
Chapter 345 Invitation

Chapter 345 Invitation

At the Nascent Soul party, Yi Tian took out two sixth-level spiritual weapons in a row, which attracted the attention of everyone around him, and some people even began to inquire about Yi Tian's identity in private.

In fact, this mad war knife is a high-level spiritual weapon refined by Yi Tian and the seventh-level Qian Huanling after he became a baby.At that time, I just wanted to copy Ximen Jieao's Tiansha Demon Saber, but after practicing, I found that my skills had improved, and I directly became a high-level spiritual weapon.

The 'flame dragon sword', one of the ten soldiers from Lihuo, was also refined together, but the spirit of the fire dragon was missing in it, so it became a sixth-level middle grade.This spirit weapon was directly given to Chi Yangzi, and was later kept by him as a treasure of the town faction.

After Yi Tian finished speaking, some people whispered around, but no one stood up for a long time.In all fairness, this time was just throwing stones to ask for directions. One was to let Dong Ao's Nascent Soul cultivators know that there was someone like him, and the other was to take the opportunity to show off his reputation and win more allies.

After waiting for a long time, there was no reply, so Yi Tian had no choice but to put away the spirit weapon.Suddenly, a rough voice came from the side and asked, "White Crane Lingyu is okay?"

Yi Tian was overjoyed and turned his head to see that it turned out to be a Nascent Soul cultivator from Iron Sword Sect. It seemed that his cultivation base had reached the middle stage.Originally thought that only Xuan Jianxin came to Tiejianmen, but he didn't expect that there was another one here, so he nodded.Then Chi Yangzi's voice transmission came from next to his ear: "This person is Ruan Wuji, the sword maniac of Iron Sword Sect. It is a good thing that your things are taken by him. At least no one will pay attention to you afterwards."

One sentence made Yi Tian reflect on himself, so he didn't reveal that Fu himself had become a living target by going out like this today, as if telling others that I am very rich, so it's no wonder that I don't attract people's envy.Fortunately, I still have some means to cover the water and soil.

I saw that Ruan Wuji first ran to Ambassador Zhiying, a man and a monster, and started chatting directly through sound transmission. About a quarter of an hour later, Zhiying stretched out his hand, and a white light appeared.After the ray condensed and shrunk to a size of one foot, it showed its true form. It was a plume with a length of one foot and a width of three inches.

Then Ruan Wuji took out a token and handed it to Zhiying in exchange for Lingyu, and then hurried over to exchange it with Yi Tian.

After taking over the white crane feather, Yi Tian touched it lightly with his hands. The spiritual power on it was rich, and it was well preserved, and it should have fallen from the seventh-level white crane when it transformed into an adult.

Take out a jade box and put it in, then seal the jade box with repeated spells, and stick a talisman on the outside to store the materials properly.Immediately Yi Tian stretched out his hand and handed the Crazy War Saber to Ruan Wuji, saying: "Fellow Daoist Ruan, please check it."

The other party took the knife politely, held it in his hand, and just stared at it for a while without moving, which made Yi Tian unable to figure out the temper of the man in front of him.After ten breaths, Ruan Wuji seemed to raise his spirit suddenly, and after integrating the spiritual power into the Tiansha Crazy Sword, the blade seemed to be in perfect harmony with the spiritual power, and then there was a crisp buzzing sound.

After three breaths, the buzzing sound gradually became deeper but the frequency slowed down, and then suddenly a whirlwind of energy came out around Ruan Jingtian, causing everyone around him to move their feet a few inches.

I only heard that the Zhiying ambassador raised his hand and trapped the energy within three feet, and then said angrily: "Crazy Ruan, don't try your knife here, there are plenty of empty places outside," he pointed to Sky.

Ruan Wuji's voice came from that vigor and said: "This old man is just on a whim, so I'm leaving the meeting of Ambassador Zhiying." There were bursts of roaring from the sky, like thunder falling on dry land.

After Yi Tian returned, Xuan Jianxin, who owns Iron Sword Sect, stepped forward and said: "Senior brother Ruan got the spirit weapon of fellow Daoist Yi, it's like adding wings to a tiger. Dong Ao is outstanding."

Yi Tian hastily stepped forward and bowed back, saying: "Friend Xuan Dao has won the award, and we are old acquaintances. In the future, if you ask for refining spiritual weapons, I will do my best and will not disappoint the Iron Sword Sect."

Chi Yangzi who was on the side also took advantage of the gap to introduce some friends around to Yi Tian one by one.It turned out that in addition to the six sects, there were many Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators on the land of Dong Ao, and some of them were transferred from other places to attend the party.

Even Ambassador Zhiying came over and exchanged greetings with Yi Tian, ​​but Yi Tian didn't show any abnormality when he heard him coming over via voice transmission, but was polite on the scene.

In fact, in the next exchange meeting, Yi Tian was sitting on pins and needles, all because of the words of Ambassador Zhiying, "Do you want the white crane feathers to refine the five Vulcan fans?"

Hearing this, he was naturally very surprised. He didn't expect the Ambassador Zhiying to have such insight, but he took it lightly, neither affirming nor denying it.

Anyway, there is still a peacock feather missing, so I have to find a way from the territory of the King of Eagles.

Immediately, Ambassador Zhiying didn't ask any more questions, but just took an invitation and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​hoping that Yi Tian could attend the 200th birthday of King Wanying [-] years later.

The surrounding monks also cast envious eyes. It is rare for monks in the early stage of Yuanying to be favored by Ambassador Zhiying.On the contrary, Yi Tian was beating his heart. He didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, but he couldn't refute his face on the scene, so he accepted it politely and promised that he would definitely arrive at that time.

In the rest of the trading time, nothing outstanding appeared, basically asking for treasures to be exchanged for some pills or spiritual weapons.During the period, Yi Tian also made two moves to pack a few five-level spiritual weapons in exchange for some treasure materials.

After Ambassador Zhiying announced that the gathering was over, the monks set off back in twos and threes. Seeing this, Chi Yangzi also pulled Yi Tian to go back.Suddenly, a monk dressed as a scholar stepped forward and said to the two of them, "In the Lihuo Sect of Xiazhong Prefecture, Hu Yiyuan met the branch sect Chiyang Senior Brother and Yi Junior Brother."

Chi Yangzi frowned, this person from Zhongzhou's main line must be dealt with carefully, otherwise he will be caught behind the pigtail and cause trouble.Yi Tian looked at this person up and down, and guessed in his heart that he should have shown his skill in refining weapons and was remembered by others.

After the two returned the salute, Chi Yangzi said, "I don't know what advice you can give me from Junior Brother Wu of the Lihuo Sect?"

"I don't dare to teach you, I just see that Junior Brother Yi has such skill in forging weapons at a young age, and I want to ask him to refine a high-level spiritual weapon," Hu Yiyuan continued.

Guessing that it should be about the 'Zixiao Zhan', Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Is there a music sheet?" Hu Yiyuan was stunned by this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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