Chapter 35
Walking on the street in front of Juxingfang, Yi Tian looked preoccupied.

Yi Tian still remembered what Cai Wenbin said at the banquet just now.

When he heard that the Chiyang Sect would hold a second selection, and the location was actually behind the Ice Soul Cave, Yi Tian was obviously absent-minded. Others thought that Yi Tian was thinking about how to choose a sect.

In fact, Yi Tian knew in his heart that since he saw the ten characters under the futon from the banyan tree cave in Yihua Mountain, he had always had a question in his heart.

Now that I know that there really is a place called Ice Soul Cave, what about the Xuanyang faction and where is Xuanling Mountain?

All of these mysteries surround Yi Tian, ​​and he didn't even know when Cai Wenbin left at the end, he still left in a state of ignorance.

Seeing Yi Tian like this, Pu Siyuan thought that it was his first time to drink this spiritual wine, and he might be overwhelmed.

In the end, he also ordered the housekeeper to send someone to drive Yi Tian back to Juxingzhuang.

Along the way, Yi Tian was thinking, since there is news of the Ice Soul Cave, the Xuanyang faction and Xuanling Mountain should not be far away.

This time the disciples of the three factions went to the Chiyang faction. Since God gave me a chance, I would be sorry if I didn't grasp it.

The biggest gain from this banquet is not the hundreds of spirit stones in the storage bag, nor the atlas of refining inscriptions that can be obtained in a few days, but knowing the news about the Ice Soul Cave.

Before today, Yi Tian's cultivation all the way over was aimlessly wandering.

Now I have a clear goal, and what is the broken nanmu seal in the storage bag, it can't be a mortal thing.

Thinking too much is useless, now the staged goal is to rush to the fourth level of Qi training.

Juxingzhuang's business is as bad as ever, and people come to the refinery shop in an endless stream every day.

But here is deserted, and it is rare to have business. If the boss, Duan Yugang, has made a small fortune recently and can survive for a few years, it is estimated that the place will close down by the end of this year.

Yi Tian woke up in the morning and saw Duan Yugang standing in front of the stove in a daze.

This situation is not surprising, nine out of ten days are like this.

After seeing Yi Tian come out of the room, Duan Yugang actually moved, and came directly to ask Yi Tian if he took the things he asked yesterday to heart, which made Yi Tian also stunned.

In the end, Duan Yugang blushed and said, "wine", Yi Tiancai remembered that such a thing happened yesterday when he went there.

Last night, Yi Tian, ​​Pu Siyuan, and Cai Wenbin drank too much. Fortunately, they even praised the wine in Dexinglou, which is as clear as water.

After drinking it, you can feel a surge of spirit in your stomach. It is really the best wine in Pushanfang.

Pusiyuan was also pleased when he heard this, and explained to Yi Tian that the wine was from a rare source, and he only got ten catties a year, and it was already a great deal of face to take out two catties for this treat.

When Yi Tian left, he had the cheek to ask Pu Siyuan for a discussion, but when he saw Pu Siyuan's face cramping, he didn't dare to talk.

In the end, the butler held a jar of wine and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​and saw Pu Siyuan's face about to explode.

Without saying a word, Yi Tian immediately got into the bull cart, said goodbye, pretended to be drunk and fell asleep on the seat in the car.

Hearing Yi Tian said to bring the things back, Duan Yugang immediately came up with a smile on his face and put his arms around Yi Tian's shoulders as brothers.

Knowing that Duan Yugang had a problem here, Yi Tian didn't point it out, and poured it for him after taking a bowl.

Duan Yugang stretched out his palm to signal not to use the bowl, then ran into the house and took a small porcelain bottle of two taels and handed it to Yi Tian.

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't understand, he explained directly: "The wine in the Dexing Building is authentic monkey wine. I didn't use it as you imagined."

After speaking, he dragged Yi Tian to the stove in the shop, ready to give Yi Tianlu a hand.

Fortunately, Yi Tian didn't think it was a pity, anyway, he would go to the big family to ask for it after drinking.

Judging by the way that guy Pusiyuan drank last night, it was all small sips, and there should be some in stock. If you don't squeeze him out, you will be taking advantage of him.

He took out the one-pound wine jar from the storage bag, filled Duan Yugang's small porcelain bottle, and threw the porcelain bottle to him under his surprised eyes.

I saw Duan Yugang holding the porcelain bottle tightly with both hands like he was holding his wife, and kept saying: "Brother Yi is righteous, and my brother is not keeping it private. I will open your eyes today."

Not much to say after speaking, first put the small porcelain bottle aside, and then took off the coat.

Roll up your sleeves, step on the bellows pedal, and watch the flame in the stove slowly change from blue to red.

Then both hands threw the smelted three pieces of copper essence and two large pieces of iron essence into the furnace.

After looking at the flames, Duan Yugang accelerated the frequency of his feet, and his hands began to seal.

Yi Tian saw that it was famous at a glance, it was the method of raising temperature in the true solution of refining equipment, and saw two streams of red aura coming out of Duan Yugang's hands and rushing into the furnace fiercely.

Then the flame in the furnace shot up to a height of more than two feet, and then slowly retracted into the furnace.

But the color of the flame has changed from red to bright white. Although it is not as bright as Yi Tian's concentrated flame, it is also very dazzling.

Yi Tian couldn't help turning his head to the other side, and heard Duan Yugang roaring, controlling the flame and calcining a few pieces of copper and iron essence.

