
Chapter 346 Ruins

Chapter 346 Ruins
After the Nascent Soul gathering, Yi Tian didn't go back to the Zongmen directly with Chiyangzi, but rushed to the edge of Shiwan Dashan with Hu Yiyuan.The two of them carefully bypassed the territory checkpoint of the King of Eagles along the way, and then flew northward for about three days.

During the period, Yi Tian also intentionally or unintentionally asked Hu Yiyuan about the purpose of the trip, but the other party was only vague for a while, in order to be able to tell a specific location.Now Yi Tian quit, and took advantage of the gap to express his intention to go back home. After hearing this, Hu Yiyuan was also full of helplessness, so he had to share the news in his hand.

When Yi Tian got the jade slip and read it in detail, his face was also full of confusion. This jade slip said that there was a ruins of the Qi Pavilion branch hall of "Li Huo Zong" in the northwest of Dongao.It is said that the elders of Weiqi Pavilion once practiced here for a while, so there may be some useful things handed down.

Of course, Yi Tian also understood that what Hu Yiyuan most wanted to find must be the instrument spectrum of 'Zixiaozhan', without this thing, the Lihuo Sect would definitely not be able to deter the rest of the sects.

And at the same time, it will definitely need the assistance of a sect's craftsman, and he is being targeted by the Lihuo sect again, so he doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The two of them communicated a little along the way. Although Yi Tian felt that the other party seemed to have reservations in his conversation, he was also a real gentleman, so gradually they communicated more.

After flying for a few days, Yi Tian checked the engraved map on his hand and said to Hu Yiyuan: "Senior brother Hu, won't this site be visited first after so many years?"

Unexpectedly, the other party laughed and said: "Junior Brother Yi does not know that the legacy of the 'Li Huo Sect' is by no means accessible to outsiders, and there are layers of restrictions everywhere. If there is no special method to open it, it will be destroyed forever." banned."

"Could it be that no one has cracked the restriction?"

Hu Yiyuan thought for a while and then replied: "Not necessarily, some of the restraining formations can be forcibly broken, but the backlash of the restraining will be very severe, and ordinary monks dare not take this risk."

Everything in the world is more interdependent, and it is difficult for Yi Tian to imagine that the treasures left by the Lihuo Sect will last forever like this.But having said that, since Zhongzhou Lihuozong is now slowly regaining its vitality, why do many things have to be done by others.

Then he asked again: "Senior Brother Hu, I don't know if I should ask or not?"

After hearing this, Hu Yiyuan was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, "If you have any questions, Junior Brother, feel free to ask, anyway, I have to talk to you about many things."

"I don't know who the current Lihuo Sect Master is. How many Lihuo branches are there in Tianlan Continent?" Since the other party was willing to answer, Yi Tian pointed his sword at Zhenzhang without any hesitation, and asked all these tangled matters.

Hu Yiyuan replied solemnly: "The Lihuo Sect has been disintegrated for more than 2000 years, but the few major branches that have been handed down are still alive. The current head of the Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect is my senior brother Lu Jinyuan. It’s a bit extreme, but on the whole, it’s still based on the overall situation of integrating the sect.”

Hearing these words of extreme behavior, Yi Tian thought of something in his mind that he had heard Huo Chilian said in Xihuang before that Zhongzhou Lihuozong annexed the "Dari Yaoyangmen" and then destroyed his "Qiankun Yuhuo Sect" '.

None of this can be called extreme behavior. To be precise, Lu Jinyuan is an ambitious man who used the name of Li Huo Zong's merger to cover up his ulterior motives.

But the one in front of him seems to be quite polite, but Yi Tian is also full of vigilance in his heart.Although they still say that they are brothers and sisters, after all, the two veins have been separated for so many years, the older generation has long since passed away, and the relationship between them has been broken for a long time.

After flying for several hours, Hu Yiyuan looked at the map in his hand and said to Yi Tian via voice transmission: "We're almost there, passing the Tianmen Cliff in front is the entrance to the ruins."

Yi Tian nodded after understanding, and then the two speeded up and passed through Tianmen Cliff, Hu Yiyuan pointed to a flat tunnel in the middle of the cliff and said: "This is here," and immediately fell down.

After bringing both of them to this flat slope, Yi Tian looked at it in a blink of an eye and saw that it was a bit desolate. It seemed that few people visited it, but there seemed to be spiritual veins under the hillside, so he couldn't help but feel happy.

Usually those cave treasures will be selected above the spiritual veins, so that only the spiritual veins will continue to maintain the burst of the relics can continue forever.

Hu Yiyuan looked at the jade slips in his hand, and then took out a simple token with the word 'Lihuo' engraved on it, and 'Qige' on the back.Look, this style is a bit like the status jade badge of Qige in Huo Chilian's hand, but its history is definitely longer.

According to Yi Tian's guess in his mind, this thing was originally the token in the hands of the head of the Lihuo Zongqi Pavilion. As for the piece of Huochilian, it should have been imitated by the disciples on the back after they set up another mountain gate.

After Hu Yiyuan injected spiritual power into the token, the token became emerald red, and then a red flame shot out from the token and directly hit the top of the cliff, and then reflected to a lake below.

What followed was a feeling of shaking the ground, the reflected water of the lake suddenly dropped three feet, and then a stone door was exposed.

The two of them were overjoyed when they saw each other, and after nodding their heads in understanding, they flew down and stopped in front of the stone gate to observe.I saw a groove on the top of the stone gate, the size of the luggage should match the token.

Hu Yiyuan directly stretched out his hand to embed the token in, and then heard a click, and the whole stone door opened.Turning around and saying to Yi Tian: "Hurry up and let's go in, there are still many things to trouble the younger brother."

Yi Tian didn't put on a show but just said indifferently: "Senior brother Hu, please open the way ahead, and please try to speak up if you encounter a place where you need your brother."

When the two entered the passage behind the door, the stone door closed with a bang, and then the water level in the lake returned to its original state, as if no one had been there.

Half a day later, two flashes of light, one gray and one yellow, flew from the sky, and their direction was also here at Tianmen Cliff.After the flash stopped, two monks appeared. If Yi Tian was present, he would be surprised to find that he was being followed, and the person who came to follow him was Fu Kecheng who had a deal with him at the party. and stars.

Fan Xing said: "Fellow Daoist Fu, can't we be followed after we follow here?"

Fu Kecheng also looked unhappy at this time, the original induction was intermittent, but he didn't expect the two people to fly so fast, if they hadn't left special tracking marks on the Wuhook, they wouldn't have been found.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "Originally, I had no chance of this kid and Chi Yangzi returning to the sect obediently, but since he came out, don't blame me for being cruel. My tracking sensor is cut off here. These two people should be within fifty miles of here, at worst we will wait for a while to talk about it."

Seeing this, Fanxing had no choice but to agree, "Okay, but I want at least [-]% of his belongings."

Fu Kecheng laughed fiercely and said: "Okay, I can give you things, I only want his people. This kid killed my apprentice Yin Lixing, so I have to let him replace me as my Nascent Soul Refining Corpse."

(End of this chapter)

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