
Chapter 34 Inscription

Chapter 34 Inscription
Dexing Restaurant is a restaurant opened by Pujia in Pushanfang, which belongs to its own industry.

This place is dedicated to entertaining the high-level monks in the past, and even Pu Siyuan himself has to reserve a seat.

On the second floor, Yi Tian, ​​Pu Siyuan, and Cai Wenbin were seated separately. On the table were the signature dishes of Dexing Building, Si Bao La Sauce, Bai Zhan Feng Chicken, Steamed Buffalo Beef Kicks, and Skinless Clams.

The four dishes were all cooked with spirit animal meat, and Yi Tian felt delicious and tender when he put the dishes in his mouth.

After chewing the teeth and swallowing, the food is converted into spiritual energy in the stomach, slowly nourishing the internal organs, and finally converging into spiritual energy, which runs for a week and then slowly converges to the dantian.

Cai Wenbin, who was on the side, was not polite. He ate a big bowl of food and drank alcohol. He looked back at Pu Siyuan, his face was ruddy and he was in good spirits.

Although the eyebrows are still a bit sluggish, the mental outlook of the whole person is completely different from that of a month ago.

The housekeeper of the Pu family was adding wine to the three people who were sitting. Seeing that the young master looked good today, he was also happy, and urged the staff in the store to bring more jars of wine.

I remember that a month ago, the young master was depressed since his wife was buried. After returning home that night, he locked himself in the house for a few days without eating. Every day, he only knew to ask the maid to deliver wine and food.

When the news spread to the ancestral house, the Elder personally intervened, and finally took Pu Siyuan back to the ancestral house and locked him up for more than 20 days.

After Pu Siyuan was released, the housekeeper found that his young master's whole figure had changed.

Not only did I seize the time to start cultivating, but the whole person seemed to have a little more spiritual energy.

I will be more attentive in everything I do, and now Derentang's business is managed by the eldest young master himself.

Seeing how the young master feels full of energy every day, even the housekeeper is happy for him.

Yi Tian only ate the Bigu Pill once in Juxingfang this month and hurry up to practice.

Under the constant practice of the fire control technique of concentrating and uniting, I found that my cultivation level still failed to break through the third level of Qi training, and I couldn't help but feel anxious.

If I wanted to ask Pu Siyuan for advice, I couldn't find anyone else, let alone Cai Wenbin, who had been living in the Pu family compound.

Yi Tian couldn't even get in the door, and when he was in a hurry, he had no choice but to follow Duan Yugang to learn mineral smelting and stayed in front of the stove for half a month.

But these hours were not in vain, and Yi Tiandu had already learned about the preliminary mineral refining.

Besides, Duan Yugang was also willing to teach, and discussed his own experience with Yi Tian in detail in his spare time.

At the beginning, Yitian scholars smelted copper essence, and the whole piece of ore was burnt with pits and pits, and the embryo was cracked by hitting it twice with a hammer.

According to Duan Yugang, the heat is not enough, and too many impurities remain in the embryo, so the copper essence is impure and cannot withstand beating.

After many times of calcination, Yitian can calcine a copper embryo after five days. Fortunately, the forging was successful this time.

Duan Yugang began to teach Yi Tian how to forge weapons. Generally, the first weapon forged by a refiner is a short sword, and nothing else is simple.

Yi Tian was no exception. After repeated beating and shaping, the first finished product appeared in his hand that day.

When Duan Yugang got the dagger, he couldn't help but curl his mouth. This thing can still be regarded as a dagger, obviously it is a fire stick.

After turning around and scolding Yi Tian, ​​the latter didn't care, and always said that the aesthetic concept was different.

Besides, it was not forged, but it was a success, but in Duan Yugang's eyes, it could be considered a success.

Looking at this sword, oh, this is a stick, round or not, flat or flat, the whole is oval, and it can't be slotted. In the end, I gave it to Yi Tian to let him handle it himself.

The second step after forging is enchanting. Usually, the required inscription is inscribed with a carving knife before the weapon is softened.

Don't look at Duan Yugang's only a few basic inscriptions, sharp, stable and fast, these three inscriptions have propped up Juxingzhuang's business.

After teaching Yi Tian the whole process, Duan Yugang didn't care. Anyway, let's toss with Yi Tian, ​​as long as he doesn't dismantle the Item Refining Workshop.

Looking at the stick, Yi Tian felt a chill in his heart, and he couldn't make a slot. The sharp inscription was useless, and the remaining two didn't know how to choose.

With a final slap of the head, I decided to use both of them. Anyway, it is also a practice.

Looking at the sword that has been shaped and hardened, it is too troublesome to return it to the furnace.

Yi Tian simply followed what was said in the true interpretation of the refining tool. A bright flame burst out from his right hand. After the flame was gathered into the thickness of an embroidery needle, he firmly engraved the inscription on one side of the stick according to the map, and quickly engraved it on the other side. aside.

In the end, I tried it out, and I thought it was quite easy. In the end, I insisted on putting my first work in Juxingfang and selling it.

Duan Yugang couldn't hold back Yi Tian, ​​so he put the stick and sword on the top of the shelf, selling it for 50 yuan in spirit stones, anyway, no one would pay attention to it, so if the price was set higher, Yi Tian would be happy.

After that, Yi Tian began to stay in the room to practice again, until the housekeeper of Puda came to send the invitation, Yi Tian had to go out.

After receiving the invitation, Yi Tian opened it and looked at it, only to realize that it was Pu Siyuan who came home.

Tonight, I have reserved a seat on the second floor of Dexing Building. Be sure to invite Yi Tian to come. It is a reward for helping me last time.

Yi Tian was not hypocritical, and replied directly to the housekeeper, saying that he must be on time.

