
Chapter 339 Zongmen

Chapter 339 Zongmen
It has been nearly 150 years since he left Dong Ao. After Yi Tian came back, he did not go back to Chiyang Sect first, but walked around Fanxing City.

Finding that the tokens he had back then could still be used, he used the former illusion technique to change his face, and then sneaked into the city with his cultivation base suppressed in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Originally, I also wanted to inquire about the situation of the Chiyang Sect in recent years, but I happened to pass by the medicine shop of Liu's house in Baigumen, and saw that there were red ribbons hanging in front of the door, so I realized something was wrong.

After inquiring, they found out that it was the marriage between the Bone Sect and the Infernal Corpse Sect. This time, they decided to destroy this good thing from the sidelines.When he found out that the groom was the nephew of Lunar Calendar after inquiring, Yi Tian also sneered.After some preparations, layers of mazes will be laid on the way to welcome the flying boat, and they will go up quietly while driving the big formation to destroy the defense of the flying boat.

Originally, I just wanted to pretend to be a servant or a follower, but I didn't expect that this big fool was standing on the deck by chance, and now I just found the right owner, so I'm not welcome, Nascent Soul stage monk Dealing with monks in the late stage of foundation establishment is not something that can be done in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, he used Thousand Illusions to change his face into a yin-like one, and followed the brigade to fish in troubled waters and enter Liujiazhuang.

Thinking about it, this matter was surprisingly smooth. Although the Lunar Calendar is a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is indeed worse than Yi Tianyi by more than one point or two.Even if he played tricks under his nose, he was not seen through. It should have been lucky that he could quietly take him away after worshiping, but he didn't expect that Nan Cangtian, a veteran Nascent Soul cultivator, somehow found out some clues , and mistook himself for Chi Yangzi.

Since the matter was brought to light, Yi Tian directly kidnapped and ran away, but he didn't expect the other party to catch up.After all, it was the first time he faced off against a human after the Nascent Soul Stage, and he had someone with him, so Yi Tian didn't dare to push him too hard, and walked directly towards the Tiger Leaping Cliff where he had set up the formation back then.

Fortunately, those formation disks were still there, so after arriving there, I didn't spend much effort. I directly took out the thousand phantom bells and set them in the formation disks, and then quickly activated the phantom formations, expanding the range of the psychedelic formations all at once. Expand to seventy or eighty miles away.

As for the confrontation with those two people, Yi Tian also took advantage of it. After killing Lunar Xing with a strong shot, he immediately took out the 'Haotian Mirror' and directly fixed Nan Cangtian's Nascent Soul.

After listening to a short narration, Liu Piaopiao said with tears in her eyes, "Where have you been dead for so many years, I have searched and found no news about you."

"Hehe," Yi Tian smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm back now. You see, I'm a baby now. Come back to the Chiyang Sect with me. When we get there, we will directly live in the forbidden area of ​​the sect. , no one dares to disturb us."

Liu Piaopiao nodded shyly and said: "I have already paid homage to you, and now that I am out of the sect, it is very difficult for me to have a place in the three factions north of the boundary of Dongao. If I don't go with you, Are you trying to abandon me?"

After listening to it, Yi Tian said happily: "It's okay, it's okay, you can treat the Chiyang faction as your own home in the future, I still have some important things to do after I go back this time, and I may be busy for a while."

Liu Piaopiao curled her lips and said, "I don't object to you men wanting to make big things happen, but you can't make trouble outside."

One sentence choked Yi Tian, ​​and after a moment of silence, he said, "Let's go back to the sect first. On the way, I will tell you what I have experienced over the years."

Although Yi Tian is very reluctant to confess these pasts to Liu Piaopiao, but these are real things.And after Kui Yin's lineage returns, it is bound to make this matter public to the public. It is better to be open and honest earlier than to hide it.

On the contrary, Liu Piaopiao felt a little sympathetic to Yi Tian and Yan Zhaoxue's matter. It was a bit like a political marriage, but it was related to the revival of the sect, and she personally couldn't object too much.

However, Liu Piaopiao's face obviously turned down when she talked about Shi Qianwei's incident. This husband was snatched away by others for the first time, and she was so angry that she scolded Shi Qianwei for being shameless. man.

Looking back at the ignorant Yi Tian, ​​he didn't give a good look. He was full of anger along the way. Although he was wearing a bride's wedding gown, he had a stern face and didn't say a word. Long winded.

For more than 100 years, the gate of the Chiyang School has not changed, only the disciples on duty outside the gate have changed.A group of on-duty disciples of the Discipline Hall was patrolling the mountain gate, and suddenly saw that the big formation of the mountain gate started to operate automatically.

The people below hurriedly informed Qu Yifeng, the head of the Discipline Hall, and when he arrived, the whole formation had returned to calm.The Foundation Establishment disciples below didn't care about such a thing, and there were not many people who were proficient in formations in the entire mountain gate, and this matter gradually faded out of sight.

But Qu Yifeng, who is the head of the Discipline Hall, doesn't think so. There are two possibilities for the automatic operation of the mountain protection formation. Sneaked in quietly.

If it's the latter, Qu Yifeng really broke out in a cold sweat behind his back, at least a monk like this must be a person who is proficient in formations in the late Jindan period.Looking at the Dongao Six Sects, it seems that there is no such person who will deliberately visit the Chiyang Sect in this form.

Immediately after comforting the disciples below, Qu Yifeng directly felt that the Chiyang main hall met Yang Yanzi, the head of the palace, and told the matter in detail.

Since Yang Yanzi was injured after the civil strife in Chiyang, he has improved in cultivation for more than a hundred years, but he has never been able to cross the barrier of breaking through the alchemy and becoming a baby. The door trains the disciples of the younger generation.

If Yi Tian was present, he could see that Yang Yanzi didn't seem to have changed much, but the spiritual energy on his body was much weaker, and the whole person also showed a twilight state.

And Yan Jun was injured by Zhuo Lingfeng after the civil strife in Chiyang back then, so he has been practicing in seclusion in recent years, and gave up his seat at the head of the Discipline Hall.

After hearing Qu Yifeng's report, Yang Yanzi's eyebrows twitched in Chiyang Hall, and he couldn't help thinking.After a while, he made a decision, turned his head and said to Ye Qingchen next to him: "Junior Sister, go to the handle of the mountain gate quickly. From now on, the Chiyang faction is only allowed to enter but not to exit."

Then he turned to Qu Yifeng and said, "You and I will go to the Zongmen forbidden ground to meet the ancestor. Bar."

Immediately, the two masters and apprentices got up and quickly flew out from the back door of the main hall towards the place where Chiyangzi retreated. At the same time, bells rang from the mountain gate of the Chiyang Sect. This was something that had never happened in more than a hundred years. .

(End of this chapter)

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