
Chapter 340

Chapter 340 The Return
The lava valley was still as hot as ever, and Chi Yangzi was sitting cross-legged in the small hut in the middle.Although he has ignored the affairs of the sect for a long time, since the civil strife in Chiyang, he will always spare some consciousness to pay attention to the affairs of the sect.

In fact, it is also to prevent the occurrence of the sect elder directly sealing himself in the forbidden area after the civil strife last time.

Today, the bell from the main hall of Chiyang Sect resounded throughout the entire sect, and then spread the sound to every corner of the sect, including of course the forbidden area of ​​Lava Valley.

In less than a quarter of an hour, I saw Yang Yanzi, the leader of the discipline hall, and Qu Yifeng, the head of the Discipline Hall, hurried into the forbidden area after a pass outside the valley. Opened the mouth and said: "Master Qi, today Qu Yifeng, the head of the Discipline Academy, discovered that the Zongmen's formation suddenly opened for no reason. It seems that someone wanted to harm the Zongmen. I think this is rarely the case after the Chiyang Sect experienced a catastrophe 150 years ago. It happened. The disciple knew that the situation was serious, so he came to Bingming to see the master clearly."

Qu Yifeng also paused and said, "Patriarch, please tell the disciple how to deal with it."

After a while, the door of the dilapidated house was opened, and then Chi Yangzi walked out slowly and glanced at the two of them.Then, as if he seemed to be fading, he turned and stared at an open space next to the house for a long time, and then said lightly with his beard: "Finally came back, yo, and kidnapped his wife, look at what you do Is it possible that my old man will wipe your ass for you?"

Yang Yanzi and Qu Yifeng wondered for a while, but seeing Chi Yangzi's appearance, it didn't seem like he was lying.Just as he was about to ask a question, suddenly two figures appeared indistinctly in the open space.

A female cultivator wearing a bride's wedding robe bowed down to salute Chi Yangzi and said, "Junior Liu Piaopiao pays homage to Patriarch Chiyang."

After hearing this, Yang Yanzi and the two also sighed. This is the out-and-out lady of the Baigumen. I heard that she is marrying with the Yin Corpse Sect recently. How could she be abducted to the Chiyang Sect.

On the contrary, the back of the person standing next to him was a little familiar, but he couldn't check his seat for a while.

At this time, Yi Tian turned his head and smiled at Jishou and said: "This disciple hurried back this time, and I came to visit the ancestor first, because I have important matters to discuss. As for alarming the head and Junior Brother Qu, it is also a sin, I will come later Chiyang main hall defends itself."

Chi Yangzi laughed and said: "What are you arguing for yourself? You are now a Nascent Soul cultivator, so you can just be my junior brother. From now on, you will be the suzerain of the Chi Yang Sect."

One sentence frightened both Yang Yanzi and Qu Yifeng. The two hurriedly stretched out their spiritual senses and scanned Yi Tian in front of them for a while, and they couldn't help but feel emotional after confirming that it was correct.I think that when Yi Tian disappeared, he was just a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment. He didn't expect to jump two steps in a row after returning more than 150 years later, and became the Nascent Soul.

This made Yang Yanzi feel ashamed all of a sudden, his age was really in vain.On the contrary, Qu Yifeng's eyes lit up, and he looked at Yi Tian with extremely envious eyes in an instant.

In contrast, Qu Yifeng's cultivation can be regarded as extremely fast in the past 150 years, breaking through from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of Jindan.In the Chiyang faction, it is definitely an existence that makes people look up to the mountains, but compared with the one in front of me, it is really inferior.

Then he also joked: "Brother Yi, I didn't expect you to be so diligent in cultivation, and it's not bad to find a wife. You just abducted the Bone Witch. If her master Nan Cangtian and father-in-law Yin Lixing knew about it, you wouldn't pick it up." off your skin."

Yi Tian sneered and turned his head back, "I snatched him from Nan Cangtian and Yin Lixing. Don't worry, Nan Cangtian has promised not to pursue this matter now, and he has already returned to the Bone Cave to cultivate."

Yang Yanzi continued: "Isn't there still a lunar calendar? This person has just reached the Nascent Soul stage, but he is very difficult to deal with."

With two swishes, Yi Tian raised his hand and threw out the two storage rings, and then said lightly: "I crushed the lunar calendar line and exploded the Nascent Soul, so his things are still here with me."

Yang Yanzi gasped after hearing this, and hastily scanned the storage ring with his spiritual sense, only to see the words 'Yin Corpse Sect Yin Li Xing' engraved on each of them.This thing is definitely not bad. If it is like what Yi Tian said, then the Yin Corpse Sect lacks a Nascent Soul cultivator, and the Bone Sect is beaten for self-reflection, and the day of the Chiyang Sect's rise will not be far away.

A light cough interrupted the conversation of several people, and Chi Yangzi smiled and said to Yi Tian: "You guys will talk later, I have something to tell you. The new wife will go to your Young Eagle Peak to cultivate first, and then there will be The surrounding area of ​​the mountain peak is designated as a forbidden area for you. Yang Yanzi, you and Mr. Qu Yifeng entertain Miss Liu well, and don’t disclose any rumors to the outside world, or you two are the only ones asking.”

Hearing what the patriarch said, Yang Yanzi didn't dare to overstep, and hurriedly led Qu Yifeng to reply: "I would like to follow the patriarch's decree," and then motioned for Liu Piaopiao to go out together.

Yi Tian also nodded, then raised his hand and threw a jade token for the entrance guard of the cave to Liu Piaopiao, saying: "You go back first, I have something to discuss with the ancestor."

After the latter took the jade card, he showed a little joy on his face and said, "Talk about playing and come back quickly, we have never rested all the way," he said without blushing or panting.

But Qu Yifeng next to him yelled at Yi Tian with a wicked smile on his face: "Brother, I need to make up for this cup of wedding wine some other day. I will remember it here first." Fart out of the forbidden area.

After the few people had left, Chi Yangzi looked Yi Tian up and down, then straightened his clothes and said, "Chi Yangzi from Xuanyangmen pays his respects to the new Yi Tian."

"Oh," Yi Tian frowned, and then asked inexplicably, "How can you be sure that I am the new suzerain of the Xuanyang Sect?"

Chi Yangzi didn't say much, just pointed his finger, and instantly a fiery red flame was shot out.Seeing this, Yi Tian imitated the example and pointed his fingers a little bit, sacrificing a ray of golden flames.

The two flames attacked each other in the air, only to see that the golden flame completely suppressed the red flame, and then pulled the real fire out of it bit by bit.

Seeing this, Chi Yangzi hurriedly withdrew the magic spell, and then said with high spirits: "I didn't expect that the suzerain not only supplemented the Xuanyang faction's Zhenpai skills, but also strengthened the real fire, and now the sect is hopeful for revival. "

Although both of them used the Shayan Finger of the Xuanyang School just now, the skills that activate the spells are not at the same level, so even if Chi Yangzi's cultivation reached the middle stage of Yuanying, he would be at an absolute disadvantage in the single spell competition .

In this way, Yi Tian also understood that the situation that he was seen through several times after he became a baby, turned out to be the powerful fire-type kung fu he practiced, which caused a strong pressure on the surrounding monks of the same level. Perhaps only those big monks in the late Yuanying period can not be affected.

Seeing that Yi Tian put away his spells like this, he briefly talked about his experiences over the years, including finding the Kui Yin lineage in Xihuang.He also told Chi Yangzi his future preparations and plans, and the other party who listened to him sometimes agreed and hesitated, and did not make a specific decision for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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