
Chapter 350 Chase

Chapter 350 Chase

The consciousness of a Nascent Soul cultivator can basically cover a range of more than two hundred miles, and the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator like Fu Kecheng has doubled.Originally, the distance of a hundred miles could only be reached in a few breaths, but I didn't expect that the consciousness of the person being tracked was far beyond the same level, almost reaching the level of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

So even if Fu Kecheng can lock the opponent, on the contrary, the opponent can know the location of the person who is following him.The only advantage is that his speed is a little faster than that person, and his cultivation base is one level stronger. Once there is a fight, he will definitely have the upper hand.

Yi Tian, ​​who was fleeing in front, also knew very clearly that the person behind him must be Fu Kecheng from the Yin Corpse Sect. He just killed his apprentice, and he would be chased by others desperately. It seems that this matter is difficult to be kind .

Recalling the mark on the stealing hook, it is not difficult for Yi Tian to guess that there must be something in Fan Xing's storage bag that has also been marked.After checking while flying, only one jade bottle with Xuanming Liquid written on it was the most suspicious.

After a little bit of searching with his spiritual sense, he found that the same layer of gray spiritual energy was wrapped around the bottom of the jade bottle, and then Yi Tian couldn't help but twitched his face a few times, and Fu Kecheng used the same trick twice, holding back his heart Qu also had nothing to say.

Then, with a single finger, the tracking mark was directly scattered, and then an empty bottle was taken out to directly replace the Xuanming Liquid inside.

But even if he did this, he was still firmly locked by Fu Kecheng behind him. The distance between the two of them was only more than 300 miles, and there was no advantage in speed, and the other party seemed to consciously take a detour to gradually drive him away from the three southern factions. Territory.

If you rush straight ahead, you will definitely encounter the opponent, which is something Yi Tian doesn't want to face for the time being.After taking out the map and glanced at it, he turned around and flew towards the Shiwanda Mountain in the southwest.

Fu Kecheng, who was chasing behind, also frowned at this time, and then turned around to follow Yi Tianfei, and broke into the territory of Wanying King directly after a quarter of an hour.

Although he was chasing at the edge of the Ten Thousand Eagle King's territory, Yi Tian knew that he was doing this. As a local demon king, he was bound to get news soon.This is exactly the result I want, involving a third party.

But after flying for an hour, he still didn't see the slightest movement from the Yaozu, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.Fu Kecheng, who followed behind, was also approaching steadily, and he could only open the distance after using Ziyan Leihuo to activate the escape, but this move was very expensive and could not be used for a long time.

Immediately, the chase turned into a war of attrition. Fortunately, I had some elixir to quickly replenish my spiritual power, and I also had some spiritual liquid from Fanxing's storage ring that I could use.

Although the effect is not very ideal, it can be more or less equal, so the distance between the two has always been kept within the range of three hundred miles, and no one can help the other.

After staying in this state for nearly four or five days, Yi Tian found that he had already flown out of the territory of the King of Eagles. After continuously flying south, he should have reached the sphere of influence of those demon kings in the south.

If you think about the place where you are not familiar with, people will not treat a person who breaks in without reason.Immediately, Yi Tian pulled out the map to check it, and then directly found an inaccessible road and continued to fly down.Fu Kecheng, who was chasing after him, was also full of anger at this time. He thought that a monk in the early Yuanying period would not be able to do anything in front of him, but he didn't expect to catch up even after a large circle to the west of Dongao.

But the more this was the case, the deeper the obsession in his heart, and he kept urging the refining corpse under him to support himself to chase.

Suddenly, Fu Kecheng noticed that the kid in front of him stopped, and then he slowly slowed down and approached with doubts in his heart.A quarter of an hour later, Fu Kecheng finally found the prey he had been desperately chasing for many days in a remote valley in the Shiwanda Mountains.But if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and it is expected that the other party will rely on it, but Fu Kecheng is also a master of arts and boldly flew over, but the spells in his hands are all ready to go.

After being chased for a few days, Yi Tian was also thinking about how to get out. On the way to escape, he didn't forget to check the terrain and landforms below and whether there was any spiritual support.

Fortunately, half an hour ago, I finally found a relatively remote medium-sized spiritual vein. I was overjoyed and unambiguously took out the trapped formation plate and laid the foundation of the formation along this spiritual vein, and then Qian Huan The bell was taken out as the eye of the array to stabilize the array.

A quarter of an hour later, when all the preparatory work was done, it stopped at the center of the phantom formation and drove the large formation, instantly covering the valley where the formation was set up for hundreds of miles in thick white fog.

I thought that the opponent would stay in a stalemate for a while before entering the battle, but I didn't expect Fu Kecheng to reach the edge of the white mist and just stop for a while before poking in.

Immediately, Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly typed a few spells on the array, and all the perceptions in the large array with a radius of a hundred miles were blocked in an instant, and the feeling of being locked by Fu Kecheng's spiritual consciousness disappeared immediately.

Then Yi Tian also took out a few ghost-faced flower seeds and cast them into the ground quietly. In less than ten breaths, he saw flower vines as thick as arms protruding from the ground, covering a range of thirty miles around. They are all arranged in a killing array.

After the opponent entered the killing formation, Yi Tian also manipulated the ghost-faced flower vines with two hands and began to attack. The vines suddenly sprang up from the depths of the dense forest and entangled Fu Kecheng, making him flustered for a while.

However, as the only mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator of the Yin Corpse Sect, his strength is still slightly better. He stretched out his hand and summoned two gold-armored corpses, a male and a female. After the male corpse protected himself, he pointed at the other female corpse It quietly disappeared into the white mist.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian, ​​who was manipulating the disk, suddenly felt a chill for no reason, and the gusts of wind that followed made his sad sweat pores stand up.

Without hesitation, the True Flame Armor on his body instantly enveloped him, and then the wind blew under his feet, and he directly flashed out from his original position.After only three breaths, there was a crack on the ground, a pair of pale hands stretched out from the ground where he was standing, and then a female corpse in golden armor jumped out of the hole in the ground.

The psychedelic array can trap the minds of living creatures, but it seems to be useless to these refined corpses. Even if Fu Kecheng is trapped in the array, the golden armored corpse is not restricted by the fog at all.

And it seems that the corpse refiner has a special method to find the living, which is why they strike so precisely.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying in mid-air, was also sweating in his hands. Fortunately, his judgment on the crisis just now was very accurate. If he hesitated half a minute, he would immediately fall into a passive state.

Fortunately, the female corpse did not escape into the ground for the time being when the sneak attack failed. Yi Tian pointed at it, and the vines entrenched on the ground stretched out, sealing the hole in the ground.Then a bucket-thick ghost face flower opened its buds and gnawed down on the female corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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