
Chapter 333

Chapter 333
Prison Peak is located in the westernmost area of ​​the Western Wilderness Plain, and further west is the boundary of the Western Wilderness Sea.The "Spirit Sealing Qi Gathering Formation" on Prison Peak continuously draws spiritual energy within a radius of thousands of miles through the large underground veins to stabilize the spirit array within tens of miles of Prison Peak.

Now the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' that seals Ming Yaohui and the 'Sword of Killing God' that suppresses Lingbao have been removed from the eyes of the formation by Yi Tian.

In this way, the aura of the earth veins involved in the entire formation became useless, and the aura from the extraction of the earth veins had already begun to liquefy, which happened to be cheaper for Yi Tian.

In the next period of time, sit cross-legged on the array of eyes, slowly introduce the emerging spiritual spring into the mouth, and then run until Zhou Tian digests it.This process is not fast, but it can't hold back the extremely high concentration of Lingquan.After sitting at the eye of the formation for nearly six or seven years, Yi Tian already felt that his concentrated mana was almost reaching its limit.

For unnecessary waste, he took out the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle', and after a little sacrifice, he could control it freely.Then I used this 'purifying spirit bottle' to fill up the excess spirit liquid without leaving a single drop.

Unexpectedly, this spirit treasure is really powerful. After a large amount of spirit liquid is filled, there is no sign of overflowing at all.Now Yi Tian feels at ease, he just puts the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' upside down at the eye of the formation after making seals with both hands, so that it can continuously absorb the spiritual liquid.

On the other hand, he was constantly running his profound arts to refine and dissolve the psychic liquid he drank into his body one by one.At the beginning of the period, the large amount of psychic liquid that was obtained was surging in the meridians in the body, bumping around, and finally filled Yi Tian's whole body up.

After the spiritual liquid was circulated as if entering the dantian, nearly half of the spiritual power flowing through the seal was absorbed.The extra spirit liquid was poured directly on the golden core.

The natal Thunder Flame Purple Fire that was originally wrapped on the Golden Core seemed to be fueling the flames, and after several years of continuous absorption, the brightness of the real fire had also increased.

The golden core wrapped in it began to spin rapidly after absorbing enough spiritual liquid.Even if he had practiced Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue before and polished Jindan for a long time, the effect was not as good as it has been in the past few years.

Now the entire golden elixir has doubled in size from its original size, and from time to time there are streaks of dark golden elixir patterns shining on it, and the golden light shines brightly on the entire dantian.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the ground practicing at this time, also knew it with bitterness. Originally, he just wanted to rely on the effect of this spirit-gathering array to practice, but he didn't expect to practice directly to the state of Golden Core Great Perfection now.

If this continues for another two or three years, the tribulation-crossing thunder will definitely fall. To be honest, I still had the idea of ​​delaying the matter of breaking the pill and becoming a baby.After all, he was caught off guard by the unexpected situation during the Golden Core Tribulation, and he was indeed not fully prepared for the Nascent Soul Tribulation right now.

It's a pity that time waits for no one, the golden elixir in the dantian is spinning faster and faster now, and there is no sign of stopping at all, and the accumulation of aura in the body seems to have a surplus, and the meridians of the whole person are bulging with aura .

If he shoots rashly, it will definitely cause unnecessary damage to his body, and Yi Tian is also in a dilemma about this.

He found out all the spirit weapons he could use, and glanced at them with his spiritual sense. Among them, only the sect's secret treasures 'Haotian Mirror' and 'Zixiao Zhan' are worthy of great use.

After weighing it up, Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth and held up the 'Haotian Mirror' with seals on his hands, putting it on his head, and holding the 'Zixiao Lamp' in his right hand.Pointing to the 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' with the left hand, a stream of clear spring emerged from it and rushed directly into the mouth.Then Yi Tian closed his eyes and directly swallowed the spiritual liquid in his mouth, and then spread it directly in the body, allowing the spiritual power to be scattered in the limbs.

