
Chapter 36 Beast Bag

Chapter 36 Beast Bag
Three months later, in the backyard of Juxingfang, Yi Tian took a jar of wine from the cellar and put it in the yard to count it.

Now Duan Yugang basically doesn't come back to live, and spends all day fiddling in front of the stove.

Yi Tian didn't care about him, he took care of himself and cultivated himself, and made wine when he was free.

The first batch of wine was brought out today. With monkey wine as the head of the wine, Yi Tian reduced the amount of medication according to the wine recipe of Haoqi Yuntian.

Only half the amount is used for each serving, which is not right after brewing a jar and tasting it.

This wine is too strong, and it is not what his body can bear now. It is estimated that Yi Tian can drink it when he reaches the ninth level of Qi practice.

Therefore, the second experiment used [-]% of the ingredients, and then used monkey wine as the head of the wine to control the medicinal properties within a safe range.

In the end, it was not bad after tasting it. After one or two dips, nearly [-]% of the spiritual energy could be recovered when the spiritual energy was exhausted, and the effect was twice as strong as the original monkey wine.

After that, he brewed sixteen pounds in one breath, and used up all the remaining monkey wine.

It's worth it for Yi Tian to think about it, but he doesn't dare to talk nonsense about it. At that time, the backstage of Dexing Building will come directly to the door, and it will be difficult for him to protect himself.

After processing all the wine and collecting the first brew, Yi Tian continued to practice in the room.

Now Yi Tian can contact Ning Shen Juyi and Wood Fire Spirit Jue for a long time. If the spiritual energy is not enough, just drink some wine to replenish it.

Over time, I found that the accumulation of spiritual energy in the body's dantian accelerated, and the color was darker.

Pu Siyuan didn't receive Cai Wenbin's reply until more than four months later, along with the inscription map that Yi Tian requested to be re-engraved in the restaurant last time.

Anyway, I don't care about the primary inscriptions. After I got it, I took the time to send it to Yi Tian. By the way, let's take a look at Yi Tian's recent cultivation situation.

There is only one year left for these three factions to select disciples. The last time I saw Yi Tian came to Deren Tang to buy medicine, he actually reached the fourth level of Qi training. At this rate, it is still very hopeful to reach the fifth level next year.

Although many so-called cultivators practiced fast at the beginning, it did not mean that they had always been like this.

Sometimes a threshold can be waited for ten years without any signs of breaking through.

I hope that Yitian will not have such a situation. Although everyone will have an opinion, it still depends on the character.

As soon as he entered the door of Juxingzhuang, the shopkeeper Duan Yugang greeted him. Hearing that Pu Siyuan said that he was sending inscriptions to Yi Tianlai, he led him to the refining room to find someone.

Yi Tian has also cultivated too fiercely recently. Under self-regulation, he will not violate his original intentions if he is relaxed, and he will advance fast only if he has a degree of progress and retreat.

Seeing Pu Siyuan coming in, he put down the beef that was teasing the little fox in his hand, got up and surrendered to Pu Siyuan.

Pu Siyuan laughed when he saw the ice fox with beef tendons tied around his neck. It seemed that Yi Tian had a lot of success in the Black Pool Swamp last time.

I brought back such a small thing, but I don't know what to do next.

Looking at the inscription map sent by Pu Siyuan, Yi Tian's heart was also cool, and he thought it was two weapon maps.

Unexpectedly, one inscription cultivation is used to make spirit beast bags, and the other is for flying to enchant shoes.

It can increase the effect of the wearer's movement by [-]%, which is what Cai Wenbin took a lot of effort to get.

According to Cai Wenbin's original words, this is what it means, how can a person who refines weapons only refine weapons, and many auxiliary equipment are also very popular.

An angry Yi Tian gnashed his teeth after listening, and finally thanked him Lao Cai.

Seeing the downcast Yi Tian, ​​Pu Siyuan also comforted him, isn't this an ice fox, a ready-made spirit beast.

As long as Yitian buys the materials and learns the storage in the inscription map, you can make a spirit beast bag yourself.

As for the cultivation technique of spirit beasts, you can buy it at the Beast-Controlling Sect shop in Pushan Square. The price is only a hundred spirit stones.

I only saw Yi Tian's face was dark, and he was thinking about whether the account was worth it, Pu Siyuan had to sit aside and wait for him to reply.

After half a quarter of an hour, I saw Yi Tianyi clapping his hands, looking at Pu Siyuan sincerely and saying: "Stay at night, we will eat a braised ice fox, and by the way you will bring out two jars of monkey wine, everyone is not drunk. return".

The neighbors next to Juxingzhuang saw Master Pu rushing out the door, jumping on the bullock cart and calling for the driver to leave immediately, and then fell asleep in the car.

Yi Tian, ​​who was behind, chased out of the door and called the driver to stop. Young Master Pu had not eaten yet. The driver whipped the driver for a while, and the bull pulled the car and ran away.

After everyone dispersed, Yi Tian had to go out alone and walked towards the store of the Beast Control Sect.

This Beast Control Sect is not a local sect. I heard that a person from Tiannan opened a store here.

The above also said hello, and all the Pushan workshops also directly recognized it.

Yi Tian's original intention was to buy a spirit beast bag directly, and then buy the beast control art.

Who would have thought that only the first half of the book would be sold, while the secret legends of the sect could not be passed on to the outside world.

However, half a volume is enough to raise spirit beasts to level [-]. If you have to cultivate monsters to level [-] or higher, you will have to ask the Beast Tamer Sect to agree.

