
Chapter 338

Chapter 338
A fiery red light flashed across the sky above the Dongao Mountain Forest and galloped towards the blessed land of the sect of the Chiyang Sect.After ten breaths, two gray and white streaks of light flashed one after the other, and the same direction was towards the southeast.

However, the speeds of the two groups are basically the same, with a gap of about ten breaths.Nan Cangtian, who was in the white twilight light, also had lingering fears at this time, the person in front of him escaped so fast, even if he brought someone with him, he could be on par with him.Fortunately, just now I sensed that Chi Yangzi should not be the middle-stage Nascent Soul, otherwise the two of them would never have dared to pursue so closely.

But what that person used was indeed the technique of the Chiyang Sect. I really don't know when the Chiyang Sect will produce another Nascent Soul cultivator, and it is good to take this opportunity to seriously injure the opponent with a two-on-one.

After thinking about it, Nan Cangtian hurriedly transmitted the voice behind the lunar calendar: "Let's speed up and don't let him run back to the territory of the Chiyang faction, and take this opportunity to weaken the strength of the Chiyang faction with two enemies and one."

Lunar Xing said with a Jie Jie smile: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Nan, let's forget about my grievances with the Chiyang Sect. This time, let's make some interest first." Speed ​​up by three points.

The two were about to try their best to catch up. Suddenly, their spiritual sense detected that the other party had stopped in front of them. The two looked at each other overjoyed, and each slowed down and flew over.

The so-called abnormality must have a monster, not to mention that in such a situation where one enemy and two disadvantages, the opponent actively seeks a battle, which will definitely make the two old monsters have scruples.But they were afraid that the fat would slip out of their mouths. Although the two of them had some scruples, they did not flinch at all because of their cultivation base and the advantages of their numbers.

After five breaths, the spiritual senses of the two had already locked onto each other, and the man stopped above the Tiger Leaping Cliff about four hundred miles away, as if he was waiting for the two of them.

Nan Cangtian and Yin Lixing looked at each other, and then they surrounded them from the left and right respectively.When the two of them flew close to fifty li, they suddenly saw the man manipulating the array above the Tiger Leaping Cliff, and the surrounding scene changed instantly.

The whole ground seemed to have a great gravity, as if it was going to pull the two people in the air down.Nan Cangtian felt that he was falling rapidly again, so he was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped and stabilized his figure after the mana in his whole body circulated rapidly.

Looking down, I saw that I had fallen more than 20 feet. I turned my head and took a look at the lunar calendar before I was surprised.Immediately, he fell several tens of feet and almost fell into the woods below.

While in a trance, with a sudden bang, a ghost-faced flower vine with a bowl-thick mouth sprang out from the white mist, opened its blood basin and opened its mouth, and attacked Nancangtian directly.Nan Cangtian has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, knowing that he missed the opportunity, he hurriedly took out the bone claw from his hand, made a seal on his hand and pointed upwards.Immediately, the bone claw changed in the wind, expanding to three times its size.

With a sound of 'bang', after the two spells slammed in the air, the bone claws and vine veins each retreated ten feet.Seeing that the opponent didn't take advantage of the blow, Nan Cangtian made up his mind, and then quickly made a seal on his hand and then pointed towards the bone claw.

This time, the ghost-faced flower vine on the opposite side jumped up and down as if it had learned its lesson, and another vine quietly poked its head out from the mist.

Seeing that something was wrong, Nan Cangtian hurriedly greeted Yin Li Xingdao: "Come and help, the other party is using a trap formation, let's break the formation and go out first."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of fire and rushed down directly. Although Lunar Xing is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, the strength of this kind of cultivator who barely breaks through the pill and becomes an infant by relying on the Yingying Pill is not a little worse than Nan Cangtian. two o'clock.

However, he was not stingy when he saw the opponent's attack, he just clenched his hands into fists and used his famous stunt, the corpse hand.Immediately, the phantoms on the two fists flew out with a bang, and after the phantoms condensed into reality, they merged into a real punch and hit towards the fire in the mist.

When the loud noise shocked the valley again, only Lunar Xing screamed, "Ah, the shameless boy attacked me." '

A fist wrapped in purple flames was suddenly inserted from Lunar Xing's back, and then pierced through his chest, and Lunar Xing's whole person began to burn.A gray light flashed from his forehead, and before it flew three feet away, it was firmly pinched by another purple fire palm.

A sneer came and said: "The lunar calendar is going, our account is finally settled now, don't worry, I will wipe out your Yin family."

After the fire flashed past, Nan Cangtian saw a monk in his 20s staring at him not far away, holding a storage ring for the lunar calendar and other objects in his hand.

After a moment of hesitation, I heard the person on the other side ask: "Are you Liu Piaopiao's master?"

Nan Cangtian nodded and replied: "With a friendly method, you can easily kill a monk of the same level. I don't think there will be such a silent and unknown person like you in Dongao. I don't know where you come from?"

"I'm originally a member of Dong'ao Six Sects, but it was a bit of a holiday with this lunar calendar back then. For Liu Piaopiao's sake, I will let you go today, but I hope you will keep your mouth shut and retreat immediately after you go back. Otherwise Don't blame me for not showing affection."

Nan Cang said angrily in a hurry: "Fellow Daoist, isn't this too overbearing?" He casually pointed at the bone claw and wanted to raise it again.

I only heard the other party say something faintly: "You old bones are shameless, so don't blame me for being rude."

After speaking, a white light flashed and directly shone on Nan Cangtian's body, immediately freezing his figure.At the same time, the two surrounding ghost-faced flower vines entangled directly, trapping Nan Cangtian's body.

The ghost face flower opened its bloody mouth and directly covered its head, as if it would bite off as long as the other party gave an order.

Nan Cangtian, a veteran Nascent Soul cultivator of the Baigumen, only felt that the true essence in his body was not flowing smoothly, and the whole Nascent Soul seemed to be unable to move after being illuminated by the light.I felt very regretful in my heart, originally the other party was clearly letting me survive, but now I don't know how to end it.

At this time, a willow fluttering voice came from the mist: "You let my master go, and I will walk with you for the rest of my life to serve you."

The man replied with an "um", and then withdrew the white light, and then the vines wrapped around Nan Cangtian's body slowly loosened, and quietly retracted into the white mist.

At this time Liu Piaopiao said again: "Master, go and take care of yourself, Piao Piao is here to say goodbye."

Nan Cangtian re-mobilized the spiritual energy in his lower body and found that it was back to normal, and even the Nascent Soul could move freely.He sighed helplessly and said: "The Chiyang faction is really going to rise, the old man will go back to the mountain to retreat and not care about world affairs, you can do it yourself," he turned around and ran away without looking back.

After a quarter of an hour, when the fog cleared, two figures appeared in the air.Liu Piaopiao carefully looked at the person in front of him, then picked up the jade tablet to reveal the words and looked at it: "Are you really him?"

"Could it be false, don't you believe in revealing words, don't you believe in your own eyes?" Yi Tian replied with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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