
Chapter 366 Troubleshooting

Chapter 366 Troubleshooting
The entire desert island is only thirty or forty miles in size, and the cave is only in a cave deep in the jungle on the desert island.It took Yi Tian a long time to break the two seals silently.

Then he took out his trapping disk and laid layers of phantom formations near the entrance, and then covered up the entrance of the cave before entering.

After entering the cave, Yi Tian took out the night pearl to illuminate the surroundings, then looked around at the inscriptions on the four walls of the passage, and was stunned. These words were obviously left by Asura Da Neng, whom he had seen at the treasure of King Ming Shengzi. The handwriting below is the same.

He secretly thought in his heart that he did not come to the wrong place, this place should be the resting place of that person, that's why there are traces of the remnants of the exercises.

However, there is also a bit of a weirdness here, the passageway at the entrance extends diagonally downwards, and seems to be hundreds of feet long.If there is no other space here, then the depths of this cave must go deep into the sea.

Looking at the passage in front of him, Yi Tian also trembled in his heart. His own kung fu is mainly based on the fire element, and its power will be somewhat discounted in this environment full of water elements.

Now that he has come, there is no reason to give up, and then Yi Tian made up his mind and walked down with big strides.

Along the way, the stone walls around here are carved with different characters. Although it doesn't look like a skill, it must have recorded some important information.Yi Tian directly took out the jade slips and recorded them as he walked, and he had used up one of the jade slips before he finished the passage.

Looking around, it seems that this powerful person seems to be eager to express some wishes, and the frequency of engraving words becomes more and more urgent as the time goes on.Even after the whole journey, Yi Tiancai found out that he had used as many as three of the jade slips recorded in his hand.

At the end of the passage is a sealed void gate, which looks like Sima Tengyun's technique.Yi Tian just sneered, then directly took out the broken formation plate and moved towards the middle point of the seal, and then repeated the same trick with the broken formation awl to lift the seal here.

Tiger Tooth and the bird-headed man searched the deserted island for nearly three or four hours but failed to find any clues. The two transformed monsters also struggled for a while but to no avail.

It's no wonder that monsters usually rely on their own innate instincts to cultivate and fight, but they don't know anything about human formations.After a while, the deserted island was covered with white mist, and the target had already been lost.

When the two beasts were about to retreat, they suddenly found that the whole island shook slightly. Although it was not obvious, it was enough for monsters of their cultivation base to rely on this half-breath time to catch the opportunity.

Then the bird-headed man shouted happily: "I found it, half a mile below the center of the island."

Just listening to the tiger teeth, he replied: "There should be a secret passage here, let's go down and look for it, that person should not be far away."

At this moment, Yi Tian was looking happily at the entrance in front of him, because a phantom of Asura's Dharma figure faintly appeared on the gate of the void, and the six arms were pointing in six directions.

Looking in that direction, there are exactly six nodes exposed, Yi Tian nodded and smiled in satisfaction, and then made a seal with his hands on his chest to show the image of the Dharma Body.Immediately, the six hands cast spells at the same time and pointed towards the six nodes. In an instant, the nodes lit up and formed a circular halo. There was a "click", and a dark door suddenly appeared in the halo.

Yi Tian was about to stride into it, suddenly his mind tightened for no reason, and then he felt that the phantom array he had set up outside seemed to be broken by someone.Although he frowned a few times, there was only a hint of sneer on his lips, and then he plunged into the void door.

After getting into that space, Yi Tian found that he was falling rapidly, so frightened, he hurriedly used the escape technique to stabilize his figure, but unexpectedly, the escape technique didn't work at all in this space, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

In desperation, he unleashed the Dharma Body Statue with all his strength, forced all six eyes to open, and at the same time cast the Pupil Technique to look around.But seeing that this pitch-black space seemed to be a passage leading directly to the bottom of the sea, after falling for nearly ten breaths, Yi Tian could vaguely see that there seemed to be a little light below.

With joy in his heart, he secretly said: "It should be the exit of this passage," and then the whole body fell to less than three feet from the exit, and was supported by an invisible force, and then slowly descended.

After falling down from the vertical passage, Yi Tian finally regained his figure, and then looked up and saw that he was now in an underwater palace.

The entire palace seems to be made of colored glass, which can reflect the blue sea outside.From those crystal clear glazed walls, one can see the scene in the deep waters of the South China Sea.

At this time, Yi Tian really wanted to admire that Asura's power to open up such a place in the deep sea with such skill.The whole hall was dead silent, only the aquarium swimming past would occasionally make some noise.

After Yi Tian walked into the main hall slowly, he found that there were some scratches on the surrounding walls. If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that these marks should be caused by later generations after entering.

Moreover, Yi Tian could vaguely tell from the scratched words that they were written on the Tianlan Continent. It seems that this is the words developed by Sima Tengyun and Lu Linsheng after their joint expedition.

Taking out Sima Tengyun's engraved version from the storage ring and comparing it, Yi Tian also laughed.It records the part of the condensed method of the first layer of the 'Asura Transformation Method'.

But the records are not very complete, and there is no mention of the next exercise, which is incomparable with the complete version obtained by myself.

No wonder Sima Tengyun's avatar was always a bit weird when it appeared at that time, and his feelings were the sequelae caused by practicing flawed kung fu.

Looking around the hall, except for the scratch marks on the front, there are some text descriptions on the other three sides.Yi Tian also recorded all these information one by one, hoping to find a suitable opportunity to translate these things in the future.

After finishing these, he sat cross-legged in the hall, meditating to recover his spiritual power, but at the same time he was constantly thinking about something.

It stands to reason that I found some traces left by the great Asura tribe in the secret realm of the treasure of the Holy Son of King Ming before, and this place is also unusually similar, it should be the temporary residence of that great power.

It's a pity that I can't interpret the message in my hand in detail due to the lack of words. If I can understand the details, there will be new discoveries.

I was depressed in my heart, suddenly a flash of light flashed in Yi Tian's mind, there is really a treasure mountain in the sky and it will not be opened.Isn't there a Mingyaohui's weapon spirit by my side, now that I have helped him recover the spiritual body, isn't that just a good time to ask him for advice.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian turned his worry into joy, and then he put his hands together and sacrificed the sun, moon and Huilun directly.

(End of this chapter)

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