
Chapter 374 Unannounced Visit

Chapter 374 Unannounced Visit
The Royal Beast Sect can only be regarded as a second-rate sect in the southern border. The sect is located on Yunmeng Mountain in the west of the southern border, and there is only one early Yuanying monk in the sect.Because it was subject to the four divisions of Ming Wangdao everywhere before, it can only be regarded as survival in the cracks.

Fortunately, all sects and factions have more or less demand for spirit beasts, especially those middle and low-level monks will raise some spirit pets to assist them in their cultivation or treasure hunting.

Facing such a large market, the Beastmaster Sect had a whim to split the sect's Beastmaster Spirit Art into three parts, and use the part about raising middle and low-level spirit beasts for external commercial purposes.

And send a large number of sect disciples to open branches of the Beast Master Sect in various cultivation towns and fortresses in Tianlan Continent, in order to earn a lot of spiritual stones and collect treasures from all sides.

When Yi Tian was young, he found a similar shop in Dong Ao's Starry City and spent a lot of money to buy low-level Beast Control Art.Moreover, during the days when he was living in the Western Wilderness, he was lucky enough to find that middle-level Beast Control Art when he wandered around Tianjian City.

However, these secret codes are limited to the cultivation of spiritual pets below the sixth level. If you want to get the spiritual formula for raising high-level spiritual pets, you have to use your brain and work hard.

Originally, Yi Tian didn't pay much attention to this, but now it involves the relationship between Fat Dog and Qingyu, as well as the relationship between Qingtian Yaowang and Ming Wangdao.

For half a month, Yi Tian, ​​who has been in the largest trading market of the Royal Beast Sect, has touched the general situation. The current ancestor of the Royal Beast Sect, Beast Lingweng, has been entrenched in the sect and has not shown up for a long time. .

The only person who can see him on weekdays is the current patriarch Miao Zuren, and it is very difficult to see this person, because he usually lives reclusively in the Beast Sect.

However, these are trivial matters for the Nascent Soul cultivator. What Yi Tian is most worried about is the strange beasts raised in the Beast Sect.Because it was also recorded in the first half of the Beast Control Art that once those spiritual pets reached the sixth level, most of them would have their talents awakened.

And the natal soul pet in the hands of the Beast Master Sect must be extremely talented, that's why he has been able to stand tall in southern Xinjiang by virtue of this.

According to Lao Xiong's thinking, the best way to find someone is to go directly to the door, but Yi Tian still has concerns.The news of the four divisions of the Ming Wang Dao was released not long ago, and now all the major sects in southern Xinjiang have begun to feel insecure.Therefore, using Lao Xiong's method to find the door will undoubtedly become a robbery. Even if the other party is unwilling, they will hand over the things under pressure.

But it is definitely not possible to cooperate sincerely. This is exactly what Yi Tian dislikes the most. Coming to ask for it is no different from robbers.

After months of visits, Yi Tian gradually found out the internal gates of the Beastmaster Sect. On weekdays, the Miao ancestors would clean up in the Beastmaster Hall, and hand over all the matters of raising spirit beasts to a few sects. Zhongjindan elders or Foundation Establishment disciples handle it.

And his natal spiritual pet is a white fifth-order Gale Leopard, which has been chained to rest outside the Beast Spirit Hall in the past, and several Foundation Establishment disciples are specially assigned to take care of it.

Yi Tian took the time to inquire about the exact location of the Miao ancestors, then slowly sneaked in, and hid his figure in a corner facing the gate of the Palace of Beasts.

There is nothing strange about the entire Beast Sect for more than half a month, but during the period, Yi Tian discovered that a Jindan monk who did not seem to be like the Beast Sect visited in the middle of the night.

Moreover, after entering the Palace of Beasts, he stayed for almost a day before coming out. Yi Tian just observed it secretly with the pupil technique, and found that this person turned out to be a colorful totem tattooed on his face.

Although there are different customs and customs in the cultivation world in southern Xinjiang, there seem to be few who have totems tattooed on their faces.After much deliberation, Yi Tian remembered that he had seen the monks of the Wandumen in the North Collection, and it seemed that the situation was similar.

The Beastmaster Sect was actually mixed with the Wandumen, which made Yi Tian feel a little bad.

I didn't expect to come to the Beast Sect by accident and discover such a thing. It is estimated that after the merger of the four divisions of Ming Wangdao, the major sects in southern Xinjiang are really in a hurry, and everyone communicates frequently in private.

However, the person from the Wandu Sect is just a Golden Core cultivator, so he should not be the rightful master.Now Yi Tian is getting more excited, and he decided to wait and see, maybe there will be a bigger discovery in the future.

About seven days later at night, there was another commotion at the entrance of the Beast Palace. This time, the visitor was holding a jade tablet, passed directly through the Beast Sect's mountain guard formation, and landed at the entrance of the Beast Palace.

Two of the people who came were Golden Core cultivators. Last time, the tattooed cultivator seemed to be serving him all the time, and the right master was a mid-stage Golden Core cultivator.After the two hurriedly greeted the disciples outside the Beast Palace, they were led into the palace.

After Yi Tian waited not far away for nearly half an hour, he found three monks running out of the hall, and then he straightened up and flew towards the back mountain of the Beast Sect.With a sneer on his face, he exerted light force on his feet, and quietly followed the three people in front.

The entire back mountain of Yunmeng Mountain is divided into the forbidden area of ​​the Zongmen of the Beast Sect, and the disciples of the Zongmen are not allowed to fly in the air, so Yi Tian can lock the three of them firmly with the naked eye.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, the three of them came to the foot of a towering ancient tree with a diameter of about ten feet. The Miao Zu took out a token in his hand and activated it with spiritual power, and then took a photo at the root of the tree.

Later, the staggered branches spread out to both sides, exposing the path in the middle of the trunk, and then the three of them walked in along the passage.

After the three people entered, the branches on both sides of the road began to withdraw slowly, as if to hide the passage again.

Yi Tian raised his eyebrows on his face and exerted force on his feet, teleported through the passage, and then went directly into the forbidden area.

After entering the passage door, Yi Tian looked around, there was a cave in the tree, the passage slowly spiraled down along the trunk, and the beast spirit's cave was actually in the root of this ancient tree.

After walking down for a while, Yi Tian found that at the end of the stairs was a five-foot-sized quiet room.

At this time, I heard a voice from inside saying: "Please think twice, Senior Beast Spirit, now that the Holy Son of Ming Wang Dao in the southern border has returned and is about to rise. All sects are in danger, and everyone is united. It's a good thing."

"Mi Jianchou, it is indeed a good thing for everyone to cooperate, but what is the purpose of your old poison of the Wandu sect who wants me to hand over the beast spirit formula? Is this what you call working together?" An old voice continued replied.

At this time, Mi Jianchou's voice was heard and continued: "Senior Beast Spirit, this is just the request of our ancestors. Your Beast Controlling Sect is located in the southwest, which is far away from our Wandu Sect. Even if you want the whole sect Moving here also requires us to make room for you, so the sect’s continuation is a good deal in exchange for this beast spirit tactic.”

Suddenly the whole room was silent, and then Ancestor Miao said: "Old Ancestor, this disciple thinks this is feasible, and all the elders in the sect also agree at this time. For the sake of the sect's incense, Ancestor Wanwang agreed. "

"What if I don't agree?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the whole room was condensed, and then the Beast Lingweng was heard yelling: "Miao Zuren, you deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors, how dare you plot against me."

(End of this chapter)

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