Time passed slowly, half a day had passed without realizing it, but the two of them hadn't walked away from the stove.

Yi Tian only saw a few pieces of material slowly softening under the white flame, and then fused together into a large iron lump.

At this time, Duan Yugang's head was already sweating. After all the long-term smelting, the output of spiritual energy in his hands became less stable than before.

He heard him yelling anxiously: "Bring the wine".

Yi Tian quickly handed him the wine bottle.Duan Yugang held the tether of the lid with one hand, opened the lid, took a sip, closed the lid, and stuffed it into the belt around his waist.

He saw bloodshot eyes in his red eyes, and a rapid infusion of spiritual energy in his hands.

The white flames rose half a foot high, and the large lumps of iron were smelted alive into an iron ingot weighing about five kilograms.

As the flame controlled by the spiritual energy burned for a while, the copper and iron ingot was formed, and then Duan Yugang clamped the ingot with strong iron tongs and put it into the water to cool.

A quarter of an hour later, the copper and iron ingots were placed on the stone platform. Duan Yugang was panting heavily, but the complacency on his face could still be seen.

Yi Tian pointed to the small porcelain bottle, and seeing Duan Yugang tense for a moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Brother Duan, don't you want to drink some wine to restore your spiritual energy?"

Seeing that he misunderstood Yi Tian's meaning, Duan Yugang could only smile awkwardly: "This two taels of wine can be used three times, and it is expensive."

After speaking, he changed the topic to the copper and iron ingot just now. It turned out that the Blackpool Swamp destroyed his hammer last time. This has always been his heart disease. .

Now that the materials are available, it's enough to build the hammer another day, and then spend some spirit stones to ask a high-level refiner to help with enchanting.

And looking at the size of this piece of material, in addition to the material used for the hammer, it can also be used to create a weapon.

Today, Yi Tian has seen the usefulness of this monkey wine, and regardless of Duan Yugang who is in a state of excitement, he went back to the room on his own.

Thinking that the three of them drank two kilograms last night, it was a waste of life. After drinking, they only focused on absorbing spiritual power, but they have not completely resolved it.

After thinking about it, sit down cross-legged and refine all the remaining spiritual power in the body.

He didn't leave the room for seven days. Three days ago, Yi Tian dissolved all his spiritual power in the room and merged it into his dantian.

He also used his own spiritual power to practice the fire control technique of concentrating and concentrating. When the dantian was refilled with spiritual energy, he was surprised to find that his cultivation base had reached the fourth level of Qi training.

Divine consciousness also condensed on his body. First, he walked around the house and found that the situation around his eyes had already appeared in his mind without opening his eyes.

Let it go out quietly again, and the consciousness goes out along the window, and you can clearly see the situation in the courtyard.

Even the way Duan Yugang was forging beside the stove could tell.

There is a distance of about ten feet to the consciousness, and it will not be able to reach it any further.

Not having a master to teach is Yi Tian's greatest loss, but it's enough to go to the sect.

It is useless to look at it more, Yi Tian turned around and recovered his consciousness, and then he will only need to practice in a short period of time.

Suddenly remembered that there was a magnificent wine prescription in his storage bag.

Yi Tian has seen all the ingredients above, and they can be bought at De Ren Tang, but the puree of monkey wine is missing to make the wine head.

Now I have the monkey wine in my hand, although it is not as good as the puree, but it is of the same origin after all, but the name has to be changed.

Besides, according to the wine recipe, this arrogant Yuntian is a wine that can only be used in the foundation-building period, and I dare not drink it if I brew it myself.

I am afraid that the spiritual energy is too strong, and when the time comes, I will explode and die, then I will become the first person in the cultivation world to drink and die, and I will not laugh at others when I say it.

If you want to do it, you want to do it, and the next day Yi Tian started his old business of brewing wine.

The wine bottles can be customized, and they are all small porcelain bottles of two taels, which is the porcelain shop introduced by Duan Yugang.

The shopkeeper Niu Da in the store was also polite, and he heard that he would give a [-]% discount if he bought [-] pieces at a time.

It took Yi Tian three pieces of spirit stones to get it done, and seeing the cheerful look of the shopkeeper Niu, he felt distressed for a while.

These two thousand bottles are only [-] taels of silver in the mortal world, and when they come to you, they are turned up thousands of times.

However, I heard that this porcelain bottle is specially used to store spiritual liquid, and it can guarantee that it will not deteriorate for 30 years, so it is well deserved.

In the end, a big jar was also included, and Yi Tian accepted it with a smile, and after paying the money, he had to thank the shopkeeper Niu with a smile.

The stored wine bottle is done, and the next step is the medicinal materials for brewing.

Derentang in Pusiyuan has these, and I happened to see him in the store when I went there.

Yi Tian was not polite, and directly said what he wanted in the future. After listening to it, Pu Siyuan ordered the boy to go to the pharmacy to dispense medicine, and he took five catties for everything.

In the end, it was calculated that Yi Tian had to pay three hundred spirit stones, and he said with a smile that it was a [-]% discount for the sake of old friends.

Yi Tian was taken aback after hearing this, is this a black spot for you, just buying you a few catties of medicinal materials is worth cutting me down.

In terms of business and business, in the words of Pu Siyuan, De Ren Tang must not be allowed to lose money.

If Yi Tian asked him to give it to Yi Tian directly, but if he bought it, he had to follow the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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