Less than a year later, the entire Prison Peak began to change, and the aura within a few hundred miles rushed towards the Prison Peak.A circular robbery cloud with a diameter of more than 20 miles gradually formed in the sky above Prison Peak.

The entire robbery cloud was purple-black, and there were many thunderbolts in it, as if they were looking for the target below.

Sitting on the top of Prison Peak, Yi Tian calculated that there are about four ways for the Nascent Soul's Heavenly Tribulation, but one more thing must be prepared including the uncertain factor in the body.

Crossing the tribulation this time is definitely the most unsure time for me. Although I still have two spirit treasures in my hand, I still dare not use them unless I have to. This thing that has not been sacrificed is handy and it is definitely a potential hidden danger. .

It's useless to think too much, after an hour, the tribulation thunder in the sky seems to have locked Yi Tian's position, and then there was a flash in the thunder cloud, and a purple thunder with the thickness of a bowl fell down.

After experiencing the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, Yi Tian found that this time the Tribulation Thunder seemed to be similar to the last time, but when the Tribulation Lightning hit the mountain guard formation on Prison Peak, Yi Tian's heart trembled.

The entire golden light film was smashed before it lasted a breath, and the rest of the thunder struck directly on him and was carried by the true flame armor.However, the remaining electric energy made him tremble, and after three breaths, he circulated his true energy to directly drive away all these negative effects, and Yi Tian heard the thunder in the sky.

Looking up, he saw that there were two more thunderbolts forming in the calamity cloud. After stabilizing his figure, he held the Zixiao lamp with one hand, and a ray of thunder flame and purple fire ignited it.Then Yi Tian raised his hand, holding Zixiaozhan's lamp and urging it with all his strength.

I saw a curtain of purple fire enveloping the whole person, and then two lightning strikes fell on the purple fire ball one after another.

'Bang bang' two times Yi Tian was standing under his feet and a big hole was smashed out instantly, and the right hand holding Zixiaozhan was also paralyzed by the electricity.

Unable to deal with these things anymore, Yi Tian flicked the Zixiao lamp into his dantian with a flick of his right hand, and then used the 'Haotian Mirror' as the basis to use the spiral fire shield with his hands.This is the strongest spell among the defensive moves that can be used now. The True Flame Armor is fully activated all over his body, and then he jumps out of the deep pit with his feet.

The fourth tribulation thunder came as expected, but fortunately this time there was a spirit treasure to protect him, and [-]% of the power of the purple thunder was blocked by the spiral fire shield wrapped in the 'Haotian mirror'.But the remaining [-]% of the electric current passed to Yi Tian's body and made him tremble. Fortunately, he still had the True Flame Armor on his back.

The current True Flame Armor has turned purple due to the mutation of the True Fire, and its defensive ability has also risen in a straight line. After being impacted by the remaining [-]% of the current, there is no sign of weakening at all.

After the Four or Nine Heavens Tribulation, the thunderclouds in the sky began to shrink slowly, Yi Tian hurriedly sat down cross-legged and pointed to the 'Jingling Bottle' not far away with his hand, and saw a clear spring shot out of it and poured it directly into his mouth.

After the baptism of Lei Jie, there was a crack in the middle of the golden core in the dantian, and then a young spirit body crawled out of it, and Yi Tian was also scared when the Nascent Soul fully revealed its true face After a jump, the Nascent Soul that I produced turned out to have three heads and six arms like the Asura dharma body that I now showed.

After sealing his hands for a while, he put away the Dharma body image, and the Nascent Soul returned to its normal appearance.Then Yuan Ying flew out of the dantian directly, circled three times around the top of the head, and finally sank into the Niwan Palace in the middle of the forehead.

This is considered to have passed most of the Nascent Soul Tribulation, and then as long as it survives the Heart Demon Tribulation, it will be considered a perfect broken pill and a baby.But Yi Tian couldn't be happy at this time, because the robbery cloud in the sky opened again, and the seal in the dantian flew out of the body quietly, and then nailed it on Yi Tian's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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