
Chapter 347

Chapter 347
After the Nascent Soul Gathering, the two were followed by people, to be precise, Yi Tian was missed.At this time, Hu Yiyuan and Yi Tian visited Qige ruins all the way, without considering the situation behind them at all.

The entire Qige ruins are built in a small space, which is similar to the space ruins inside the Maiden School, but obviously the space is not that big, but the aura is much richer.

After entering, the whole space is full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, and it is impossible to tell that it is the ruins of Qi Pavilion.According to Yitian's original imagination, most of the Qige ruins were built on volcanic lava, but now there is only one mountain in the space, and the whole mountain is surrounded by green trees, which is not much worse than the blessed land of Zongmen .

The two walked up the stone steps one after the other, but Hu Yiyuan said with a smile: "Junior Brother Yi may be the first time to come to the secret realm of the sect, right?"

"Indeed, it's a bit different from what I imagined," Yi Tian replied after nodding.

"That's natural. When the Lihuo Sect dominated Tianlan Continent back then, they opened up countless space secret realms, where all the good things collected by the sect were hidden," Hu Yiyuan said proudly.

Yi Tian didn't care about these words, and he was aware of what Li Huozong did 3000 years ago.Control all the high-level treasures in this world, and then all the caves and blessed lands will be stamped with the mark of the sect.

It's like the strongest iron sword gate in Dongao is not based on the original Lihuo sect's industry, maybe the same is true of the Shenjian gate and Tianmo gate in Xihuang.

One sect occupies too many resources in this world, coupled with the excessive pressure on other sects, it is no wonder that when the sect is in trouble, it will be directly suppressed by other sects, and even the clan property will be divided up. The truth of prosperity must decline.

Not long after, the two of them walked to the top of the mountain, and as far as the eye could see was a huge palace.After walking to the gate of the hall with Hu Yiyuan, Yi Tian looked up and saw a plaque hanging above his head with the word 'Heavenly Craftsmanship' written on it, and he showed doubts on his face.

After Hu Yiyuan saw it, he laughed heartily and said: "Junior Brother Yi doesn't know, the ruins of this Artifact Pavilion is in this 'Tiangong Hall', I will just go in quickly and look up the ancient books on refining artefacts."

In fact, Yi Tian was just puzzled by the word 'Tiangong', and frowned, wondering if there was any connection between this place and the exterminated Tiangong sect.

Seeing that Hu Yiyuan was in high spirits, he asked, "I wonder if senior brother has heard of Tiangongzong?"

"It turns out that my younger brother has also heard about it. It's true that the Tiangong Sect is a branch of the Qi Pavilion back then. In fact, when the sect fell apart, the Qi Pavilion was divided into two factions. One branch established itself in Zhongzhou as the 'Qiankun Yuhuo School' specializing Refining is the main one, while the other branch is exiled outside, and founded the 'Tiangongzong'," Hu Yiyuan explained.

In this way, Yi Tian's heart is also excited. Isn't the "Heavenly Artifact" in his storage ring the classics handed down by Tiangongzong? No wonder there are so many refining methods of high-level spiritual weapons recorded.

Came back to his senses and asked: "Senior Brother Hu, since this Tiangong Sect is just a branch of Qi Pavilion, how can you be sure that there will be a 'Zixiaozhan' instrument spectrum?"

After hearing this, Hu Yiyuan also sighed and said: "To be honest, in fact, we originally thought that only the 'Qiankun Yuhuo Sect' would have the collection of this spirit weapon, but unfortunately we did not find it in the classics of their sect after they merged. any information."

"Didn't you find it elsewhere?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Brother Sect Master once went to your Chiyang Sect and borrowed the sect's weapon refining classics with Senior Brother Chiyangzi. Unfortunately, after the five yuan and four calamities, all the classics you kept lost their outline. The refining method of utensils," Hu Yiyuan replied helplessly.

"Lu Jinyuan came to the Chiyang Sect," Yi Tian was taken aback, thinking that Huo Yunbiao once said that the head of the Lihuo Sect went to Dong Ao to find the instrument spectrum, so this should be the reason.Later, he asked lightly: "Then senior brother thinks that we can definitely find clues here?"

"I'm not sure. Before I came to Dong'ao on this trip, I went to Bo Yunzi from Tianyunmen. He told me that I could find the sect's secret treasure in Dong'ao."

Immediately, Yi Tian secretly scolded Yunzi Bo Yunzi of Yunmen of Yunmen several times in his heart, but said indifferently on his face: "Junior brother, I met Tianyunzi, the head of Yunmenmen once, but I don't know who this Bo Yunzi is?"

Standing still, Hu Yiyuan slowly explained the right and wrong of this: "Bo Yunzi is Tian Yunzi's younger brother, and he should have the opportunity to stabilize the position of head, but it seems that he violated the rules of Tianyunmen. , so he was restricted from going out of the mountain, and retreated alone at Yunlai Peak."

"Senior brother has friendship with such a strange person, can you introduce him when you find a chance," Yi Tian replied slowly.

But he secretly made up his mind that if he had the opportunity, he would go to Zhongzhou Tianyunmen to discuss with Tianyunzi and restrain the disciples.Since the other party can detect the reappearance of the instrument spectrum of 'Zixiaozhan', they must be able to follow the clues and find themselves here.

If you are now a great monk in the late Yuanying period, you can start to arrange the affairs of the joint sect, but because you don't have enough precipitation, it will be a troublesome thing in the middle stage of every 200 years, let alone the late stage.

Now, he deeply admires Xuanyang Patriarch Yun Zhongzheng, who clearly has all these things in his hands but keeps silent. It seems that the strength of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect thousands of years ago is enough to make Xuanyang Patriarch fearful.

And because of the lack of the support of Qidian, the 'Zixiaozhan' was not recast, or maybe it was because the Liangyi spectroscope could not be restored, and it was difficult to control the disciples of the Lihuo veins.

Regarding this, Yi Tian found that there were still many unanswered questions in his heart, but let's explore the entire hall first.

After entering the main hall of the Heavenly Palace, the two took out night pearls to light up the inside one by one. After entering the main hall, they saw a five-foot portrait hanging in the middle. Two disciples lined up on the left and right.

After carefully looking at the painting, Yi Tian suddenly found that standing on the left side was Yun Zhongzheng, the ancestor of Xuanyang, and there was another person on the top in front of him, who should be Gu Hui, the ancestor of Lihuozong in Zhongzhou up.As for the two people on the right, I don't know each other, they should be the heads of Qi Pavilion and Danmen.

There is a table under the painting, and three jade boxes are placed on it at a time, which should be treasures kept here by the Qi Pavilion.

Hu Yiyuan was so overjoyed that he didn't care about what to say to Yi Tianduo, and went straight up to check the jade box.Suddenly a red light flashed, and a halo appeared around the table, protecting everything inside.

Hu Yiyuan also knew that he was being reckless, so he hurriedly turned his head and said to Yi Tian: "Junior Brother, let's work together to break this restriction and share the treasure equally."

"Senior Brother told Junior Brother to be natural," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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