
Chapter 373 Coping

Chapter 373 Coping
After this period of renovation, the Hongde Hall, the main altar of the Ming Wangdao Gonglitian Department, has completely restored its original appearance, and even under the instruction of the Great Elder Wen Xin, the Hongde Hall has been repaired to be more magnificent than before.

It is because now that King Shengzi of Ming Dynasty did not go directly to the original territory after his return, the main reason is that Yi Tian thinks that the main altar that has been occupied by the Emperor Yutian Department for thousands of years is no longer what it used to be.

Furthermore, although Sima Tengyun Liwei was killed in front of the four tribes last time, only the Brahma Mantra Heaven and Kung Fu Heaven expressed their feelings in person.

As for Blissful Heaven, you can ignore it for now, after all, they are relatively easy to subdue.But after one of Di Yutian's three elders left, Yi Tian couldn't guarantee that he would be able to suppress the remaining two.

Moreover, the entire Emperor Yutian's attitude towards him is respectful, but who knows if they have evil intentions in their hearts.

On the contrary, Elder Wen Xin's utilitarian Tianbu really wants to revitalize the holy religion, so it is not unreasonable for Yi Tian to set up the new main altar directly in the Hongde Hall.

At this time, in Hongde Palace, Yi Tian, ​​Wen Xin and Xiong Batian, two people and one demon are sitting around the center and discussing something.There are father and son Sheng Xingkun waiting outside the gate of the palace, and the two monsters, Fat Dog and Qingyu, are also chasing and playing with each other.

After scanning the door of the lower hall with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian turned his head and listened to the recent merger of the four divisions of the Ming Dynasty.Although they are all following the process, the progress is slow.

Needless to say, it must be that the two elders of the Emperor Yutian Department are not willing to cooperate in good faith. Yi Tian is also well aware of this. After looking at Xiong Batian who was sitting on the side, he said to Elder Wen Xin: "This time I It is fortunate to find the spirit of the former holy son to ride back, and it must be helpful to the follow-up unification work of the holy religion."

Wen Xin smiled at Xiong Batian and then replied: "Holy Son Mingjian, Xiong Lao is indeed the elder of the Holy Cult. After returning this time, I believe it will definitely shock Xiaoxiao."

Xiong Batian yelled carelessly: "I came back to help you because of Qin Mingyue's reincarnation, and I won't act unless it is absolutely necessary."

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed dumbly, and thought in his heart that this old bear is a monster whose spiritual intelligence has been activated for a thousand years. Although he seems to listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement, but there is such a existence that can be compared to the middle stage of the baby. I believe the Emperor Yutianbu The elders will also clamp their tails and be human.

Looking at Elder Wen Xin's appearance, he only has a lifespan of about 200 years at most, so the most urgent thing right now is to improve his cultivation base, as long as he is in the middle stage of advancement in a hundred years, I believe that even the second elder Emperor Yutian Teaming up may not be your opponent.

Glancing at Qingyu at the door, Yi Tian hastily explained the fight between himself and Yanling to Elder Wen Xin in detail, and the other party's face was very exciting.

Now Qingtian Demon King must already know that Qingyu is beside the Holy Son of Ming Wangdao, but if there is any mistake, it will definitely become the fuse of the dispute between the Southern Xinjiang Yaozu and Ming Wangdao.

But once this matter is handled well, Yaozu will also be a powerful foreign aid for Ming Wangdao.

It’s just that it depends on how to deal with it. Elder Wen Xin just shook his head and smiled wryly at Yi Tian, ​​saying: “The Holy Son’s actions are too old to be blamed, I just hope that the Holy Son will treat this Qingyu well, as long as he catches up with Yi Tian With the line of Qingtian Demon King, Ming Wangdao's position in the southern border is as stable as a rock."

Yi Tian also deeply agrees with this, but at the moment Qingyu seems to only have a little nostalgia for the fat dog, maybe it's because they are locked in a spirit beast bag.But Qingyu's monster blood is obviously stronger than that of Fat Dog, so he will definitely advance much faster than Fat Dog in the future.

