
Chapter 337

Chapter 337
The courtyard of the Liu family mansion was very lively at this time, and the servants and maids who came and went were busy.Today is the day when Miss Liu Piaopiao leaves the pavilion, according to Master Liu Yue's intention, she will make a big splash this time, so that the whole Baigumen will know what his Liu family has done for the sect.

On the other hand, Liu Yue was wearing well-tailored clothes, sitting alone in the lobby of the Liu family's ancestral house, waiting quietly for the Yin Corpse to send someone.At this time, I don't know what is going on in Liu Yue's heart, the elders of the sect who used to be aloof are now fading away.And the daughter that I have worked so hard to train for 200 years is going to marry as a woman today.

Deep in the backyard of the mansion, Liu Piaopiao sat alone in the boudoir, weeping silently, but she hadn't put on the bridal gown that she should wear when she gets married today, but she was holding a jade plaque tightly in her hand, which vaguely contained those few verses language.

Although his appearance was ruined since he was a child, Liu Piaopiao restored his appearance under the thunder disaster when he formed the golden core.Now her face looks like a young girl's, and her body shape is almost the same as it was more than a hundred years ago.

If Yi Tian stood here and saw Liu Piaopiao's true face, he might not be able to recognize it.

Just after noon, the sound of flying boats shuttled and stopped in the sky was heard, and then the whole Liu family began to seething.The gong and drum team in the front yard began to beat vigorously.

Originally, a monk's wedding didn't need to be so grand, but Liu Yue put it up front, her family was married to the Yin Corpse Sect, so Liu Piaopiao had to come out of the court in a good manner.

This time, the Bone Gate was also witnessed by Nan Cangtian, the master of Liu Yue, a monk in the early Yuanying period.

The only monks from other sects who came to congratulate them were fellow Taoists from the Qihuang sect. As for the three sects of the southern sect, they were not interested in this matter at all, not to mention that the two sects were targeting the three sects this time. up.

With three sounds of '嗖嗖嗖', the three of them jumped off the flying boat and stood firmly at the door of the Liu Mansion, when they saw Yin Que eagerly stepped forward and shouted: "Hurry up and open the door, the new uncle is here. "

Lunar calendar line on the side also laughed angrily, "You don't need to call the door for the bridegroom." Then he turned to Ke Zhihao and said, "Go and call the door."

Although Ke Zhihao is only the acting head, but behind him is Ke Manzi who is also a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, which makes Lunar Xing not too presumptuous to point fingers.However, the prestige of the Nascent Soul cultivator was still there, and it was inconvenient for Ke Zhihao to disturb the good affairs of the Yin family, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward to knock on the door.

Fortunately, Liu Yue had agreed in advance to follow the customs of mortals, so the happy money that knocked on the door became a spirit stone.I saw Ke Zhihao also raised his hand, and in an instant, hundreds of copies of Xiqian holding a big red envelope rushed in through the crack of the door.

After three breaths, the middle door of the entire Liu Mansion opened wide, the sound of the gongs and drums playing directly overwhelmed the noise of the crowd, and the servants who had been arranged at the door lit firecrackers.

Then Yin Que took the lead across the threshold and walked in through the middle door carelessly, while Yin Lixing and Ke Zhihao followed closely behind as if they were guarding on both sides.

After the three of them came to the hall, Liu Yue came up to greet them, and Nan Cangtian, the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Baigumen, was also sitting in the hall waiting.Lunar Xing also went forward to exchange greetings, and then took a seat with He Zhihao, and the two sat next to Nan Cangtian on the right.

Following the matchmaker's cry: "The bride has come out", everyone turned their heads and saw Liu Piaopiao in a wedding robe, struggling to move with the support of two maids.

Seeing this, Yin Que frowned and asked Liu Yue: "My lord father, why is the bride like this?" Ke Zhihao who was on the side also had his eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Yin Que was also a thick and thin guy, and he didn't No matter how he saw something was wrong, he was the first to notice it.

