
Chapter 353 Poison

Chapter 353 Poison
The black market in Beibuji is definitely not built in those opaque buildings as imagined. On the contrary, when Yi Tian came here, he felt that it was no different from ordinary teahouses.

It's just that there is an extra auction table in the black market trading center. Listening to the introduction from the young man here, generally, the identity of the seller will not be investigated for everything that is traded in the black market.Everyone is only concerned about the quality of the varieties and materials of this transaction.The entire transaction is divided into two types: private sale and public bidding. Unlike regular auction houses, the items offered for public bidding here have not been verified in advance, and all information is completely only the seller's side.

As for whether you can find the treasure or not, it still depends on the eyes of the monks. The black market only charges [-]% of the fee, and other things are ignored.The advantage is that the black market will hide the identity of the seller, so there is no need to worry about someone retaliation afterwards.

But this is only effective within the range of the guarding monk's ability. If a high-level monk like Yi Tian really wants to pursue it, I believe that the guarding monk will have to hand it over obediently.

After walking here for a while, the news I got is not satisfactory. Most monster hunters will directly sell the monsters they hunt to the guards. After all, the price is higher than outside, and there is no need to pay. handling fee.

Now Yi Tian was also very dissatisfied, it seemed that it was very difficult for him to find a living creature of a fifth-level monster here, could it be possible that he really wanted to chat with the guarding Golden Core cultivator.

I was thinking about what to do next, when I suddenly heard a golden core monk come out from the middle of the pavilion in the black market and announced loudly: "The monster auction will be held in two hours. Interested monks are invited to register. People need to pay an entrance fee of [-] spirit stones."

All of a sudden, the monks in the whole building were discussing, and some anxious monks ran up to take out the spirit stones to buy tickets.

It's rare to come here and have the opportunity to encounter the auction Yi Tian also did his part, went directly to the black market registry to pay enough spirit stones, asked for an upstairs private seat, and sat there directly waiting for the start.

Anyway, I made up my mind that if the bidding fails later, I will go directly to the guarding golden core monks to exchange them directly. I believe those guarding golden core monks will not be ignorant of current affairs.

After closing my eyes and resting for a while, I heard people coming upstairs one after another, and then the voices of people in the entire lobby began to mix up. Needless to say, the time should be almost the same.

When Yi Tian opened his eyes again, he saw that the circle around the second floor was full of people, but everyone's rooms were covered by restrictions, so they couldn't use their spiritual sense to detect the situation of the monks inside.

It didn't take long to see a middle-aged Jindan mid-stage cultivator walking to the bidding platform, clearing his throat and announcing the start.

Every black market auction is uncertain, so buying and selling here depends on your eyes.After a few words, the host first took out an iron cage, in which a colorful red-chain snake was locked, and then lightly quoted the price of [-] spirit stones. In the next four weeks, monks started Bid each other up.

Looking at the poisonous snake with the pupil technique, and comparing the bids, Yi Tian couldn't help but twitched his face.No wonder it is said that southern Xinjiang is a paradise for poisonous substances, and poisonous water and beasts are everywhere.The base price of such a level four red chain snake in Dongao would be [-] yuan, which is indeed too low in price here.

However, the fourth-level monsters are of no use to him. I believe there should be better things behind this, or else he would really go to the town guard mansion.

The noisy bidding below lasted for more than half an hour before the first three items were auctioned off. Yi Tian found that these items were all four-level poisonous beasts, but there were very few people bidding on the second floor, maybe everyone Wait for the good stuff in the back like yourself.

Not long after, the host cleared his throat and said, "The next auction is the high-level poisonous beast captured from the monster beast territory on the back." After finishing speaking, two waiters brought out a large canvas-covered The cage came, and when the cover was lifted, everyone saw a strong bull inside.

After Yi Tian scanned the room, his face froze for a moment, then he nodded and said to himself: "It's done, that's it."

At this moment, the host said calmly: "Level 20 poisonous scorpion, the base price is [-], please start bidding."

Immediately, all the people present turned their attention to a small cage next to the bull. Inside was a five-inch long jasper scorpion. Its tail hook was constantly stinging the bull's hind legs.

After being stung a few times, the huge bull groaned in pain in the cage. It seems that the poison of the jasper scorpion is really powerful. Even the strongest bull bull among the fourth-level spirit beasts can Can't resist.

At this time, a bidding came from an elegant seat on the second floor: "15,"

Then there was a price increase in the next few rooms, and each time the price increase was not low, the price was raised to more than 20 within a few calls.

At this time, Yi Tian also opened his mouth to add [-], but after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a slight fluctuation of spiritual power in the second floor.Although this feeling is very weak, even those Golden Core cultivators may not be able to detect it.

But for himself, he could still detect the aura of those monks of the same level. Although it was only a short breath, it was enough to prove that the jasper scorpion auctioned was definitely not simple.

In order not to make trouble, Yi Tian stopped after making an offer once, but he was secretly thinking that the following things would be difficult to handle, and he might have to do another one.

But after thinking about it, he was just here to buy a fifth-level monster, so he didn't have to wade into this muddy water, so he stopped and made no sound.

Half a quarter of an hour later, it was indeed that person who bought the jasper scorpion at a price of 50 yuan, but after the auction was completed, only a voice came from the room saying: "I have spent so many spirit stones, can I see the price of that scorpion?" Hunter?"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire venue fell silent, but the host standing in the middle said with a puzzled face: "Fellow Daoist, this seems to be against the rules. We are just bidding to sell goods here, and nothing else is involved."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm looking for that hunter today," said a sentence mixed with spiritual pressure, which stunned the people below.

The Golden Core cultivator was also in a cold sweat at this moment, he could clearly feel that the other party's intentions were not good, and his cultivation level definitely surpassed his own to speak out here.

Before he could reply, suddenly the backstage of the black market became agitated, and a spiritual pressure appeared, and a blue light and shadow shot out of the room on the second floor.

After less than three breaths, the light and shadow circled back to the front from the backstage, and everyone was stunned when the figure appeared.Standing in front of everyone was a transformed monster with a human body and a tiger's head, carrying a fainted Golden Core cultivator in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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