
Chapter 377 Trailing

Chapter 377 Trailing
The Longevity Sect is located in the western fringe of southern Xinjiang, close to the territory of the Yaozu, and there is only Fei Wei, the master of the sect, an early Golden Core cultivator.In terms of the overall strength of the sect, it is not considered a third-rate sect in southern Xinjiang, but even so, the Longevity Sect has received invitations from the alliance. Discuss the way to deal with the rising king of Ming.

After Fei Wei received the invitation, he couldn't wait to write back and replied that Patriarch Wan Du must come to the appointment on time. If a small sect like him wants to survive under the influence of the various sects in southern Xinjiang, it is impossible not to have thick thighs.

Before leaving, Fei Wei sat cross-legged and rested in the secret room of the sect, suddenly his mind tensed for no reason, and then he seemed to dream that his master and ancestor returned to his soul, and only after he woke up did he find that his body was soaked.

Later, he secretly made up his mind that this alliance must rely on Wandumen, and no matter how he makes concessions, he must stick to the bottom line and pass on the tradition.

Three days later, Fei Wei gave instructions to his disciples and rushed towards the meeting place by himself. Just after he left, a vague figure appeared in the secret room of the sect master of the Longevity Sect, and then slowly disappeared.

Ever since the matter of the Emperor Beast Sect, Yi Tian discovered that there seemed to be a secretly assembled force in southern Xinjiang who wanted to compete with Ming Wangdao.Yi Tian sighed for no reason after Hou Qing's soul-searching after seeing the enmity, the Wandu Patriarch probably went to the doctor in a hurry and sent his disciples to contact all the sects, large and small, in southern Xinjiang.

And after receiving the invitation, the reaction of all parties to this alliance is also different. Fei Wei, like this longevity sect, may be regarded as relatively positive.Yi Tian found the list of sects invited to the alliance in Mi Jianchou's luggage early in the morning, so he chose the longevity faction closest to the Beast Sect.

Yi Tian sneaked into the Longevity Sect and found Fei Wei three days ago. He should have killed him directly, and then pretended to join the alliance.

But after thinking about it, several of the monks who participated in the meeting were Nascent Soul monks, no matter how strong they were, they could not defeat the crowd with one.

Yi Tian has also become more cautious since seeing the methods of Beast Lingweng. If he is so careful, he will be discovered by others. It is conceivable that these Nascent Soul monks are not fuel-efficient lamps.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, since he cannot take the risk himself, he can only find someone to replace him.Fortunately, I found a secret book of "spiritual peeping" in the storage ring of the lunar calendar. I have experienced the power of the spiritual possession of the lunar calendar before, but after I killed the host, I became the soul of the lunar calendar. Incomplete, so that it is difficult to make progress in the later stages of cultivation.

After comprehending the "Spiritual Sense Peeping" for a period of time, Yi Tian thought of a way to extract a trace of the host's spiritual sense and put it into the refined rosary, so that he could peep from a long distance.However, this distance cannot exceed the range of a hundred miles, but even this is better than going off in person.

For this reason, Yi Tian specially spent a few days gathering enough materials to refine a divine rosary, and then hurried to the Longevity School to look for prey.

Coincidentally, Fei Wei of the Longevity Sect happened to be in seclusion, which saved a lot of effort, so Yi Tian sneaked in and used the Thousand Magic Bell to stun him for a quarter of an hour, and then quickly took a trace of his spiritual thoughts and stored them in the divine rosary.

After Fei Wei set off, Yi Tian sat in the secret room of the Longevity Sect, holding the divine rosary in his right hand, and typed a magic formula with his left hand. After three breaths, he could see a beam of light from the bead hitting the wall and covering all the people around Fei Wei. The situation has been photographed.

A quarter of an hour later, the image began to become distorted, and Yi Tian knew in his heart that the distance between the host and the rosary was too far, so that the information sent back was a bit blurred.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then his figure disappeared into the secret room in a flash.

Seven days later, Yi Tian followed Fei Wei all the way from the west of southern Xinjiang to the north, basically walking along the edge of the demon clan's territory along the way.Gradually, some images came from the rosary, as if Fei Wei and several monks of the same rank were together after they met.

Then several monks flew straight towards the territory of Wandumen in the north.

To be on the safe side, Yi Tian still kept a sufficient distance, but considering that the spiritual thoughts of the Nascent Soul cultivator can cover a range of two to three hundred miles, it is still quite difficult for Yi Tian to check the news under his nose of.

After thinking about it, he directly took out Hou Qing's token, sneaked into the territory of Wandumen first, and then waited for an opportunity to change his identity.

After entering the territory of the Wandumen sect, Yi Tian discovered that the host, Fei Wei, did not go deep into the territory of the main altar of the Wandumen. The edge of the territory has advanced.

Overjoyed, he dodged and disappeared, and followed quietly.However, he also secretly admired the old devil Wandu in his heart. It was a wise move to arrange the location of the alliance within the territory of the Yaozu.

After following for a while, the distance was moderately kept within a hundred miles, until they found that they were starting to slow down, and then hurriedly stopped.At this time, Yi Tian could feel that there were several strands of spiritual thoughts in front of him covering a large area. It seemed that there were not a few Nascent Soul monks who came to participate in this meeting.

After a sneer, Yi Tian slowly restrained his breath, then fell down and walked slowly in the direction of Fei Wei.A quarter of an hour later, a gray aura faintly appeared in the jungle among the mountains, and Yi Tian was galloping through the mountains after his whole body was wrapped in aura.

Holding the rosary bead in his right hand, the image on it showed signs of distortion from time to time, but the image on his hand gradually became stable after flying in the original flying direction for half an hour.

At that moment, Yi Tian also sighed, and then the expression on his face was relieved. Fortunately, he had practiced lightness kungfu when he was in the White Horse Gang, and it was no longer possible to hide his body under the peeping eyes of several Nascent Soul cultivators. It's an easy task, not to mention running to get close to the host.

After following for a few hours, the target in front suddenly stopped moving, and Yi Tian was overjoyed that he should have arrived at the meeting place.Then he picked up the divine rosary and put it in front of his eyes for a closer look. The image that appeared was that Fei Wei and several Golden Core monks were currently surrounded by a clearing in the woods, as if they were waiting.

Now that An Zi had penetrated into the opponent, Yi Tian was not in a hurry, and slowly searched in the mountains. He was less than a hundred miles away from the opponent, so it was best to find a cave to hide, so as to avoid being caught by the gods passing by from time to time. Knowledge found his whereabouts.

Two hours later, looking at the sky, it was already night, and it seemed that the moon was covered by dark clouds tonight, and it was surprisingly quiet within a hundred miles.Wandu Laomo must have thought carefully about choosing such a day.

At this time, Yi Tian found a tree hole in the mountain, and then his figure disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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