
Chapter 341 Change

Chapter 341 Change
These two Chiyang Sects still maintain a low-key state. The entire sect is tight inside and loose outside. Externally, it still regards itself as the weakest of the three southern sects, and its strength has obviously begun to shrink. Controversial areas were all handed over to the other party.

Just when the two sects of Iron Sword and Xuanling couldn't figure out what to do, they suddenly received an invitation from the Chiyang faction.This time the Chiyang Sect will celebrate the new Nascent Soul cultivator, and at the same time will hold a wedding ceremony. It is said that the new lady is quite famous.

At the same time, the Baigu Gate, Yin Corpse Sect, and Qihuang Gate in the north also received invitations to watch the ceremony.For a while, the entire Dongao Five Sects were paying attention to Chiyang, wanting to know what happened in these years.

However, according to gossip, Liu Yue from Baigumen has been a little hesitant recently, because the special envoy sent by Chiyang sent an invitation to her on purpose.

Everyone knows that the marriage between the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect was disrupted by a mysterious person half a year ago, and the Lunar Xing who pursued them together did not come back, and Nan Cangtian announced that he was going to be locked up as soon as he returned to the Bone Cave Close, it won't come out until the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Some good-natured people spread rumors that Nan Cangtian suffered a big loss at the hands of the mysterious person, and Lunar Calendar Xing fell directly.

The Bone Sect and the Infernal Corpse Sect were surprisingly restrained about this, and no one jumped out to say a word, which actually confirmed these rumors.

In fact, as the Dong'ao Six Sects, all sects and sects will send people to congratulate anyone who has a new Nascent Soul cultivator, which can be regarded as a courtesy.

Unexpectedly, the first Nascent Soul cultivator to appear among the three southern factions in the past hundred years was actually the weakest Chiyang faction, and rumors of the Chiyang faction's rise were spread everywhere.After all, people will always get old, and so do monks. Even if there are no new Nascent Soul monks to fill in the Iron Sword Gate for a long time, it will gradually decline.

Although the overall strength of the other two factions is not weak, there have been no new monks appearing for more than a hundred years, which indirectly led to the appropriate adjustment of the strategies of the two factions in the next few hundred years.

No matter what the outside world guesses, in fact, there are very few insiders in the entire Chiyang Sect, except for the head of the school, Yang Yanzi, and the head of the Discipline Hall, Qu Yifeng, there are very few people who know the inside story.

However, this newly-promoted Yuanying monk directly allocated the Young Eagle Peak as his cave, and the disciples within a radius of nearly fifty miles were directly relocated to other places under the arrangement of the sect.

Many junior monks don't know the ownership of the original site of Young Eagle Peak, but those old people know it.In the next period of time, these people gathered together to protest directly to the head, demanding that the cave be vacated.

And the head of the sect, Yang Yanzi, replied indifferently: "Go and talk to the Yuanying ancestor yourself."

I wanted to let these people retreat, but Wu Xing and Huang Ziang, the two chief disciples of Dantang and Qidian, directly brought a group of people to the door.Fortunately, there is still the courtesy that these two people should have when facing the Nascent Soul cultivator, and the two of them are only Jindan early stage cultivation bases and can walk sideways inside the door, but they dare not be presumptuous in front of high-ranking monks.

The two were called in and chatted for a while, but when they came out, they just stared at each other in disbelief.Afterwards, all the visitors were dismissed in a proper manner, but afterwards the two also held some small gatherings in private, and some gossip leaked from the gatherings.The most powerful figure of Chiyang Sect has returned, and this person is also the boss of the two chief disciples.

It didn't take long for the head of the original alchemy hall to claim that he was going to be closed to death, and directly gave up the seat to his apprentice Wu Xing.However, Ning Qingyuan, the first seat in the Hall of Qi, had already sat down decades ago, while Ning Yuxuan failed to form an alchemy, and escaped into reincarnation after exhausting his lifespan 50 years ago.

Right now, Qi Haosi, a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator, is the only one supporting the entire Artifact Hall, but he is not a person who likes to call the shots. Fulfill the duties of the chief seat.

But Ye Ziyan, the third leader in the Discipline Hall, went to Young Eagle Peak alone one night, unexpectedly someone came out to greet her inside.After she came out, her whole person changed, and when she turned around, she and her master Ye Qingchen resigned from the Discipline Hall, and then went to her own cave and began to retreat.

Regarding this matter, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, although he has always regarded Ye Ziyan as a younger sister from the bottom of his heart, but he can't help that she is not like this.Finally, under Liu Piaopiao's angry eyes, he agreed to Ye Ziyan that as long as she could cultivate to the middle stage of Jindan, she could be admitted.

From now on, Liu Piaopiao will guard the cave gate of Young Eagle Peak even more. All male monks who come can enter, while female monks will be strictly inspected like three courts.

Even when Wu Xing, the head of the Pill Hall, brought his wife Ning Ning to visit, he was stopped and asked Zaisan before he was allowed to enter.

Seeing Ning Ning Yitian, he couldn't help thinking of Ning Yuxuan and his master Ning Qingyuan, but unfortunately neither of them could resist the torment of the years, and in the end they both died of exhaustion of life energy.

Even Wu Xing's original partner, Zhao Xinmeng, failed to form an alchemy and collapsed decades ago. Now seeing Ning Ning and Wu Xing come together, Yi Tian feels comforted. Who can survive at this moment? Talented by the sky, the journey of cultivation is indeed bumpy. The further you go down, the fewer friends you have.

After sending these friends away, Yi Tian also fell into deep thought. The former friends such as Tang Lin and Gao Shou have all disappeared, and what remains is that they have written down their names on the list of Chiyang Sect's foundation-building disciples .

Liu Piaopiao saw Yi Tian's thoughts, and enlightened him on the side: "My husband, don't feel sorry, the journey of cultivating immortals is like this, and there are very few people who can successfully complete the rugged road, not to mention if we don't work hard now. , then in time, Yin and Yang will be separated like them."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian suddenly said: "Yes, I also know that the Dao is ruthless, so I should cherish everything in front of me, and now I have more important things to do, maybe this is also my mission in this world Bar."

Seeing that Yi Tian gradually became cheerful, Liu Piaopiao was also moved by it and said: "My husband, you and I are of one mind, and its benefits can cut through gold. I don't know how you are prepared to face the provocations of the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect. Pai will definitely not wait to die, maybe he will do something."

Yi Tian sneered indifferently and said: "It's okay, I thought I had just broken the pill and became a baby, but I didn't really realize my strength until I fought against Nan Cangtian and Lunying. Don't look at my husband I am only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but I am not ambiguous about those mid-stage cultivators. As for the ceremony, as long as Xiaoxiao dares to be presumptuous, I will let them experience the prestige of the Chiyang Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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