
Chapter 365 Going Out

Chapter 365 Going Out
The Hongde Hall, the largest gathering place in Mingwangdao, located in southern Xinjiang, was struck by lightning half a month ago, so Elder Wen Xin decided to renovate it.Unexpectedly, both Jiletian and Diyutianbu also sent people to help repair it.

However, there were rumors among those middle and high-level monks that the Son of King Ming returned that day and killed Emperor Yutian's elder Sima Tengyun on the spot.Afterwards, he convinced the other two elders, and the great elder Gongli Tianwenxin also expressed his support on the spot to support the Holy Son to take over the holy religion again.

For a time, rumors spread throughout southern Xinjiang, and those small and medium sects in the north also felt a sense of crisis, so they became active in private.

Ming Wangdao is too powerful in southern Xinjiang, it was good to say that it was scattered into several parts before, but now it is re-integrated by the newly emerged Ming Wang Shengzi, which is bound to be bad news for the surrounding forces.

On the contrary, the vassal sects who participated in the celebration that day all said afterwards that they had no intention of belonging to the Utilitarian Heaven Department, and the power of Utilitarian Heaven suddenly swelled up.

These things have nothing to do with Yi Tian, ​​and now in the depths of the main altar of Gonglitian, Elder Wen Xin is sitting cross-legged in the retreat of the Great Elder Wen Xin.Killing Sima Tengyun this time was also a dangerous move. Although his cultivation level was not as high as his, but fortunately, he still had Qin Mingyue's dark hands behind him.

The exercises handed down by the Emperor Yutian Department were originally incomplete, so after trying Sima Tengyun's many shots, it was not difficult for Yi Tian to find that if the other party used other techniques, he really couldn't deal with them calmly.

Fortunately, the monks of the Emperor Yutian Department are also too pretentious, thinking that they can crush Yi Tian if they practice all the hands of King Ming.In fact, without the 'Asura Transformation Method', the technique in the hands of the King Ming can only show half of its power at most.

What's more, I have already comprehended the two styles of covering the sun and shattering the moon in the treasure of the Holy Son of King Ming. Boundary Kungfu, even if it is only [-]% of the power of the original move, it is amazing enough.

After performing it that day, Yi Tian also found that his spiritual power was exhausted and he almost couldn't stand in the air. If it wasn't for his strong foundation, he might really make a fool of himself on the spot. Afterwards, Yi Tian cultivated in Elder Wen Xin's cave for a few days recover.

However, the effect was obvious. Not only did Sima Tengyun be suppressed on the spot, but also Di Yutian's remaining two Nascent Soul cultivators were shocked.This trick of killing chickens and scaring monkeys is indeed effective, so that the Ming Wangdao Sibu officially recognized its orthodox status.

Even Le Qingtong of the Blissful Heaven Department proposed to let Le Tongxuan accompany her. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the Blissful Tianbu was trying to use a beauty trick.But Ji Letian itself was sleeping for King Ming's son, so the people around him couldn't argue, even Shangguan Dingsheng and Zhuge Wudi showed naked jealousy and envy in their eyes.

On the contrary, Yi Tian knew it well, firstly, he always felt guilty towards Liu Piaopiao, and secondly, he didn't want to get involved with Le Tongxuan too much.I still have a lot of secrets that are not convenient for others to know. In addition, this Le Tongxuan is an old acquaintance. When I met her back then, I knew that she could at least be my aunt. Now it feels a bit weird to let her sleep of.

In the past few days, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave and was still thinking about Sima Tengyun while recovering.When searching for the soul of his Nascent Soul before, he found some clues. The kung fu practiced by his avatar is indeed a remnant of "Asura Transformation", and this remnant is also somewhere in southern Xinjiang. Found in the cave space.

If this is the case, forget it, but there is still a vague message in his memory that makes him feel uneasy.That time there was another person traveling with him named Lu Linsheng, who came from the border of Zhongzhou.This person is also a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his cultivation level is not below that of Sima Tengyun.

Yi Tian also attached great importance to this news, and Lu Linsheng also had a copy of the fragment in his hand. Which of these Nascent Soul monks is not a talented and intelligent generation, it seems that it will take some work to completely solve this matter.At least there is nothing I can do right now, as long as that person returns to Zhongzhou, he will really be lost.

After much consideration, Yi Tian decided to go to that cave to see the situation. Besides, after looking through the loot he found, he found a map that exactly matched the cave described in Sima Tengyun's memory. It was indeed in southern Xinjiang. Beyond the End is located on a small island in the South China Sea.

But this place is rarely visited by people, and even the middle-stage Nascent Soul monks need to go with them.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yi Tian still felt that he had to go once, and then directly took out a jade tablet, stamped a formula on it, and then recorded the words in his mouth one by one.After finishing these, he left the jade card on the futon of the cave, and then quietly slipped out of the cave to open the restriction.

Once accustomed to a free life, it is difficult to be entangled by mundane things, which is also due to Yi Tian's personality.So two days later, when Elder Wen Xin received Yi Tian's summons, he also showed helplessness. After searching the cave and reading the message on the jade plaque, he directly announced that the Holy Son was practicing in seclusion, and Ming Wang Dao responded to everything. represented by him.

As for Blissful Heaven and Emperor Yutian, both of them were skeptical about this at the beginning, but after reading the messages on the jade plaque, they all expressed their willingness to assist the Great Elder Wen Xin to integrate all the people from all walks of life in southern Xinjiang for preparation. Use later.

Half a month later, a purple light flashed over an island in the South China Sea, and then a blue-purple flame appeared out of thin air.After the flames faded, Yi Tian's real body was revealed. After more than ten days of uninterrupted flight, he finally arrived at the destination marked on the map.

Standing in the air, he walked around the small island to confirm that it was correct, and then spread his consciousness to scan the terrain of the entire island, and soon found the cave marked by Sima Tengyun.

I saw Yi Tian raised his brows and showed joy, and said in his mouth: "This is it," and then he hurriedly dropped his figure and flew towards the cave.

After coming near the entrance of the cave when he was young, Yi Tian also took a closer look at the surrounding environment. It turned out that Sima Tengyun and Na Lu Linsheng were also thoughtful people, and they each arranged a seal to seal the entrance here.

Yi Tian sneered a few times in his heart, and his hands were not idle, he directly took out a few silver needles.It is undoubtedly very unwise to use a strong attack to deal with such a sealing technique. Who knows if there will be any high-level sea monsters in the nearby sea area, so it is best to use cleverness to break the ban.

Three days later, two uninvited guests flew over the same island, only to hear a rough cry from the clouds: "Missy's breath is cut off from here, it is estimated that the person who kidnapped her should have entered Some kind of closed cave or space." The speaker was Tiger Tooth who had met in the north that day.

And beside him, a man with a bird's head and a human body appeared and said to the tiger's teeth: "Let's go down and look for it, maybe we will get something. You must know that King Qingtian has already complained about your unfavorable handling of affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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