
Chapter 355 Refining

Chapter 355 Refining
More than two-thirds of the entire Southern Border Continent is controlled by Ming Wangdao, and the rest is divided up by second-rate sects such as Wandu Sect and Yushou Sect.However, among these sects, Nascent Soul monks have also been in charge for the past two or three hundred years, so they were not annexed by Ming Wangdao for a while.

On the contrary, after Ming Wangdao split into three lines thousands of years ago, there were attacks and punishments on the surface, but there were many things that were done secretly.In this way, the situation in the entire southern Xinjiang has been stalemate for nearly seven to eight hundred years.

Among the mountains and counties four to five hundred miles east of Beijiji, it seems that people have set up a maze. Originally, the mountains here are full of beautiful mountains and rivers, but recently there has been fog in those valleys for no reason. Covering the surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged in the cave he had just dug, in front of him were several jade slips, the labels on which were written the Beast Control Art, the Ten Thousand Pieces of Essence Medicine and the New Explanation of the Pill.

Originally, I was a monk in alchemy halfway, so I learned a little from others when I was young, and then I got a few alchemy books and formulas in Xihuang.The last time I was doing alchemy in the Eight Classics, it was the curse-removing pill that I refined in the early stage of Jindan.

This time, looking at the detailed prescriptions and complete medicinal materials, it is not a problem to refine a few copies.It is only estimated that the fat dog and the red flame horse need two five-level weakened spirit beast barrier pills respectively.

The Seven Star Flowers and Spirit Grass collected in the hand have been sorted out, and they can be refined into about ten parts. As for the Nadanyin venom, they have not been extracted yet.

In fact, I was still a little uncertain. This Jasper Scorpion was the pet of the descendant of King Qingtian. To be honest, I really made Liang Zi deeper and deeper.These demon kings are all guarding their weaknesses tightly, if they find out, how can they let it go.

But now that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, since I have offended him once, isn't it the same once or twice.

Taking out the small iron cage of the jasper scorpion, Yi Tian found that it was still lying there half dead, without any sign of moving.If it hadn't been probed with divine sense, I really thought it was dead.

After watching the Beast Control Art, Yi Tian also learned that these poisonous monsters, which are special products in southern Xinjiang, are extremely poisonous. The brighter the five colors on their bodies, the more poisonous they are. Even after using the ecstasy smoke, they cannot faint How long to live with them.

However, poisons usually have a weakness, they are more afraid of fire.Seeing this, Yi Tian also smiled at the corners of his mouth, and then stretched out his hands to make seals on his chest, and then blue flames emerged from his two hands to wrap them up.

Then he opened the iron cage and stretched out his hand to grab the jasper scorpion directly in his hand.The scorpion suddenly opened its eyes and looked around, then stretched out its scorpion-flavored hook and stinged towards the pair of blue fire hands.

At this time, Yi Tian was not surprised but happy, and expected these variables, so he was fully prepared.The scorpion tail hook was immediately frozen after it stung the blue flame, and then the ice cubes condensed along the tail until it froze the whole body.

After lifting the jasper scorpion with the head up and the tail down with the left hand, point the right hand towards the tail hook, and after a while, a drop of dark green spiritual liquid slowly dripped from the top and fell into the jade bottle prepared in advance .

Half an hour later, the jade bottle contained about one or two ounces of venom, and the jasper scorpion also looked downcast at this time, and its whole body hung down powerlessly.

Yi Tian didn't want to kill the chicken to get the eggs. After poisoning the jasper scorpion, its level was obviously a bit unstable.If it is downgraded to a fourth-level monster, it will definitely not be worth the loss, so put it back in the iron cage, and then unlock all the ice and flame spells on it.

Then after feeding it, it was smoked down with beast smoke according to the method in the Beast Control Jue, and then directly found a new beast control pouch and placed it alone.

Looking at the materials divided into ten parts, Yi Tian also smiled, and then took out a pill stove to directly light the fire to warm the hearth.A quarter of an hour later, the golden flame turned the pill furnace red, and when he saw that the fire was almost done, he stretched out his right hand and pointed at the first medicinal material placed there.Immediately, a spell of imperial objects in the air put the whole set of materials into the furnace one by one and began to refine them.

The entire cave mansion was dug with a little effort, so the sealing measures were not bad, so the smell after alchemy was not leaked out.After a few days of trying, Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the cave, silently thinking about the mistakes he made in the alchemy process and the flaws in his technique after failing three times.

After the first three failures, those who wanted to be bombed were put aside. Fortunately, I still have experience in alchemy, and I was more skilled in the operation last time, and I didn't burn the elixir.At least the medicine dregs placed there gave off a burst of fragrance instead of the stench of waste pills in the usual sense.

After staying for a while, Yi Tian also opened his eyes and looked at the remaining seven copies, then stretched out his hand and rolled up three parts and put it in the furnace, and then directly sacrificed the flame with his hand to start refining the "Spiritual Beast Barrier Breaking Pill" 'Come.

After summing up the reasons for the previous failures, I changed the unilateral formula myself, and the medicinal materials for each alchemy were also reduced accordingly, and according to the records of the alchemy formula, it should not be difficult to refine.So it is better to follow the original method of refining and just divide and conquer when the pill is released, maybe it will work.

There was a burst of fragrance in the entire cave within a short while, probably due to his own cultivation, so Yi Tian was also extra careful in controlling the pill fire, for fear that one mistake would burn the whole furnace of medicinal materials.

Fortunately, none of these things happened. Three hours later, the fragrance from the pill furnace became more and more intense, and the spiritual liquid inside began to boil a bit under the burning of the flame.This is a sign that the smelting of the elixir has been completed, and then comes the most critical step of making elixir.

Pointing to the jade bottle storing the venom with his right hand, three drops of foul-smelling green scorpion venom floated out of it, and stopped on top of the alchemy furnace after a while.Then Yi Tian jumped with his left hand, and after the entire furnace cover was quickly lifted, the three drops of venom above fell into it accurately.

After a quarter of an hour, the alchemy in the entire furnace disappeared, and Yi Tian was overjoyed that this was a sign that the potency of the medicine was locked before the medicine was introduced into the pill.Afterwards, he directly made a few knot seals on his chest without hesitation, and later saw that the furnace cover was popped out with a 'bang', revealing the furnace inside, and placed three formed elixirs in it.

Reaching out to take out the three pills, after a closer look, they turned out to be two middle-grade pills and one top-grade pill, which was much better than expected.After all, Fat Dog should be able to advance to level [-] directly with a top-grade pill first, and there are still four ingredients, as long as another top-grade pill is produced, it will be enough for Chi Yanju.

With this experience, I believe that next time alchemy will be easy, and the probability of alchemy will increase accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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