
Chapter 354 Chaos

Chapter 354 Chaos
Since the two races signed the non-aggression agreement, both sides have also maintained maximum restraint.The high-level monks on both sides will not run into each other's territory for no reason to make trouble. This is the first time in hundreds of years that what happened in the black market in the north.

For a while, the monks in the whole building ran out desperately. These low-level monks could only serve as blood food in front of the transformed monsters. If they didn't run, they would die.

And those golden core monks on the second floor ran faster than anyone else, and after less than ten breaths, there were only a few people present, including the host of the black market.

Then I heard a coquettish voice from outside saying: "Senior Tiger Tooth, everyone came to my northern collection. I don't know what is the important matter? Senior, as a power of the monster race, wants to show his prestige in the realm of our human race. If you want to The great cultivators of the two clans will not be able to explain it on the face when they know about it."

The tiger tooth was not pretentious, and he shouted directly: "The precious daughter of Qingtian Demon King was taken away. I suspect that your human race did it." After speaking, he pointed to the Jasper Scorpion in the cage.

I don't know which monk said in private: "That's the guard of the northern group, the Poison Lady."

Following the words, Yi Tian looked out of the door, only to see a monk who looked like a young girl hurried in.This person's body is colorful, and upon closer inspection one finds that it is the colorful splendor of her skin.It seems that this Poison Lady has obviously practiced extremely powerful poison kung fu, and she should have a deep connection with the Wan Poison Sect.

At this time, the poisonous lady said again: "If Senior Tiger Tooth thinks that this is Jasper Scorpion is the descendant of Qingtian Demon King, then please take it away, I don't want to get too entangled with the demon clan in Beiji. "

"This is just a pet raised by the eldest lady. You humans have always been cunning." Then Tiger Tooth raised the man in his hand and continued: "This man went deep into the heart of my demon clan with evil intentions, and the lady's pet is in his hands." , that is irrelevant.”

The poisonous lady frowned and replied: "If that's the case, then please senior take this person away, I don't care about other things."

"That's fine," Hu Zi said, grabbing the cage in his hands with one move, and striding out with the monk.

Not long after the tiger teeth left, they heard the wind blowing in the sky, and then there were bursts of spell attacks.Yi Tian guessed that it should be the monk Nascent Soul of the human race who rushed to fight the tiger tooth.

Randomly dodged and hurriedly teleported out, and then followed the sound of the spell to search, only to see two flashes of light fighting fiercely more than a hundred miles away.

The aftermath of the fight between the two directly lifted the nearby ground, and the aftertaste of the spiritual pressure of the spell directly spread to Beiji.The poisonous lady was so frightened that she hurriedly opened the defensive array to keep her territory intact, but those spiritual pressures before also destroyed a large number of buildings, making the northern market a mess.

After weighing this fifth-level poisonous beast, it is not so easy to find. If you miss it this time, you don't know if you will have a chance to meet it again next time.Immediately, Yi Tian quietly disappeared and then slowly flew close to the battle circle between the two from a high altitude.

After a distance of thirty miles, he stood still. This distance was already the limit at which he could not be discovered by the two of them.In the past, their concentration of spiritual consciousness has more than doubled immediately, and they must have nothing to hide.

Looking from a distance, the Tiger Tooth was holding a fainted Golden Core cultivator and a small iron cage in his hand, and he was fighting the human cultivator with only one hand.Under the two phases, they still have the upper hand. It is conceivable that none of these monsters are simple.

Immediately, the human monk surprised Yi Tian as soon as he made a move. This person turned out to be using King Ming's Fanyun Hand, and his cultivation should be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.It was nothing more than the three ancestors of Di Yutian. It seems that this poacher must have a great relationship with Di Yutian, so he attracted the monk Yuanying.

It is not an easy task to seize food from a tiger's mouth, but it is man-made, and Yi Tian is going to try it.As the two fought and moved towards him, Yi Tian used the Thousand Faces Technique to directly change his face into the appearance of the clone of Great Elder Wen Xin.

Afterwards, he rushed straight down from the clouds, stretched out his hands and used King Ming's hand to attack the tiger's teeth.

The human monk was startled when he saw the sudden arrival, and then he was overjoyed when he saw the spell attacking the tiger's teeth.Then he shouted in a deep voice: "This Emperor Yutian Sima Tengyun, the person here is the Great Elder Utilitarian Tian Wenxin."

"Take off this tiger tooth first, the old man wants the jasper scorpion in his hand." This is the first time he met the Nascent Soul cultivator of Emperor Yutian. Because of his avatar, he didn't dare to be too explicit so as not to be seen by the other party.

"It's easy to talk, let's make a move together," Sima Tengyun said, and his subordinates frequently threw heavy hands.

Originally, Tiger Tooth couldn't let go with two cumbersome burdens. Fortunately, his cultivation level was slightly higher than that of Sima Tengyun's so that he could suppress him with eloquence.But now the other side has another helper, and Elder Wen Xin is a well-known monk in southern Xinjiang, and Tiger Tooth knows a little bit about it.

Even if the other party came from the clone of the early Yuanying, it was not comparable to the monks of the same level, and it seemed that the same tricks used in this way were indeed much more refined than Sima Tengyun's.

After a fight, Tiger Tooth saw that he was invincible and had no intention of fighting, so he directly put the monk in his hand in front of him, and then flew back with the Jasper Scorpion's cage.

Sima Tengyun kept the spell alive, and then flew forward to check the monk's situation.After Yi Tian glanced at it, he didn't say much, and directly took out the "God Killing Crossbow" to set up the crossbow and inject it with spiritual energy, and then shot at the tiger's teeth three times in a row.

The three crossbow arrows turned into three meteor-like flashes and shot straight at the tiger's teeth. After the three direct hits of "bang bang bang", only the tiger's teeth were gnashing their teeth and shouted: "Wen Xin, Sima Tengyun, we are considered a settlement!" It’s time to get off the beam, you people who know the way of kingship, just wait to accept the anger of King Qingtian.”

Then Yi Tian saw that the cage with the jasper scorpion fell down, and the tiger's teeth didn't care so much, and he directly set up the light and fled towards the hundred thousand mountains on his back.

It is simply that this tiger monster is not good at speed, but focused on attacking, but under the attack of the two, it was unable to display its strengths, and finally fled after being shot by an arrow.

Fei went up to Yi Tian to take over the cage and looked at it, the Jasper Scorpion inside was still in a coma, it must have been drugged.This would save myself a lot of trouble, so I put it in the Chi Yanju's beast pouch, and finally told Chi Yanju not to provoke this monster.

After doing this, Yi Tian turned around and looked at Sima Tengyun who was not far away. It seemed that the monster hunter belonged to him. This time, he seemed to be looking for something in King Qingtian's territory.But everyone is a famous Nascent Soul cultivator and they know many things by heart, so the two of them didn't talk much, just exchanged a few perfunctory words and then left.

Before leaving, Sima Tengyun didn't forget to look at the 'God Killing Crossbow' in Yi Tian's hand, but the gloomy color returned to normal after a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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