
Chapter 351

Chapter 351
The white mist in the maze has the effect of blocking the exploration of the divine sense. Originally, Fu Kecheng could only extend the divine sense to a range of ten feet, so he couldn't find Yi Tian's exact position after being attacked several times.

The golden-armored female corpse released also relied on the instinct of refining corpses to find living creatures, but unexpectedly this trick was really effective.As soon as he heard a violent sound not far away, Fu Ke was secretly proud, probably because he had found the location of the caster.

Stretching out his hand in that direction, the male corpse's eyes flashed red, and then the body energy condensed and directly corroded the entwined vines.After breaking free from the shackles of those vines, Fu Kecheng brought the male corpse to the place of sound with a teleport.

As soon as it landed on the ground, there was a twitch on the face, only to see a flower bud as thick as an eight-person round table biting the upper half of the female corpse's body and gnawing non-stop.

Obviously, the female corpse was unwilling to be trapped here, and stretched out her hands to beat the flower buds desperately.

After seeing this, Fu Ke snorted coldly, raised his hand to make a seal on his chest, and then threw three drops of blood at the female corpse. Immediately, the female corpse fought fiercely, and broke free from the siege of Ghost Face Flower after a burst of beatings.

It's a pity that after coming out, the entire upper body was corroded by the acid in the flower buds, and the bones were deeply visible.

A series of flashes of light flew across the white mist suddenly, and several fireballs directly attacked Fu Kecheng. Before they could reach him, they were blocked by the male corpse.Before he had time to cheer up, he saw a beam of light flying over his head, and his whole body trembled, and then Fu Kecheng shivered three times in a row before he stopped.

At this time, Yi Tian stood three miles away and began to change the knot seal constantly, casting a spell to surround all the hidden vines in the entire valley to the one person and two corpses.

Suddenly the entire valley shook, and the protruding vines formed a net in the air, directly blocking the way up, and then slowly pressed down.Fu Kecheng didn't panic when he saw the blackness coming down from the sky, he directly manipulated two refined corpses to protect him, and then used the earth escape technique on the ground to sprint towards the direction he came from.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the other side, saw that things were almost done, he took out the Thousand Magic Bell from the array, and after putting a few spells on it, he threw himself into a kamikaze and fled to the deeper part of the south.

This time, he tried his best to use the escape technique to completely get rid of Fu Kecheng's pursuit, so Yi Tian didn't care about the destination, as long as he flew to a distance that could not be detected by his spiritual sense.

For this reason, the distance of hundreds of miles flew quietly in a short time, and just to be on the safe side, Yi Tian flew twice the distance of his own spiritual detection before stopping.

Three days later, in an unknown tree hole in Shiwanda Mountain, Yi Tianzheng sat cross-legged in it to meditate to recover his spiritual power, during which time he took out the bottle of Xuanming Liquid and drank it together.

Now the state of the whole person is much better than before. Not only has most of the spiritual power recovered, but also the spiritual energy in the body has been washed again after taking the Xuanming Liquid, and even absorbed most of the Xuanming Liquid with the Nascent Soul.I checked before that the effect of this thing is that it can reconcile several different spiritual powers. Originally, this spiritual liquid was not easy to find in Fanxing, but now it is all cheap Yi Tian.

After cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, Yi Tian knew under the guidance of Chi Yangzi that the next practice needed to reconcile the five elements. If a monk with a single line of heavenly roots practiced at this time, his cultivation base would not be as good as those with double spiritual roots. And the people of Sanlingen.

It is also necessary to reconcile the five elements with one more spiritual root, which is bound to have an advantage. Before conceiving a baby, it is true that the single-line spiritual root practiced quickly, but now those celestial spiritual roots have become a hindrance that restricts the growth of cultivation base.

Yi Tian himself was originally a three-line spiritual root, but before conceiving a baby, he majored in wood and fire two lines.Now after taking the Xuanming Liquid, the reconciliation of the remaining three breaths of spiritual power can also be gradually put on the agenda.

But what Yi Tian is most interested in at this time is the luck-stealing hook. He used the "Qingling Famu" to spy on the luck of others during the Nascent Soul Gathering, including of course Hu Yiyuan, Fan Xing and Fu Ke became three people.

Among them, there is a cluster of flames on the top of Hu Yiyuan's head, and the luck of the stars is more peculiar, because there are some stars shining in the ball.On top of Fu Kecheng's head was a refined corpse. After careful inspection, his face was exactly the same as his appearance.

This time, he tried the luck-stealing hook to directly cut off a piece of luck from the top of his head and absorb it into the spiritual weapon. Fortunately, although he was aware of it, he couldn't guard against it.

Now that Fu Kecheng has been cut off, his path of cultivation will be more difficult in the future.And Yi Tian held the luck-stealing hook at this time and didn't know how to deal with the luck in it.

After slowly injecting spiritual power into his hand, the luck-stealing hook turned around in front of his face, and then pointed directly at the top of his head.Immediately, Yi Tian was also taken aback, and saw a faint trace of luck slowly leaking out of it, and then poured into the seal-like luck on his head.

The whole process lasted for nearly three hours before the robbed luck was exhausted, and then Yi Tian took out the Haotian mirror and cast the pupil technique to look at the seal formed by the luck on his head from the mirror, and found that there was no What a big change.

After a long time, I still found some clues. After the seal was solidified, some edges and corners of luck can be seen on it.Immediately, Yi Tian felt extremely relaxed, and the entanglement between the whole person and the seal seemed to become deeper.

It took two days of continuous meditation to make up for all the shortfalls, and now Yi Tian felt that his understanding of spells seemed to be deeper, so he took out the Yin Corpse Cheats that he had found on Lunli Xing before and read it carefully Only after a while was I secretly rejoicing.

It turns out that the corpse refining technique of the Yin Corpse Sect becomes more and more difficult to practice, and it often requires the corpses of high-level monks to refine golden armor corpses.In particular, monks like Fu Kecheng, who were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, regarded the lunar calendar as their candidate for refining corpses early in the morning, and planned to refine them into their own corpses at the right time.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was also heartbroken. He was glad that he did not join the Yin Corpse Sect, otherwise he would not know when he would be made into a refined corpse by the master. He was really sold and helped to count the money.

It was only later that he realized that he was relieved by killing the Lunar Calendar, and at the same time, the guilt on his body also dissipated a lot.On the other hand, Fu Kecheng was determined not to let him go, it would be no wonder that if he ruined his life, he wouldn't find fault with him.

Fortunately, there was no head-to-head confrontation this time, and the spells used were mainly wood-based, but Hu Yiyuan used skills similar to those of the Chiyang School, hoping to confuse the audience.

Immediately, Yi Tian didn't think about it, and sorted out all the things he had snatched for the time being, and hid for a while, and went out when the wind outside was not so tight.

(End of this chapter)

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