
Chapter 352

Chapter 352
Among the [-] mountains, there is more than one demon king, the Eagle King, and this land is not known to be the territory of that demon king, so Yi Tian didn't dare to make too much publicity.

When I was free, I marked all the places I passed along the way on the map one by one, and when I went back a few days later, I suddenly found that something was wrong.There are obviously more monsters patrolling the sky, and there are also some transformed monsters that shuttle past in the air from time to time.

If I fly so blatantly at high altitudes, I will definitely be discovered by others, and I am afraid that without the action of Wanying King, the little demon kings around him will be enough to drink a pot for themselves.

After thinking it over and over again, Yi Tian resolutely decided to go back and take a detour around the long road, at worst, he would go directly to Ninghai City from the seaside and then return to the Zongmen.

After making up his mind, he turned around and flew at the low altitude of the jungle, trying to bypass those monster checkpoints, and flew over some jungles where there were few people.

However, as a result, his speed was greatly restricted, and even when passing through several checkpoints, because he was afraid of touching the prohibition of the monster race, he had to use the invisibility technique again to slowly get past those checkpoints.

More than a month later, I heard a few interesting anecdotes along the road going south. The precious daughter of the patriarch Qingtian was stolen, and now all the local monsters were mobilized to look for all suspicious characters. If you encounter resistance, you can kill it on the spot.

It's no wonder that all the Yaozu checkpoints that passed by along the way were sealed off, and each of the Yaozu tribe's territory was sent several times more manpower.Even a Nascent Soul cultivator like Yi Tian has to hide his whereabouts carefully. If he is discovered by monsters, it will be extremely troublesome to attract those monster kings.

When scurrying in the monster clan's territory, you have to shrink your own smell. After all, many monsters distinguish between friends and foes by distinguishing smells.

After passing through several monster territories, Yi Tian found that he was lost. There is no direction mark in this kind of place, so Yi Tian had to take out the sundial locator and fly into the air to try to determine his current position again. position.

Suddenly, someone seemed to be flying from the west, and seemed to be chasing him non-stop. In order to avoid trouble, he hurriedly hid his figure in the air.

But those people were also running straight towards their own direction, and Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the clouds, had no choice but to raise the altitude quietly, and waited for those people to fly past before slowly falling down.

There was a sudden scream in the depths of the jungle that was supposed to be silent. Turning around, it turned out to be the sound of a fourth-level corolla red jade rooster.

It was also the first time for Yi Tian to meet such monsters, and he realized something was wrong after a while. These monsters are not powerful enough, but their latent reconnaissance and early warning capabilities are really nothing to say, and even he was accidentally discovered by them whereabouts.

Expecting this to be troublesome, he teleported to it, stretched out his hand and grabbed its neck, and then threw it into Fat Dog's animal control bag. The aftermath was left to Fat Dog to deal with.

In an instant, there were no less than three divine senses sweeping over the land, and Yi Tian was really frightened. The degree and scope of the two divine senses were obviously comparable to his own.

Turn around and directly choose a direction that has a gap with those spiritual senses, launch the evasion technique with all your strength, and escape directly.

Three days later, Yi Tian's figure appeared in a large human market mixed with dragons and snakes. After these few days of fleeing, the most important thing now is to figure out his position first.

This land has been thousands of miles away from the territory of the Qingtian Demon King. It is estimated that no matter how powerful the demon clan is, they will not rush to the human market to find people.

In order to deceive others, this time Yi Tian just suppressed his cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, and then changed into a set of coarse linen shirts and mixed into the market.

After shopping around in the shops here, I bought a few maps and compared them, only to find that I somehow came to a large stronghold on the edge of southern Xinjiang, and then I looked around.

After inquiring about the local owners, I found out that this place is called 'Beibuji', and the man who sits in the town is a late Jindan monk, who is said to have some connection with Wandumen.This is the northern gateway of southern Xinjiang, and further north is the territory of the Yaozu.

After understanding the information, Yi Tian also gave a wry smile, let's be at ease when it comes.Going back to the original road to the north seems to be tantamount to throwing oneself into a trap, not to mention that at this moment, King Qingtian's territory must be full of chaos. In the crotch, it's not shit, it's shit.

After thinking about it, I slowly started shopping in the north. This is the first time I have come to southern Xinjiang. It is also good to have a taste of the local customs and special products.

After passing a few shops, I found that there are five poisonous specialties in southern Xinjiang everywhere, and these shops seem to be the industry under Wandumen.It's a pity that I am not very interested in these poisons, and I have nothing to do with them in terms of cultivation skills, so I don't care too much.After reading back and forth, they are basically materials of the third and fourth levels, and even the monks in the golden core state cannot use them, let alone myself.

However, there are some items here that are suitable for raising spirit beasts. Now I am a Nascent Soul cultivator, but the fat dog who has followed me for more than a hundred years is only a fourth-level peak.It's time to help it advance to the fifth level, or if the cultivation level increases again in the future, the effect of raising a spiritual pet will be equivalent to nothing.

After looking through the elixir Wanpian and the manuscript of the Beast Master, I found that there is a kind of elixir called 'Spiritual Beast Breaking Barrier Pill' that can help the fifth-level spiritual pet to advance.For a four-level peak spirit beast like Fat Dog, it can be used as long as the raw materials are reduced to about [-]%.

Now that we have a goal, let's collect all the materials needed to refine the elixir directly in the north.Considering that he is still a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, in order to avoid the trouble of causing market fluctuations, Yi Tian still gave up the idea of ​​​​sweeping goods on a large scale.

After passing by a few stores, I went in and bought the raw materials separately. After a while, I collected seven or eight, and I also bought enough seven star flowers and spirit grass for the two main medicines.

It wasn't hard to find the last medicine, but after looking through the Handbook of the Beast Controlling Sect, it was discovered that it needed the venom of a high-level spirit beast.The trouble is that if you want to increase the alchemy rate, you need fresh venom. Now it seems that you need to buy some live monsters, and you can directly take out the venom and add it to the elixir when refining alchemy.

But Fat Dog is a fourth-level spiritual pet, and the elixir it takes must use the venom of a fifth-level monster as a pill. After searching the entire northern collection, Yi Tian couldn't find a fifth-level monster.After inquiring, I found out that the people of this level were taken away in advance by the guards. If you want to find the fifth-level monsters, you can only go to the black market to find those monster hunters to buy them.

In addition, there is a gossip that the people guarding the mansion specialize in high-level poisons. Maybe this is also related to the exercises practiced by the guarding Jindan monks.

(End of this chapter)

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