Before leaving in the afternoon, he also asked the next Duan Yugang how to get to Dexing Building. In the end, the old Duan repeatedly told him to bring a jar of Dexing Building wine back if it was convenient, and Yi Tian agreed.

The elegant seat of Dexing Building, Lips Yuan, is toasting. First, thanks to You Yitian for helping to deal with this matter.

The second is to practice for senior brother Cai Wenbin. After the incident here, senior brother will return to the Xuanling faction, and we will take this opportunity to talk more.

Pu Siyuan is also an outer disciple of Xuanlingzong, and he will need to go back to Zongmen soon.

After a few drinks, everyone gradually became more talkative. The magic weapon Milopa that Pu Siyuan took out last time was very appetizing to Yi Tian.

This thing is good at hiding traces. If you can get a map of the refining tool, it will also help you to read it.

After listening to Yi Tian's thoughts, Pu Siyuan looked at Yi Tian squarely, and explained helplessly: ''That magic weapon is my aunt's belongings, and it is impossible to borrow it again''.

Then he also advised Yi Tian to practice alchemy, which is a very noble profession in the cultivation world.

Once the alchemy master is above the fourth level, even the ancestors of Jindan can easily ask for help.

For Yi Tian, ​​his energy is limited, although he is also very envious of the remuneration and income of those alchemists.

But now he has chosen the path of refining weapons, and the fire control method of concentrating and concentrating is also quite effective.

I felt the doorway inscribed again, and I really don't want to give up now.

After thanking him, Yi Tian still made it clear that he wanted to start with the Tao of Artifacts. If Pu Siyuan had any good fire control spells or advanced inscription maps, he could sell it directly to Yi Tian.

This Pu Siyuan is not mentioned, there is no inscription map, and the fire control methods are also used in alchemy.

Moreover, there are teachers who can't be lightly passed on, Yi Tian was depressed for a while, but there was nothing he could do.

After Cai Wenbin, who was sitting on the side, heard the conversation between the two, he smiled and took out a storage bag from his body and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​saying that it was from him that he got the last fight against Qian Mingjun.

It turned out that Qian Mingjun was an outer disciple of the Baigumen, and there were more than 500 spirit stones in the storage bag, which seemed to be used to buy murderers.

Now that everyone is dead, the property naturally belongs to Cai Wenbin.

However, Yi Tian has also helped a lot, so let's drink some soup, or it will be difficult for the junior brother's face.

However, the two were evenly divided, and one person was two hundred and fifty. Cai Wenbin was also unhappy. He was also a master who lacked spiritual stones.

Yi Tian is thinking about whether to accept these spirit stones, can he really escape the number of two hundred and five.

After thinking for a while, Cai Wenbin looked at him as if Yi Tian was waiting for him to speak, so he mentioned that he could get two inscription maps for Yi Tian, ​​but there was no fire control spell.

It is really a village with dark flowers and bright flowers, and Yi Tian immediately agreed to use the spiritual stone for the map.

Cai Wenbin also readily agreed, but finally felt that it was a bit unkind to do so.

This inscription map was also found in Qian Mingjun's storage bag, so it became a white wolf with empty gloves, and it was not good for the teacher and disciple.

In the end, the two finalized, 100 yuan of spirit stones, Cai Wenbin gave Yi Tian two inscription maps and 50 yuan of spirit stones, and everyone was happy.

However, it will take a few days for Cai Wenbin to find someone to bring it over after he returns to the sect.

In fact, he did not understand the refining tools, so the two inscription maps were re-engraved after going back.

Keep a copy for yourself, and the junior sister who will send a refining tool in the future can be a favor on both ends.

The three of them started drinking, and they talked a lot. Yi Tian told them that he wanted to join the sect at the three-sect selection screening meeting two years later, but he did not know the situation of the other two sects except the Xuanling sect.

Cai Wenbin was often familiar with this matter in the sect, so he explained it to Yi Tian.

The place where the three were located was Dongjiang Kingdom, which belonged to the area of ​​Dongao. The hinterland of Tianlan Continent was the boundary of Zhongzhou, where there were as many sects as cultivators, but there were also many battles.

There are also three factions and five sects in the southern border. The relationship is very complicated. As for the west and the north, I don't know.

There are five sects and one sect in this area of ​​Dongao, namely Xuanling Sect, Tiejianmen, and Chiyang Sect, which are distributed in Lingyu Mountain, Motianya and Chiyan Hills in the south.

Baigumen, Yinshizong and Qihuangmen are in the north of Yinfeng Valley, Hundred Ghosts Burial and Medicine Valley.

Because the east faces the sea, and it is necessary to always guard against the invasion of the sea clan, so the five factions and one clan maintain harmony and non-aggression on the surface, so as to prevent the sea clan from taking advantage.

But the friction in secret is still constant, but fortunately, everyone is restrained, and everyone's face is not too much.

As for the number of high-level combat power Yuanying ancestors of each sect, it is unknown, but his Xuanling faction has two ancestors.

After speaking, he still looked longing, and Yi Tian didn't think much about it after listening to it.

Nascent Soul is still too far away for me, and the Lingshi is the most affordable thing in front of me.

This time, the three factions selected two years later are the Xuanling Sect in the south, the Iron Sword Sect and the Chiyang Sect. Like Yi Tian, ​​as long as he is less than 20 years old and reaches the fifth floor, his Xuanling Sect will definitely be accepted.

It is always better than Tiejianmen. Getting started depends not only on aptitude, but also on combat awareness.

The most terrifying thing is the Chiyang Sect. They recruit everyone. After returning, they have to go to the Ice Soul Cave for a month, and only after they have survived can they become disciples from the outer sect.

Those who can't survive can only become a handyman disciple, which is a lot worse than the treatment of the other two factions.

(End of this chapter)

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