
Chapter 356 Blue Fox

Chapter 356 Blue Fox
Most of the land in southern Xinjiang is surrounded by mountains, and the boundaries of plains are only found near the river valleys in the central and southern regions.The further north you go, the denser the jungle, so those demon kings will choose to live here.

However, all the demon kings on Ruo Da's land boundary seem to have divided their own land boundaries tacitly. will cross the line.

Moreover, monsters often look for safe and hidden valleys when they cross the catastrophe, because there is often a period of weakness after the catastrophe, and their strength can only be displayed to about half of their usual strength. If they are discovered by other monsters, they will easily change. Eat blood.

But today, in a place deep in southern Xinjiang, a white fox was covered with ice chains all over his body, and at this time the thunderclouds in the sky began to gather.In less than a quarter of an hour, a white thunder fell from the sky and landed on the white fox, which was blocked by an ice chain as thick as a thumb.

Yi Tian, ​​who was watching the robbery from a distance, also showed surprise on his face at this time, he didn't expect Fat Dog's frost talent to be really powerful.When the second thunder fell, the fat dog shook his body, and then some tiny drops of water came out from the hair on his body, forming a round blister around his body, and then the fat dog felt a cold breath in his mouth. The blisters were solidified into ice balls by the cold air.

After the lightning hit the ice puck, [-]% to [-]% of the electricity was bounced off. Only a small part of the electricity remained on the surface of the ice puck, but it was all absorbed later.

When the third thunder tribulation was formed, Fat Dog continued to perform the same tricks as before. At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, shook his head. The power of this third thunder calamity was more than a little bit or two stronger than the previous two.

Although it is possible to advance to the fifth level smoothly as long as it passes through, but Fat Dog's own ability alone may be a bit daunting, so he stretched out his hand and pointed towards Fat Dog's ice puck, and saw a blue sunflower Yinzhenhuo ignited on the ice ball, and then the whole ice ball turned into a blue color.

The lightning that fell from the sky hit the ice puck and was bounced back into flames, and the splashed electric sparks ignited the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet.

After all the tribulation thunder fell, Fat Dog's puck began to deform.After absorbing enough electricity, the ice puck slowly deflated as if deflated.

Then it was absorbed by the fat dog's fur little by little. After ten breaths, the ice ball wrapped around the fat dog completely disappeared, and it absorbed the Kui Yin True Fire on it.

When the fat dog showed its real body, it could be seen that its body was about a quarter longer than before, like an ice fox that had entered adulthood, but Yi Tian saw that there was something wrong with the General Bureau.

The screening came in less than half a breath, Fat Dog's entire body is now blue and white, and the ends of the hair are still slightly blue.And above the forehead unexpectedly appeared a blue flame mark, which looked like the real fire of Sunflower Yin.

After carefully scanning with his spiritual sense, Yi Tiancai found that the fat dog had absorbed his own real fire and had undergone a mutation. It seemed that he was much stronger than a normal fifth-level monster.

Then I saw Fat Dog struggling to open his mouth and try to bark a few times, then he let out an indistinct bark and said to Yi Tian: "Change my name, I don't like the name Fat Dog."

Unexpectedly, the first sentence Fat Dog started to say turned out to be like this, which made Yi Tianle happy. It seems that Tianlei didn't break his brain. After all, he is still very concerned about his own affairs of.

But thinking about it the other way around, I have called it Fat Dog for more than 200 years, and it is not convenient to change the name now.Turning to look at his expectant eyes, he replied with a smile: "The name Fat Dog is not very good. A fox who doesn't want to be a dog is not a good fox."

"Change it to another one, or I'll tell people about the bad things you did before, and make you smell bad."

Yi Tian rushed forward and knocked a chestnut on the fat dog's head, his face darkened and said: "Be careful, if you dare to chew your tongue indiscriminately in the future, I will peel your skin." Turning around after thinking for a while, he said: "Well, how about I call you Bingyanhu in public, and call you Fat Dog privately?"

Hearing these words, Fat Dog finally felt refreshed, nodded and replied in a tongue-in-cheek voice: "That's it."

Then Yi Tian picked up the fat dog, took off its beast ring, and then clicked it up, and the words Bingyanhu slowly appeared on the outer surface.Then he took it to Fat Dog to have a look, and after confirming that it was correct, he helped him bring it up.

However, there is still a sign on the back of the beast ring, which clearly says the word 'fat dog'.

After the matter was finished, Yi Tian released the Chi Yanju and the corolla red jade chicken.At this time, the fat dog walked back and forth beside them in high spirits, and the spiritual pressure emanating from his body directly frightened Chi Yanju to neigh in panic.

It may be the instinctive reaction of monsters. Low-level monsters are always suppressed in front of high-level monsters.At the same time, this is also a bad taste of the fat dog, and it also wants to establish itself as the boss.

On the contrary, the corolla red jade rooster stared intently at the fat dog, as if trying to see through it.

Before, Yi Tian also locked the two of them in a beast-controlling bag. I believe that with the fat dog's style, he must have bullied others a lot.

It's been a long time since Fat Dog has suddenly advanced, but it will make the hearts of these monsters unbearable.

And after the mutation, the fat dog seemed to be full of confidence. After chasing and bullying the corolla red jade chicken, he turned to the red flame horse.Even though he is much smaller than the opponent, his strength is far stronger by three points.The two spiritual pets had confronted before with Yi Tian's acquiescence, and at that time, Chi Yanju bullied Fat Dog by relying on his blood talent.

But I believe it will leave a deep impact on Fat Dog after this time.

After the two spirit pets fought with a monster, they both felt a little tired. Yi Tian was not stingy, took out a handful of animal breeding pills and some blood food and fed them to his spirit pets.

On the contrary, the Corolla Red Jade Chicken also came up after smelling the smell, watching Fat Dog and Chi Yanju eagerly eating a big meal without daring to make a sound.Seeing such a scene, Yi Tian felt amused, and these monsters are also interesting, as long as there is something to eat, they will follow, maybe this is also animal instinct.

He casually picked up a piece and threw it to the Corolla Red Jade Chicken, but he didn't expect it to be indifferent to the blood food, instead it quickly pecked at a few animal breeding pills.

Not long after they were all full, Yi Tian activated the beast-monitoring formula, summoning the fat dog and the red flame horse back into the beast-monitoring pouch, and the corolla red jade chicken was brutally stuffed into the fat dog. beside.

After finishing these things, Yi Tian chose the direction of the hinterland of southern Xinjiang to launch the escape technique directly, and several teleportation disappeared into the sky.

Several hours later, a few rays of light flew from the sky in the north, and stopped after passing through the place where Fat Dog crossed the catastrophe.After that, several people eagerly descended to search but failed, and then several people gathered in the air to find the way forward.Later, someone led a team to catch up with Yi Tian's route, but the speed was more than one or two points behind.

(End of this chapter)

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