Don't look at the two of them having a good time now, Fat Dog will have to make a list in the future.

Wen Xin who was on the side saw the worry between Yi Tian's eyebrows, so he opened his mouth and said: "Is the Holy Son worried about how to maintain the bond with the Yaozu?"

"That's right, please ask the elder to give me some advice," Yi Tian replied, looking at Wen Xin sincerely.

"I have three strategies, top, middle and bottom, which can restrain the Qingtian Demon King and protect my holy religion's century-old plan. I don't know if the Holy Son is willing to listen?"

"Great Elder, let me think about it carefully." Yi Tian didn't express his opinion in a hurry, he just wanted to listen to everything before making a plan.

Immediately after that, Elder Wen Xin only opened the sound-proof enchantment to surround the three of them before he said: "The best strategy is to let the holy son's pet Lanhu quickly advance, as long as he takes shape one step earlier than Miss Qingyu I am qualified to hold Qingyu hostage and negotiate terms with the demon king."

Yi Tian nodded after hearing this. This is also the best way at present, but it is more difficult to implement.First of all, Fat Dog's aptitude is not very good, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed by his side for about 200 years before reaching level five.

Moreover, after opening his wisdom, he still has a big tongue, and he can't speak clearly. I really don't know how this hen fell in love with him.

Seeing Yi Tian's signal, Elder Wen Xin continued: "The middle strategy is to send Qingyu back respectfully, and my holy religion will offer another generous gift as an apology to the demon king, so it can also be maintained. The relationship between the two parties will not be too tense."

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Doesn't this mean that you have to bow your head and admit defeat? It is unwise to spend a lot of money to make friends with Qingtian Demon King at the beginning of the reorganization of my holy religion. Even if I want to ask him for help in the future, I don't know. no."

Xiong Batian interjected from the side: "This middle strategy is already an act of showing weakness. Is it really the worst strategy to accept Qingyu as the holy son's spiritual pet? Even if the Qingtian Demon King throws a mouse in the future, it will hurt secretly. Assassin, no matter how difficult it is for the Holy Cult to develop as it pleases in southern Xinjiang, the two races will surely be at odds with each other in the future."

"That's true, besides, I already have two spiritual pets, and I can't take care of them well if I have one more," Yi Tian continued.

In this way, Great Elder Wen Xin was also at a loss for words, just shook his head and sighed non-stop.

On the contrary, Yi Tian smiled and comforted: "Elder, you don't have to worry about this matter. I think Fat Dog has followed me for about 200 years, and he must be a monster with great blessings. So I choose the first strategy, and first find a way to kill Fat Dog. Improve your cultivation, and try to succeed in transforming Qingyu one step earlier, then I believe that even if Qingtian Yao wants to break up their king, he will have to consider the consequences."

"The Holy Son makes a decision based on this, and the old man should follow it. I wonder how the Holy Son is going to proceed with this matter?" the Great Elder Wen Xin asked in bewilderment.

"I heard that there is a Beast Controlling Sect in the hinterland of southern Xinjiang, and there is a secret method of raising spirit beasts in the sect, which can help spiritual pets advance."

"This is indeed a feasible method, but what about the transformation stage? You must know that even in the Beast Master Sect, there may not really be a secret method to assist the transformation of monsters. If you don't reach this final step, your efforts will be in vain. Yes," Wen Xin asked.

"You can ask Lao Xiong for the steps of this transformation, but I will find a way to assist. With so many spiritual pets raised by the Lihuo Sect in the past, they have now transformed into four demon kings. I believe that among them There must be shortcuts to aid the changeling."

Yi Tian also pondered over and over again before making a decision next time. It was clear that so many demon kings came from Lihuozong. It would be unreasonable to say that Lihuozong didn't have any means of assistance and restraint.

(End of this chapter)

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