
Chapter 335 Closing

Chapter 335 Closing
Since the son-in-law banquet, Huo Yunbiao has never left Huo Chilian for a single step, and basically watches under his nose [-]/[-].Speaking of it, I am ashamed that Huo Chilian, a mid-Gold Core cultivator, was eaten to death by fellow cultivators, and his stomach was full of gas.

But on the surface, you can't force it. Who knows if Zhongzhou's "Li Huo Sect" has recruited other disciples to help.Furthermore, Huo Yunbiao has already informed all the high-level officials of Tianmomen about his current identity. I believe that old monster Dugu will not risk offending the Zhongzhou faction for Huo Chilian's sake.

As a result, Huo Yunbiao has acted even more recklessly in the past 20 years. If it weren't for the great connection between Sword Art Online and Li Huozong's Artifact Pavilion, he would have returned to Zhongzhou with Huo Chilian.

This time Huo Chilian proposed a trip to the Holy City to meet Yi Tian of the Excalibur Sect. Although Huo Yunbiao was still muttering, he was unwilling to offend the Excalibur Sect.Moreover, gatherings and discussions of the refiners are common. In Tianmo City, some newcomers to the refiners often visit Huo Chilian, so in Huo Yunbiao's view, this is also a normal thing.

But today, when Huo Yunbiao came to the Yuelai Building in the holy city, he found that there seemed to be a lot less monks coming and going than usual. After asking, he found out that it turned out that Master Yi of the Excalibur School liked quietness, so he directly booked the top floor. .

It didn't matter to Huo Chilian, after entering the door, a waiter greeted him.After throwing down ten pieces of spirit stones, he took Huo Yunbiao and walked up slowly.

When I reached the top floor, I saw empty tables everywhere, only the one near the window had a monk drinking and pouring himself with his back to the two of them.

Looking at the back, it looked like Yi Tian, ​​so Huo Chilian walked up directly.Huo Yunbiao, who was standing behind, also made a visual inspection, and then he felt relieved and walked three steps behind Huo Chilian for a while.Suddenly, a cyan halo flickered in front of his eyes, making Huo Yunbiao dizzy for a while.

I haven't reacted yet, I just feel that my eyelids have become extremely heavy, and my whole body is also a little slumped.Suddenly stretched out a finger from behind obliquely and tapped on the back of his head, and saw Huo Yunbiao lying drunk on the ground like a puddle of mud. When he closed his eyes, he realized that Huo Chilian had a smirk on his face. looked over.

In the Holy City, there are Nascent Soul monks from the Loose Cultivation Alliance sitting in the town. If you want to get a monk with a Golden Core cultivation level without anyone noticing, you can only rely on laying layers of phantom formations to invite you into the urn.

At this time, Yi Tian and Huo Chilian were sitting facing each other on the third floor, while Huo Yunbiao lay fainting on the ground floor.The two of them were not afraid that Huo Yunbiao would wake up when they talked under the soundproof bar.

At this time, Huo Chilian said with a respectful face, "Senior brother Yi has achieved a great achievement, so he should be called suzerain now."

Hearing these compliments, Yi Tian didn't refute, but just sighed and said: "I'm a bare-bones commander now, even if I consider myself the suzerain, it's useless."

"Why should the suzerain care about temporary gains and losses, as long as the name is right and sound, it will be logical. And the sect's token is here with you, as a branch of the Qi Pavilion, I will naturally follow around."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian directly raised his hand to reveal the 'Haotian Mirror', allowing Huo Chilian's consciousness to sweep it up.After three breaths, he put the things away and said: "Since I let you see the token of the sect leader, should you also let me see the certificate of the head of your Qi Pavilion?"

After hearing this, Huo Chilian said with a serious face: "Sovereign, wait a moment." After speaking, he got up and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​and then spit out a "Li Huo Order" with "Li Huo Order" engraved on the front. The word ", on the reverse side is the word "the first seat of Qige".

After reading it, Yi Tian said solemnly: "Junior Brother Huo is also gratifying to return to the main line."

Huo Chilian quickly said: "Don't dare, the suzerain can be regarded as the top leader in the Tianlan Continent when he achieved Nascent Soul at the age of less than 230 years old. I think there is hope for the recovery of the 'Lihuo Sect' in the future. At that time, please invite the suzerain It would be better to rebuild the old site of Zhongzhou and reorganize the Pill Artifact Pavilion."

Seeing him like this, Yi Tian didn't bother with addressing anymore, and just nodded slightly in agreement with his request.

Afterwards, the two discussed the trip to Sword Art Online in detail. Yi Tian directly told Huo Chilian about Yan Bingyan's agreement, and also told Huo Chilian about the way to contact the other party in private.

The latter was also secretly surprised when he heard about it. He didn't expect that the Maiden School, one of the three major schools in the Western Wilderness, would have such a relationship with the 'Li Huo Sect'. In this way, Sword Art Online three years later would have It's lively.

Then Yi Tian took out the contact jade card of the Excalibur Sect and handed it to Huo Chilian and said, "You can contact Yin Jie and Xing Yuan, they are also my best friends, if you have any difficulties in there, just ask them for help. As long as it doesn't involve the interests of the sect, I believe most of them will be fine."

"Is the suzerain not going?" Huo Chilian said after putting away the jade plaque.

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I won't go, just rush back to Dong'ao right now to put the integration of that sect on the agenda."

Then he took out a token of the Chiyang School Artifact Hall, left his unique imprint and the words of summons on it, and handed it to Huo Chilian and said: "After you finish taking care of the Western Wilderness, go to Dongao, take me Go to the Chiyang faction with your token, and if I’m not at the gate, someone will come to meet you with the jade token.”

This time, Huo Chilian was full of joy and finally said: "After wandering for a hundred years, I finally have my own sect."

Afterwards, Yi Tian also took out a jade slip and marked the position of Ming Wangdao's teleportation array in Xihuang on it, which clearly recorded the long-distance teleportation array points of the previous three Ming Wang Shengzi.As for his original Louisiana, he is not ready to take it out yet, thinking about it, he has to leave some way out for himself.

After the two talked for several hours, Yi Tian raised Huo Yunbiao directly into the spiritual weapon, and then took out a humanoid puppet to transform into Huo Yunbiao, and then handed it over to Huo Chilian to let him Take it out of the holy city to avoid being suspected by interested people.

Yi Tian heaved a sigh of relief after the matter of several classes was resolved, and he has gained a lot in Xihuang for a hundred years. Apart from his cultivation base, he has advanced two levels and he has also completed the Xuanyang Kung Fu.

Even if he returned to the Chiyang faction, I believe Chiyang Patriarch Chiyangzi would definitely look at him with admiration.

Immediately, Yi Tian also cleaned up the first and last, and purchased a lot of precious materials unique to Xihuang in the holy city.Then he left the holy city and flew straight to the transmission secret road of Naming Wangdao.

Along the way, they also adhered to the principle of causing less trouble, and tried to avoid several main strongholds and fortresses of the Excalibur Sect.Two days later, I came to Chang'an Ji. This is the market I passed by when I first set foot in Xihuang. It has not changed at all after more than a hundred years.

After passing by Chang'an Ji, Yi Tian directly aimed at the teleportation stone room of the Ming Wangdao by the sea, believing that the ban he left when he came out was still there, as long as the teleportation point on the opposite side was not damaged, he could use it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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