The spirit animal bag is even more expensive, and it can be bought for 100 yuan spirit stones. Yi Tian almost quarreled with the shopkeeper in the store.

A storage bag that is two feet square is not worth this price, and a one-foot storage bracelet is also the same price. Why is he a three-foot spirit beast bag?

In the end, the shopkeeper just insisted that the spirit beast bag can hold live animals, and your storage bag is okay, and if the trouble continues, the animal control art will not be sold.

Yi Tian put down one hundred and ten spirit stones, bought the materials for the spirit beast formula and spirit beast bag, and walked away angrily.

After returning to Juxingfang, he didn't say hello to Duan Yugang, picked up the ice fox, took the purchased materials and the inscription map and went back to his room.

The surrounding neighbors heard Yi Tian sighing and sighing in the yard for three consecutive days, and finally stopped on the fourth day.

Duan Yugang saw that Yi Tian had a small animal control bag attached to his waist, as small as a money bag, and asked Yi Tian about the ice fox.

I only saw Yi Tian proudly patted the animal control bag he was about to put on, and walked away with a big laugh, so Duan Yugang could only look at Ming Yuekong and drink wine at night.

Jiang Lei is a cultivator of the fifth level of Qi practice, and usually takes some small tasks to fight teeth.

The main reason is that there is no decent magic weapon in hand, and others will not bring him in a team.

Passing by Juxingfang this day, I saw that there was no one in it, so I wanted to see if there was anything I could miss.

Duan Yugang hasn't opened for a long time, and when he sees a rare client, he will hold him when he says anything.

Anyway, he also saw one slaughtered one here. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer repeat customers. If you don't buy some spiritual stones, you will eat the mountain empty.

After looking at the magic tools surrounded by dozens to hundreds of spirit stones, Jiang Lei was also discouraged.

I only have ten spiritual stones on my body, and I can only spend five yuan to buy magic tools.

Shopkeeper Duan saw that today's business was going bad again, so he hurried to keep people, and after asking, he realized that the other party thought it was too expensive to buy.

I can't do anything about it, I can't make a loss-making business, but there is still a magic weapon on the shelf. Every day I see it in my heart, so I might as well sell it half and give it to this person, and I can explain it when Yi Tian comes back.

After thinking about it, I took an iron scorpion from the weapon rack and gave it to Jiang Lei. It looked inconspicuous, but it was quite heavy to hold in my hand.

The body of the stick, whose hands were filled with spiritual energy, also vibrated, and it seemed not bad, but the craftsmanship was really bad.

Is it really this second-order refiner? The enchanting inscription on this is so well done. The dark golden lines look beautiful, soft and pleasing to the eye. It should be at least a third-order refiner. level.

Looking at the itching, Jiang Lei's face collapsed when he asked the price. Shopkeeper Duan saw something wrong and immediately lowered the price.

Jiang Lei looked at Youmen and continued to bargain, from 50 Yuan Lingshi to [-] Yuan, which is already his maximum.

The two parties traded on seven spirit stones. At the end, Duan Yugang took the spirit stones as if it was painful, and finally asked him not to forget to introduce some business next time.

After Yi Tian came out of the room two days later, Duan Yugang ran excitedly and said that the stick and sword that he made last time had been sold.

The cost is two and a half spirit stones, seven pieces are sold, and the profit is four spirit stones. Everyone adds five pieces one by one, two pieces per person.

Yi Tian didn't know how the shopkeeper's arithmetic was learned. He had broken his mind by hammering iron all day long. Isn't the profit four and a half dollars?

Duan Yugang despised it for a while. The half was the cost of the stove and the rent of the venue. An angry Yi Tian threw a sentence and gave it to you. After speaking, he turned around and went back to his room to practice.

In Yi Tian's opinion, is this piece of Yugang ignorant and wise? Sometimes his mind is still very meticulous.

No matter so much, Yi Tian's progress has slowed down significantly after he has reached the fourth level of Qi training.

Because of my fellow practitioners in the two departments, I needed twice as much spiritual energy, and now I have to take a spiritual stone test every time I practice.

If ordinary meditation does not consume spirit stones, the effect is extremely poor, so that Yi Tian now has to hold a spirit stone to absorb spirit energy every time, so that he can run a full Zhoutian spirit energy into his dantian.

The consumption of spirit stones suddenly increased. I didn't foresee these when I spent money to buy animal control tactics and materials a few months ago, and I regretted thinking about it.

This ice fox is a beef grinder, eating more than a catty of beef every day.

Although it doesn't cost many spirit stones, it is a terrifying figure in the long run, but now this ice fox has been officially signed by the blood of the animal control art.

Originally I wanted to change another one, but it was clearly written on the Beast Control Art, that a person can only make blood contracts with two spirit beasts in his life.

If the next blood pact's spirit beast can't even match the ice fox, then Yi Tian will really cry.

In the end, Yi Tian had to endure the use of wild beef to feed the ice fox every day, hoping that one day there will be a miracle, and he can return himself with the profit.

Under Yi Tian's desperate feeding, the fur color of the ice fox slowly returned to a white state.

He was locked in the furnace room by Yi Tian and listened to Duan Yugang's sound of hammering iron every day.

And every time I saw Duan Yugang pick up the hammer, I was so frightened that I could not stop my ears.

Now living in Yitian's spirit beast bag, eating and drinking, eating, sleeping, sleeping, and eating, they have grown into a cylindrical body.

It caused Yi Tian to slip away after showing the subdued Bingli fox in front of Duan Yugang once, only to hear Duan Yugang say behind him, isn't it a fox, why does it look like a fat dog.

(End of this chapter)

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