
Chapter 349

Chapter 349
For the past seven days, Fu Kecheng and Fan Xing from the Yin Corpse faction near Tianmen Cliff were sitting cross-legged and waiting. Suddenly, Fu Kecheng's eyes lit up, and he said angrily, "I didn't expect that kid to find out."

Seeing this, Fanxing hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, Fellow Daoist Fu?"

"The coordinates that were originally faintly visible can't be sensed at all now. It should be that the other party discovered the intention after refining the hook." Fu Kecheng said angrily, "I knew that I should speed up and stop him. "

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I think he should be refining the spirit weapon somewhere here. If he can really make a high-level spirit weapon, it will definitely attract thunder and disaster. We can follow this clue to find him directly," Fan Xing analyzed.

"I hope it's as fellow Daoist said."

Just as they were talking, they suddenly found a sound coming from a lake below Tianmen Cliff, and the two of them were overjoyed and hurried towards that direction.

Within three breaths, the water level in the lake dropped by more than three feet, and then a stone door was exposed, and then two rays of light, one red and one purple, flew out of it.

Seeing this, Fu Kecheng and Fanxing were stunned for a moment, and then beamed with joy. They nodded to each other in understanding and shot directly. After the two spells were cast instantly, they all shot towards the red escape light.

Hu Yiyuan, who came out from behind the stone gate, also had an angry expression on his face at this time. He didn't expect that this expedition was full of joy, but in the end he returned disappointed.Junior Brother Yi, who simply has the Chiyang Meridian, agrees to help with the sacrifice as long as he gets the instrument score.But now he was being watched as soon as he went out, and judging from the strength of the two spells, it seemed that his cultivation base was not weaker than his own.

Under the sneak attack, Hu Yiyuan also said to Yi Tian through voice transmission: "split up and run away," and then shot more than a dozen fire lotus darts from his hand to directly meet the attacking spell.Then the red light on his body increased his speed by three points and rushed towards the direction of Shiwan Dashan.

When Fu Kecheng saw it, he followed without saying a word, while Fan Xing, who was left behind, turned around and chased after the purple light.

A quarter of an hour later, the two groups of people drifted away. Yi Tian looked back at the stars following behind, estimated the itinerary with Fu Kecheng, and then turned around resolutely. The purple flames on his body were shining brightly, but there were a few wooden thorns in his hand. shoot.

After Fanxing chased all the way, he didn't expect that the opponent would turn around and fight back. As a veteran Nascent Soul cultivator, he still had this awareness. He took out a set of flying diamonds full of stars in his hand, and then commanded dozens of A flying drill bit forms a French net and moves towards the incoming wooden thorns.

After a burst of clattering, the spell blessed by the spiritual weapon easily blocked the incoming wooden thorns and immediately surrounded the purple light.

Afterwards, Fan Xing also used both hands to control the arrows again, and after shrinking the encirclement circle again, he directly stabbed all of that person.And there are smiles on their faces that are determined to win, this set of flying rain is the natal magic weapon that Fan Xing is famous for.

Moreover, it can increase the power by [-]% by cooperating with its skills, even if the monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul are under siege, it is difficult to escape from birth.

After three breaths, it was expected that the flying drills would be smashed into a sieve. Instead, those drills hit the purple light film and were stuck, no matter how difficult it was to penetrate.

All of a sudden, Fanxing was in a panic, which was the backlash effect of the destruction of the natal spirit weapon, and then looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

Seeing a flash of purple light, the cultivator arrived in front of Fan Xing in a blink of an eye. He was so frightened that he opened the protective cover and turned around to run away.

Before a teleportation spell was cast, Fanxing felt heart-piercing pain spreading all over his body, and then saw his lower body start to burn rapidly.The purple flame was like a life-threatening talisman, igniting in three places on his body, and his defense was broken by the opponent before he had time to practice his reaction.

Then I saw a purple fire palm directly covering the top of the head, and the Nascent Soul who was about to escape was caught at once.Fan Xing didn't even have a chance to say the words of begging for mercy, and the entire Nascent Soul was burned by the purple fire into a ball of empty spiritual power, which then dissipated between heaven and earth.

After putting away the natal purple fire on his body, Yi Tian searched all the storage rings on Fan Xing's body, and then used his escapism to run towards the south.

Half an hour later, a gray ray of light passed here, and then Fu Kecheng appeared. At this time, he was also on the verge of going berserk.Just now, after following the Red Escape Light into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he directly encountered the Mountain Patrol Envoy of the King of Eagles.Although I'm not afraid of them, it won't take much advantage to get entangled.

Then Fu Kecheng resolutely gave up the prey in front of him, then turned around and rushed towards the last coordinates left by Fan Xing.Originally, I thought Fan Xing, who was Dong Ao's veteran Nascent Soul cultivator, would be able to catch him as long as he entangled him for a while and waited for him to encircle him when he arrived.

But when I arrived here in a hurry, I found that the building had already been empty, and now I couldn’t feel Fanxing’s breath even when I stretched out my consciousness. Quickly resolve the battle within.

The fluctuations of spiritual power remaining in the air showed that a fierce battle broke out here just now, and the power of spells cast by both sides was also extremely astonishing, and neither of them seemed to stay behind.

After staying for a while, Fu Kecheng directly continued to do this, as long as the other party took Fanxing's storage ring, it would be easy. He had also marked it secretly when he had a private transaction with Fanxing before, and now it just happened to be used.

After ten breaths, Fu Kecheng got his bearings and then chased in the direction Yi Tianfei left just now.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was flying all the way, had not yet been targeted, and the poisonous snake behind him had gradually locked himself along the coordinates.After flying for a while, he found a remote place to erase the imprint left on the Star Storage Ring, and then began to count the trophies.

Fan Xing, who is a Nascent Soul cultivator, still has a lot of money. Apart from millions of spirit stones, he also has three or four top-grade spirit crystals.It must have been brought out at a party.

In addition, the hand crossbow that I handed over to him for exchange was also among them, and it was returned after a round trip.In addition, there are several jade slips, which include the art of stars he majored in and the refining spectrum of the star-filled spiritual weapon.

After searching, there were two jade slips inside that made Yi Tian awe-stricken, and one of them was a letter from Sima Tengyun, Emperor Yutian of Ming Dynasty in Southern Xinjiang.The content is to invite Fanxing to be a guest in Southern Xinjiang during the election of the Holy Son of King Ming Dynasty a hundred years later.

The other one is a map that marked an ancient tomb that Fanxing found in the Luoyun Mountains in Dong Ao. The location was in the territory of King Wan Ying, and Yi Tian was very moved by the line marked below. interest.

The King of Thousand Eagles seems to be guarding the ancient tomb, but it seems that it has broken free from the shackles and regained the kingship of the mountain, living a happy life and never caring about the ancient tomb.

The demon king Yi Tian had to treat it with caution, after all, he also lived in Dong'ao, if the relationship between the neighbors was not good, maybe the development of the sect would be restricted everywhere in the future.

While thinking about it, suddenly a sense of crisis emerged, Yi Tian hastily let go of his spiritual sense and found that someone was flying towards him at three hundred miles away.Immediately, without thinking about it, he just put away the things, and then used the escape technique to fly towards the south.

(End of this chapter)

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