
Chapter 342

Chapter 342
The Chiyang Sect had already sent out invitations to the major sects to hold the Nascent Soul Ceremony more than a year ago. The Iron Sword Sect and the Xuanling Sect, both of which are offensive and defensive alliances of the three southern factions, replied early in the morning that they would definitely attend on time.

The attitude of the three northern sects is a bit ambiguous. The White Bone Gate will directly reply and send the deacons and elders of the gate to watch the ceremony. The Qihuang Gate has always adhered to the principle of non-aggression and only replied politely. At that time, the elders will lead the team to come. Participate in the ceremony.

As for the Yin Corpse Sect, they will definitely attend on time, but they are very interested in the strength of the newly promoted Yuanying monks of the Chiyang Sect.Ke Zhihao, the acting head, even revealed some rumors that the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Yin Corpse Sect hoped to be lucky enough to come to discuss it.

Sitting in the hall of the cave mansion, Yi Tian also looked helpless after looking at the information jade slips submitted by Zongmen.It seems that although the attitude of the three northern factions has softened, they can't justify the fact that they killed the Yinshi faction's lunar calendar year ago.

This time it seems that we can only shake the mountain and shake the tiger, but I don't know who the Yin Corpse sent. Ke Zhihao definitely can't, it must be the Nascent Soul cultivator.I had a little affection with Ke Manzi back then, so it would be okay if he came, but if someone else wants to come, it will be a hard fight.

Liu Piaopiao on the side has now returned to her usual attire. Although she has no makeup, but a cultivator has been nourished by spiritual energy for many years, she looks no different from her appearance.

At this time, she saw that her husband had read the book and met with embarrassment, so she knew that this matter was difficult to handle, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Is Yi Lang going to be in trouble with this big ceremony, or don't do it, privately Just show your face."

Yi Tian smiled and shook his head and said: "It's not as simple as you think. Let's not say that this invitation has been sent out for a year, and the sect's face alone will never allow it to stop. Besides, this time it is to help you rectify your name. The best opportunity, if people from Baigumen and Yinshi send people to approve it, there will be a lot less trouble in the future."

After hearing this, Liu Piaopiao said with a blushing face: "I will obey you when you marry and follow your husband. But don't be too aggressive, and be careful when fighting with others."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just laughed without saying a word, knowing these things well.

Half a month later, the gate of the Chiyang School was opened, and the mountain guard formation was temporarily closed.As long as the visiting guests hold the invitation card, they can be led by the disciples of Zhiketang to the main hall of the Chiyang School to watch the ceremony.

After the bell in the main hall of the Chiyang School rang nine times, Yi Tian led Liu Piaopiao out of the back hall slowly.Along the way, they met Xuan Jianxin, a Nascent Soul cultivator from Tiejianmen, and Nangong Ba, a member of Xuanling Sect.

Xuan Jianxin is a Nascent Soul that has advanced a hundred years ago, and he and himself had a good relationship outside the sword mound, so I want to come this time to congratulate him sincerely.

And Nangong Ba is a long-established Nascent Soul cultivator of the Xuanling Sect. He had only heard of his reputation before, but now he sees him and realizes that he is a hero.He has been in the initial stage of Yuanying for more than 400 years, and he is basically just consuming his foundation now, and there is almost no possibility of further improvement.

Standing behind these two people are all their old acquaintances, the golden boy and jade girl of Iron Sword Gate, Wu Min and Qiu Renjiu, both of them are now in the middle stage of Jindan, and they are also the mainstay in Iron Sword Gate. When the opportunity comes, he will be the best candidate for the head.

But at this time, Enemy Jiu looked at Yi Tian with disdain no longer, replaced by a look of admiration.

Standing behind Nangong Ba was Nangong Qianyun. She hadn't seen the slightest change in her appearance for 50 years, and her cultivation had advanced to the middle stage of Golden Alchemy, but she had a badge of a fifth-level alchemist pinned on her chest.