Unexpectedly, Yin Que's words made Liu Yue feel embarrassed, but after seeing the expressions of Yin Lixing and the others, she smiled wryly and said: "Little girl is strong, so I used magic to restrain her. The cultivation base is good and the worship is smooth."

Yin Que shook his head and said with a smile: "My lord father's words are wrong. There are experts from two factions present, so why do you need to make such a bad move?"

After hearing this, Liu Yue also took a look at Yin Que Gao in front of her, and then said: "Since it's the new young master who has spoken, I have to show some face." After speaking, she stretched out her right index finger and drew a talisman in front of her. Pointing at Liu Piaopiao.

Immediately after seeing Liu Piaopiao's body trembling visibly, she broke free from the maid's support and walked up.Passing by Yin Que, he just said coldly: "Don't think that I will thank you for this, we still have a room before you form the alchemy."

One sentence made the three members of the Yin Corpse Sect present unable to come down from the stage. Yin Que turned his head to look helplessly at this time, and then replied with a smile: "It's easy to talk about. After a while, the lady will listen to you."

Ke Zhihao smiled when he heard this, but he didn't expect that the big bastard in front of him really looked like coaxing his wife.On the other hand, Lunar Xing had a sullen face, and called out impatiently: "Come to worship."

At this time, I heard the person who sang the ceremony shout loudly: "The newlyweds pay respects, and worship the heaven and the earth."

In response, Yin Que knelt on the futon and bowed down to the bright red deputy in the middle of the sky, while Liu Piaopiao knelt reluctantly under the cannibalistic eyes of Liu Yue and the two Nascent Soul cultivators. down.

"Second worship to the ancestors,"

Then Yin Que, a silly big man with a silly smile on his face, kowtowed first to the place enshrined by the Liu family on the table, and Liu Piaopiao followed helplessly and bowed slightly.

"Happy Couple"

At this time, Yin Que suddenly became clever, and hurriedly said to Liu Piaopiao: "Hurry up, hurry up, and you can go to the bridal chamber after the worship."

One sentence made the atmosphere on the court extremely awkward. Fortunately, Liu Piaopiao was wearing a red hijab, otherwise his face must be blushing at this time.

After the three obeisances, the newcomer got up and was about to go to the back compartment, when Nan Cangtian suddenly turned his head and shouted in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoists are here to make trouble at this time, could it be that they don't take the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect too seriously?"

Everyone stared blankly at Nan Cangtian, hoping that he would give an explanation.

Nan Cangtian stood up and said, "I respect you, Chiyangzi, as a grandmaster, but do you think you can deceive everyone?" Immediately, everyone saw that Nan Cangtian took out a pitted skeleton with mana in his hand It was condensed in an instant, but the spiritual consciousness was locked on Yinque standing in front of him.

Only Yin Que sneered and said: "I've shown you all this, is there really some capable people in the Baigumen?"

As soon as the voice came out, several people on the scene showed different expressions, and the lunar calendar said angrily: "Chi Yangzi, don't think that you can be disrespectful because you are a senior, and it is a bad reputation to spread your old reputation with a younger generation." gone."

"Am I just like Chi Yangzi?" In an instant, a ball of flames began to burn all over Yin Que's body, and after a flash of red light, Yin Que and Liu Piaopiao had long since disappeared from the lobby.

Nan Cangtian turned his head and said to Lunar Calendar: "This person escapes extremely fast, follow him and don't let him run away." After speaking, his figure flashed and he teleported to the sky.

The lunar calendar trip was not to be reconciled. Afterwards, the whole figure flashed an afterimage, followed Nan Cangtian and stood side by side in the sky, and asked, "Can Fellow Daoist Nan lock the opponent's position?"

"He is definitely not as fast as us with someone," said Nan Cangtian and flew towards the southeast.

(End of this chapter)

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