
Chapter 336

Chapter 336
In the past hundred years, the monks in Dong'ao territory have been replaced continuously. If the old generation does not make further progress, it will be replaced by the new generation.But the watershed for all monks is basically on the line from Jindan to Nascent Soul, and often less than [-]% of the monks who form Jindan can break through the pill and become an infant.

In addition to the constraints of skills and innate spiritual roots, there are also restrictions on the rank of Jindan.Those monks who can break through pills and become babies are basically top-grade pills.

Over time, the remaining mid-grade Golden Core monks basically established the Immortal Cultivation Clan in the sect, hoping that the talented and intelligent younger generations in the clan could quickly integrate into the cultivation world with the power of the family, and by the way, help the family fortune.

Among them, those families with no outstanding clan members will gradually disappear in the sect, which is also the law of weeding out the weak and retaining the strong in the cultivation world.

The Yin Corpse Sect's lunar calendar journey is undoubtedly the lucky one among these Jindan monks. When he was nearly [-] years old, he found an infant formation pill after exploring somewhere, and then spent nearly a hundred years breaking the pill alive. It's a baby.

Now there is one more Nascent Soul cultivator in the Yin Corpse Sect. The overall strength is equal to that of the Bone Bone Sect, and the Bone Bone Sect has been unable to cope with the strong rise of the three southern factions in the past century.

Although the number of Nascent Soul cultivators from the three factions on the back is at a disadvantage, all of them are good at fighting, and the relationship between the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect has greatly improved in recent decades. They are mutual offensive and defensive alliances. Special preparations for marriage, in order to strengthen the situation of cooperation.

Originally, the two families agreed that Liu Piaopiao from the Baigumen would marry Ke Zhihao, the current patriarch of the Yin Corpse Sect, but Ke Zhihao's ambition was not here, and he only wanted to break through the pill and become a baby.

The Yin Corpse Sect decided that Yin Que, the nephew of Yin Li Xing, would marry Miss Bone after discussion.Originally, the Yin family was quite talented, but over a hundred years ago, for unknown reasons, elite disciples of the clan fell one after another. Even the most promising disciple, Yin Wuhui, fell near the Thousand Needles Forest in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

Although they took out the Chiyang faction, people from the Yin Corpse Sect would often go to other people's territory to fight the autumn wind, and it was hard to argue against being killed by others.

I thought that the Yin family had no successors, but who would have expected that the lunar calendar would be powerful enough to use all the resources of the family to promote another nephew from the family within 150 years, but more than ten years ago, the cultivation base was only talking about reaching the late stage of foundation establishment .

Now it would be a joke for the Golden Core cultivator to marry the Foundation Establishment cultivator, but there was a Nascent Soul cultivator in charge of the Lunar Calendar, and no one else dared to say anything.

Others didn't say anything, but Liu Piaopiao, who was the client, couldn't accept it. Originally, he dreamed of marrying an indomitable hero, or at least a monk with advanced cultivation.

Originally, she was a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator, and in Dongao Land, apart from Nangong Qianyun of the Xuanling Sect and Wu Min of the Tiejianmen, who could equal her in cultivation, the rest were all juniors.

So Liu Piaopiao strongly opposed this marriage, but her father, Liu Yue, failed to break through to the late Jindan stage for a long time, and gradually gave up the hope of advancing after the age of four hundred, and concentrated on presiding over the affairs of the sect.Moreover, his own weight in the Bone Sect is increasingly underestimated, so this time the marriage between the two factions will be directly assigned to him.

The Liu family can be regarded as an old nail family that has been rooted in the Baigumen for more than a hundred years. After this marriage, the Liu family no longer has a disciple of the younger generation that can be used.

The rise of a generation is accompanied by the decline of a generation, even Liu Yue, a veteran Jindan monk, cannot withstand the ravages of time.

The process of welcoming the bride this time was well-arranged. Yin Lixing, a monk from the Yin Corpse Sect's Nascent Soul Sect, personally led the team, leading the acting head Ke Zhihao and groom official Yin Que to pick up the bride in a war boat of the Yin Corpse Sect.

The distance between the two sects is not too close. Even a Nascent Soul cultivator would have to fly a flying boat for a day or two.Under the control of the Lunar Calendar, the flying boat was speeding through the air like an off-string arrow, and it was flying through the two mountains, when suddenly a gust of wind blew in front of it in the sky, and the whole flying boat had to be slowed down. speed, and slowly dropped down.

There was a section of road in the air between the mountain gaps that was shrouded in a vast white mist. Seeing this, Lunar Xing couldn't help but shouted directly: "Everyone is ready to cross the fog, everyone sit still."

The whole journey was not long, but the flying boat was extremely bumpy when it shuttled through the clouds and mist. There was even a howling gale that blew through the flying boat's defense cover.

As a result, the lunar calendar tour had to keep the speed within a low speed range, and it took the wedding party half an hour to pass through this section of the journey smoothly.

Ke Zhihao found Yin Que, the groom's official, on the deck, and said jokingly, "Why is Junior Brother Yin so restless before he arrives at Liu's house? Thinking about getting married today, he is always confused?"

Yin Que coughed a few times and said, "It's still what the acting head said. Junior brother, I'm just excited, and thinking of marrying a Taoist partner who is a Golden Core cultivator is really a blessing that has been cultivated for countless generations."

"Oh, junior brother would still say that. Didn't you keep calling for a big fight before, why are you so scared now," Ke Zhihao said jokingly.

Yin Que had no choice but to smile back and said: "The acting head doesn't know, but my little cultivation is appreciated by others. If it wasn't for the old ancestor, it would really be nothing."

After the two chatted for a while, they only heard Yin Li Xingjie's laughter coming from the cockpit: "Stop talking, you two, the hour will be here in a while. Quickly adjust your clothes again, so as not to be caught by others at that time." Make fun of me, Necropolis."

After hearing this, Yin Que hastily rearranged the wedding clothes on his body, and combed the beard and hair bun with his hands.To be honest, Yin Que can be regarded as a strange flower of the Yin family. He is tall and thick, and if he has not made a lot of achievements in cultivation, he might not be selected by the Lunar Calendar.

Yin Lixing glanced at Yin Que with a silly face and shook his head helplessly, Wuji and Wugui who had fallen in the past were no better than him by three points.It's a pity that all of them are in the hands of that Chiyang boy. If he wants to play the lunar calendar here, he secretly feels sad. All the nephews and apprentices he has cultivated so hard are defeated by him. Could it be said that this Chiyang boy Yi Tian is really a Yin family The nemesis failed.

Simply, there has been no news of him for 150 years, and the Anzi in the Chiyang faction also spread the news. The news of this kid seems to have disappeared for a long time.

Anyway, he was not afraid of the Lunar Calendar, and made up his mind that as soon as the Chiyang boy showed up, he would immediately kill him on the spot to vent his hatred.

Not long after, the flying boat has come to the sky above Liujiazhuang on the boundary of Baigumen, and the place below is also very lively at this time. Of course, such a big event as the eldest lady of the Liu family needs to be dealt with.Reputable monks with a radius of hundreds of miles were invited to testify. This is also the meaning of the two sects of Nascent Soul monks. To amplify the impact of these events, it is best to let the entire Dongao know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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