After greeting them one by one, Yi Tian missed a few people and turned his attention to the other half. The Baigumen and Qihuangmen of the three northern factions have already arrived, and everyone who came here knows them.At this time, Liu Yue from Baigumen only snorted coldly when she saw Yi Tian who was full of vigor, and then looked at Liu Piaopiao behind her and sighed helplessly.

Yi Tian also knew what he was thinking, and just sent a few words through voice transmission.Liu Yue's eyes lit up after hearing this, and then her face turned slightly to reveal a little joy.Turning around and telling Liu Piaopiao a few words, she raised her hand and threw a jade bottle over. Liu Yue reached out to pick it up, reached in and scanned it with her spiritual sense, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Standing not far from Liu Yue was Zhu Yin, the elder of the inner sect of Qihuang Sect, he frowned slightly, and then looked at Yi Tian and Liu Yue in surprise.It was obvious that he had sensed what was in the jade bottle, so he had this reaction.

Yi Tian had no choice but to give him a calm look to stabilize the scene.If Zhu Yin asks for it on the spot, he doesn't know what to do next.

Chi Yangzi, who was sitting on the right seat, introduced to everyone with a smile at this time: "This is Yi Tian, ​​a new Nascent Soul cultivator from Chi Yang Sect, and he will be my junior in the future. Take care."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a loud cry from above the main hall of the Chiyang Sect: "Who am I? It turns out that you have advanced to the Nascent Soul stage. Compared with you, these Dongao heroes are all idiots." Well."

One sentence almost offended everyone present, but Chi Yangzi said unhurriedly: "Fellow Daoist Ke from the Yin Corpse Sect has been here for a long time, and he doesn't come down to sit down."

Ke Manzi appeared in the air and roared loudly: "You don't need to sit down, I'm in a hurry. I heard that Yi Tian immediately wiped out the lunar calendar and defeated Nan Cangtian when you came back. This old man wants to learn from you." Down."

Without waiting for Chiyangzi to speak, Yi Tian interjected: "Fellow Daoist Ke, we had a good relationship back then. As for what you said about killing the Yin Corpse Sect's Nascent Soul cultivator, you can't just frame it indiscriminately. There must be evidence." Anyway. All these situations have been expected before, as long as this matter is involved, they will refuse to admit it. Besides, no one really dares to come to the Nascent Soul cultivator to confront him directly.

Ke Manzi was not annoyed when he heard it in the air, but changed his tone and said: "I respect you as a new junior, so why don't you come out and compete with me, and let this matter go."

In the end, I did it again, although Yi Tian had already guessed it in his heart, he directly replied: "How can you be disrespectful, Fellow Daoist Ke, if you invite me, let me teach you." Came to the high place above Chiyang main hall and confronted Ke Manzi.

This time Ke Zhihao came with his father, and he was surprised to see Yi Tian in front of him.The secret way is not good. This person is even more unfathomable than when I met him in Liujiazhuang two years ago, and his cultivation is really improving by leaps and bounds. '

Ke Manzi's face also became extremely dignified after he locked his consciousness on the opponent, but now it's hard to get off the tiger, and it's not easy to lose the reputation of the Yin Corpse Sect.

Yi Tian glanced at the other party and knew that he had some scruples in his heart, so he smiled and said, "How about we, Daoist Ke, decide the outcome with one move? You don't want to hurt everyone."

Ke Manzi nodded, stretched out his hands in front of his chest, and summoned a golden-armored refining corpse, and then urged the magic formula in his hand to point at the refining corpse.Immediately, a spiritual pressure not weaker than that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage came from the corpse, and a gray light flashed, and the refined corpse teleported to less than five feet in front of Yi Tian, ​​and then rushed forward with its teeth and claws.

After hearing Yi Tian's sneer from the air, a golden spark flashed, and there was a roaring sound, which spread throughout the entire Chiyang faction in an instant.

Those monks with lower cultivation bases were directly shocked to sit on the ground, those Jindan monks in the hall also looked at the sky in surprise, and even those Nascent Soul monks showed deep fear on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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