns out that this jade bottle is called 'Jingling Bottle', which is used by Qianlingzi to hold Qiongye Yuye, and the spirit sword is called 'Sword of Killing God', which can be used to deal with the spirits of monks, and it is very effective against these spirits.

The spirit formation on the ground is called 'Spirit Sealing Qi Gathering Formation'. Although the name sounds very common, it is a formation formed by Qian Lingzi himself to trap the spirits of the sun and moon wheels, and it is also effective for psychic creatures. .The disadvantage is that it needs a huge aura as a support, so it was chosen to be arranged in the depths of Xihuang.

Moreover, special personnel must be sent to inspect every hundred years, and the spiritual power on the 'Sword of Killing God' must be strengthened.This 'Sword of Killing God' is the natal spiritual weapon in Qian Lingzi's hands, so only the spiritual energy produced by the Yaojian technique that has been passed down in one line can strengthen its power.

It is rare to have such a good opportunity to get in touch with the formations of the upper realm. Yi Tian directly took out the jade slips and completely reproduced the formations on the ground.I think it will be of great use to take it back in the future and take part in the research.

After finishing the preparations, he took out seven silver needles and traced the nodes along the lines of the 'Spirit Sealing Qi Gathering Formation'.Just now, when I was writing the extension, I had checked all these possible nodes in my heart, and now I interrupted these nodes one by one step by step so that the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' could not absorb so much spiritual power and weakened the opponent. Ming Yaohui's suppression.

A moment later, he saw that seven silver needles had been pierced into the golden array on the ground, cutting off several main circuits of the array.Immediately, the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' slowly descended without the support of sufficient spiritual power.

The whole bottle began to shake violently, probably because of Ming Yaohui's exertion in it.Suddenly, the 'Sword of Killing God' on it fell to a foot above the mouth of the bottle, and instantly stopped the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle'.

At the same time, there was another burst of curses from Ming Yaohui in the bottle, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Wait a minute, let me try to put away the 'Sword of Killing God' and then find a way."

Ming Yaohui said angrily in the bottle: "You just need to remove this 'God Killing Sword' from the bottle, and I can break free from the shackles of the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' myself."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian didn't speak any more, he just used the Xuanyang True Fire Jue to activate the Yao Sword Technique, and saw a sword aura as thick as an index finger come out of his hand and circle around the 'God Killing Sword'.

It is obvious that the 'Sword of Killing God' is hesitant about this spiritual power. It is obviously a secret technique inherited in the same strain, but the aura it activates is somewhat restrained.

At this time, Yi Tian was also beating drums in his heart, he was motivated by the fire-type spiritual energy, and there was still a big difference in attributes from the authentic metallic spiritual power of the Thousand Spirits Sect.

I saw that the 'Sword of Killing God' slowly accepted the inflow of sword energy after hesitating for a while, but when the red sword energy poured in, the whole body of the sword began to tremble non-stop.Yi Tian didn't care so much anymore, he increased the output of spiritual power in his hands, and when the whole body of the 'Sword of Killing God' became red, he strode up and directly held the hilt of the sword upside down, and pulled it out slowly .

The 'Sword of Killing God' who had resisted at the beginning began to obey after being fed by the aura of Yao Jianshu.Although the process of drawing the sword was extremely slow, it took Yi Tian a quarter of an hour to move the 'God Killing Sword' away.

After the light of the 'Sword of Killing God' stopped shining on the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle', the whole bottle shook violently. With a 'swish' sound, the seal on the mouth of the bottle suddenly cracked, and then the bottle cap was bounced off by one of the invisible forces.

The entire mountain trembled, and a golden light burst out from the bottle mouth. Yi Tian threw the Thousand Magic Bell out of his hand immediately after seeing this.

Seeing this, the golden light directly shone on the 'Thousand Illusory Bell', and then the entire spiritual weapon shook violently, and after a while, a mark of the sun and the moon appeared on the Thousand Illusory Bell.

Yi Tian knew that this was the Qi Ling that had been firmly secured in the Qianhuan Bell, so he put the bell into the storage ring with one move.

Ming Yaohui also said inappropriately: "I want to take a deep sleep to recover, don't forget your promise to take me to find the main body."

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you," Yi Tian replied.After putting away the thousand magic bells, he looked at the two spiritual treasures in front of him.

This 'Sword of Killing God' is Qian Lingzi's natal spiritual weapon. If he erased his mark rashly, he would definitely be alarmed. in this realm.

So this sword is nothing more than a tasteless sword to me, but the patterns on it can be used for reference, and the things handed down from the upper world are definitely good products.

He turned his head and looked at the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' again. Now that there was no support from a large array of spiritual power, after Ming Yaohui got out of it again, the whole bottle stood there peacefully.

Yi Tian directly took the bottle and the bottle cap with one hand, and stretched his consciousness in to have a look. He saw a multicolored mist coiled inside the bottle. He took out a pot of spiritual spring water and poured it all in, and then put the cap on. plugged.

Since this thing is used by Qian Lingzi to hold water, it must be an auxiliary spirit treasure. Although I don't know how effective it will be, let's try it out.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned around and looked at the pattern on the ground. Although he used seven needles to break the gods and temporarily sealed the formation, he did not break it completely.

He stretched out his right hand and nodded towards the seven silver needles, only to hear a few 'swish' sounds, and the silver needles on the nodes of the array pattern were pulled out in response, but the entire array returned to its original state and began to move slowly.

In the middle of the array, there was no 'Purifying Spirit Bottle', only a trace of pure spiritual spring came out from the eyes of the array, and then dissipated into the air.

Feeling that the concentration of aura in the air surpassed all the caves Yitian had seen before, his heart moved.If one sits at the eye of this spiritual formation and practices, the effect will be absolutely unparalleled.

Thinking that there are still about 20 years left before this trip to Sword Art Online, why don't I take this opportunity to practice directly here.

When he thought of it, he did it, and then he went forward and sat cross-legged at the eye of the formation, maintaining the state of the dharma body, and began to cultivate at the same time with three heads and six arms. With a 'swish' sound, the whole body seemed to be on fire, and the purple flames enveloped the whole body.

From then on, Yi Tian let go of his hands and feet to absorb the high-purity spiritual energy at the eye of the formation, and directly operated the Xuanyang True Fire Art inside.Zhou Tian walked down more than twice as fast as in his own cave, such a great opportunity was also a stroke of luck.Afterwards, he turned his ears to nothing and devoted all his attention to practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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