
Chapter 376 Beast Breeding

Chapter 376 Beast Breeding
In Beast Lingweng's room, Yi Tian is constantly asking for advice on how to raise spirit beasts, hoping to find a shortcut to make the fat dog transform into shape smoothly.

Hearing Yi Tian's question, Beast Lingweng just shook his head and said, "Holy Son looks too high on old age. This spiritual pet's incarnation is not as dangerous as a monk's crossing the catastrophe. Originally, the cultivation of all things is based on the human form. Best, if the monsters want to use this way, they must resist the catastrophe of transformation before they can change their original form. The difficulties in this are also a hurdle given to the monsters by the sky, so I will say it is a natural moat."

"Aren't those demon kings also refined and crossed the bones to survive the transformation? Aren't there also transformation monsters in my kingly way?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

Unexpectedly, the Beast Lingweng replied with a smile: "The Holy Son, does the Holy Son know how long these transformed monsters are today, and when did they transform?"

One sentence wakes up Yi Tian. As far as the old bear is concerned, he is at least a thousand-five-hundred-year-old monster.

"Please tell the old beast clearly."

Beast Lingweng nodded after hearing this and said: "Holy Son doesn't know, this spiritual pet has to reach the sixth level first, and then after a long period of spiritual power accumulation, there is a slight chance. Now I look at the blue fox longevity. However, two hundred has already reached the fifth level. For monsters, it is already a flying speed of cultivation. What is lacking is the accumulation of spiritual power. Presumably it is possible to use the beast breeding method of this sect to have this effect, but The road ahead will become even more difficult.”

"how do I say this?"

"The Holy Son's spiritual pet will probably need to lie dormant for a long time in the future, and wait for the spiritual power to gather to a certain level. I estimate that this period may be at least a thousand years or even two to three thousand years." Beast Lingweng explained.

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt a chill in his heart, if he waited like this, don't talk about the transformation of a fat dog, would he have seen this Shouyuan?

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, then asked again: "Then what about this corolla red jade chicken?"

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the Beast Lingweng and said: "This beast has the blood of the demon king. Although it is only level four now, it must have been instructed by the seniors of the demon clan to slow down the cultivation base and concentrate on laying a solid foundation. Although it only has a lifespan of 500 years Yuan, but with a lot of accumulation, I believe that it will not take a thousand years to attract the catastrophe of transformation."

As soon as the words were finished, the two spirit beasts were all excited, and at this time, the fat dog drooped his head, looking listless.He must have heard what Beast Lingweng said verbatim just now. If things go on like this, regardless of his high level now, he will be pulled away by Qingyu a lot in a thousand years.

And Yi Tian who was at the side also shook his head helplessly, he still thought of this matter too simply, this interlacing is like a mountain, without Beast Lingweng's words today, he might still have fantasies about Fat Dog.Then he asked unwillingly: "Is there no other way to do this?"

Beast Lingweng directly took out a jade slip, engraved the entire Beast Control Jue in his hand, and then handed it to Yi Tiandao: "This is the whole Beast Control Jue from my Beast Control Sect, the Holy Son can Take it back and take a look, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask the old man."

Yi Tian also humbly allowed him to immerse his spiritual consciousness after taking the jade slip and read through the entire Art of Beast Control. During this period, whenever he encountered any puzzles, he would ask questions directly.

Beast Lingweng didn't hide anything, and answered every question, answering Yi Tian's doubts one by one.

Yi Tian frowned after reading the whole article of Beast Controlling Art, and asked instead: "I have also learned about the Beast Controlling Art of Old Beast, and it is really broad and profound. But it seems that there are only fragments in it, and there should be a part later. Missing."

"Holy Son's heart is as fine as dust, and I admire it. It's true. This ancestor of the Beast Controlling Sect was originally a disciple of the Beast Cultivation Temple of the Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou 2000 years ago. The Beast Controlling Art that has been handed down is only the first part of it. There is also a second part that records the method of transforming form of pets, but it is a pity that it has long been lost after going through the era of disputes," Beast Lingweng sighed for a while.

Being a descendant of Lihuozong again, Yi Tian's nerves were stirred again at this time, as long as he encounters those advanced formulas or secrets, he can basically be related to Lihuozong.Thinking about it, my own sect had thoroughly searched this world and searched for all the valuable things.

Since there is a sequel to the Beast Control Art, there must be a way to transform monsters into form.Although there is only the method of breeding at hand, it is enough. It seems that the only way to find the second part is to go to the Zhongzhou Ruins to have a chance.

Although in the eyes of Beast Lingweng it was illusory, in his own opinion, it seemed that fate had bound him with the two great powers of Lihuozong and the upper realm.

Then Yi Tian got up and bowed to Beast Lingweng, saying: "This time it is all thanks to the Beast Master for clarifying the confusion. I am really grateful. As for where the Beastmaster Sect wants to go, I have no restrictions, but I can guarantee that if the Beastmaster There is nothing wrong with Zong wanting to be independent in southern Xinjiang."

Beast Spirit Weng laughed dumbly and said: "In just a few words, I can roughly understand the character of the Holy Son. I, the Beast Master Sect, want to follow the Ming King's Way. I don't know what the Holy Son wants?"

"It's a good thing. If the old beast is willing to join, I understand the king's way and naturally welcome it backwards," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Afterwards, the two discussed how the Emperor Beast Sect would be attached to Ming Wang Dao. In order to preserve independence, Yi Tian still agreed to Beast Spirit Weng's request.Keep the original control area of ​​the Beastmaster Sect unchanged.In addition, the offering was reduced by [-]%, so it was considered a reward for offering him the Beast Control Art.

Moreover, he also agreed that this beast-controlling tactic would only be used by the high-level members of the King Ming Dynasty, and would never be passed on to the outside world. This way, the beast-controlling sect's financial resources would not be short-circuited.

After the two phases were combined, Yi Tian took out the jade slips and wrote down his thoughts one by one and left a seal.Then he handed it to Beast Lingweng and said: "You take this jade slip to Gongli Tianhongde Hall to meet Elder Wen Xin, he will properly handle the matter between the two factions."

Afterwards, he took out the messenger jade tablet of Ming Wang Dao and explained to Elder Wen Xin about what happened here.

After finishing these things, Yi Tian pointed to the three people on the ground and said: "In this way, the Miao ancestors will be left to the old beast, and I will take the two Wandu people away together."

Beast Lingweng nodded and said that he had no objection to this, and Yi Tian's behavior could be regarded as giving enough face, paving the way for the next thing.

As soon as this matter was over, Yi Tian left with two unconscious Jindan monks. Behind the two monks of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect was a Ten Thousand Poison Demon. A great character.

Fortunately, he knew that he was in the dark, and Yi Tian really wanted to meet this old poison. After all, he would have to kill it for a while in Southern Xinjiang to subdue it.And it seemed that this ten thousand poisonous demons would never be so stupid as to confront the flourishing King Ming, there must be something strange about it.

(End of this chapter)

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