
Chapter 378

Chapter 378
After nightfall, the mountains and forests in the northern part of southern Xinjiang are silent. What is out of place here is that in a certain forest clearing, dozens of monks are gathered together and seem to be discussing something. Standing in the center are two Nascent Soul monks. presided over the meeting.

And in the tree hole in the mountain hundreds of miles away, Yi Tianzheng was sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by a layer of light film to seal the tree hole.At this time, a divine rosary in his hand shone brightly on the top of the tree hole, showing the scene of the alliance.

Standing directly in the center was an old man with his head and neck wrapped around his face, with a brightly colored face, he should be the Ten Thousand Poison Demon.A Nascent Soul cultivator standing next to him was wearing ordinary clothes like a casual cultivator, but his face seemed to have cast a spell, and it looked blurry, and he couldn't see his true face.

Yi Tian sat in the cave and took a closer look at the man's face, then his mouth twitched slightly. This man seemed ordinary, but under the eyes of everyone, he relied on his own cultivation to hide his face. It should be Nanjiang who has a head and a face characters.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the image. It turned out to be a monk flying from the northern part of the sky, apparently a Yuanying monk.As a result, three Nascent Soul cultivators attended this meeting.

After the man fell down, Wan Dumo only heard Wan Dumo say: "So all the fellow Taoists are here, let's start."

Then a circle of monks surrounded him one after another, and then I heard Wan Poison Demon say: "Everyone, I believe that the people who came here this time are well aware of this matter."

On the field, I only heard the surrounding monks nodded one after another, and some people echoed: "Isn't it the merger of the four divisions of the Ming Wangdao? How does the Wandu Patriarch plan to deal with this matter? Please tell me clearly whether to advance or return."

Such a poisonous demon did not hesitate to say: "I understand everyone's feelings. After the merger of the four Ming Wangdao sects, they will definitely attack the southern Xinjiang sects. I believe that the first to bear the brunt are those small sects that do not have Nascent Soul cultivators. At that time, it will be nothing more than two I believe everyone can predict whether it is a way to incorporate or destroy the family."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole scene began to be discussed in a chaotic manner. Most people agreed with this, and there were also a few Jindan monks who pointed out that there was no active expansion after the merger of the four divisions of the Ming Dynasty. Is this conclusion too early?

Wan Dumen despised this for a while and then said sharply: "Dear comrades in southern Xinjiang, although Ming Wangdao has not actively merged with other factions for the time being, it is hard to guarantee that it will not happen in the future. Moreover, the generation of Ming Wangdao who ruled southern Xinjiang a thousand years ago believes that those present The suzerains of all sects should understand this, no one wants to see such a situation happen again."

Immediately, the whole scene was filled with excited voices, and later Wan Dumen signaled everyone to be calm, and then continued: "I propose to integrate the sects scattered all over the southern border, and everyone go to the border of the northern border. Let’s open the door again, so that we can take care of each other, and we can share our enemies in the face of the aggressive Ming Wangdao.”

But after the words were finished, the whole scene became quiet. The suzerains of these sects also had their own plans and were not unanimously optimistic about Wan Poison Demon's proposal.

Even the controlling host, Fei Wei, expressed that he did not want to give up the centuries-old foundation left by his ancestors.

The scene became very embarrassing for a while, Wan Dumo wanted to form a clique, but unfortunately, the monks of many sects below couldn't agree with him.Under the two phases, there may not be any good suggestions to come out for the time being.

On the contrary, the late-comer monk standing next to him spoke a few words to Wan Poison Demon, and after a while, he saw that the two of them seemed to have reached a consensus.Then Wan Dumo said: "Masters, the person next to me is Lu Linsheng, a Nascent Soul cultivator from the Lihuo Sect of Zhongzhou. He promised that as long as our many sects unite, we can form a confrontation with King Ming Dao in Southern Border. You can back us up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Linsheng stepped forward and said with a smile: "I can guarantee for Li Huozong to provide 1000 million spiritual stones for the alliance every year for ten years to help everyone relocate. After the heel, what do you think about the future?"

After hearing this, everyone showed surprised expressions. Although the 1000 million spirit stones were going to be divided by the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, it was still a lot of money to share among more than a dozen sects.

If small sects like the Longevity Sect are supported by hundreds of thousands of spirit stones every year, I believe that their development will be greatly improved.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the tree hole and peeking at the audience, couldn't help but be speechless at Lu Linsheng's arrogance. You must know that it is not difficult to take out tens of millions of spirit stones by yourself, but ten years is [-] million spirit stones. I believe that even Nascent Soul monks may not be able to easily afford such a huge amount of money.

After reckoning, even if they sold all the belongings of the Chiyang faction, they probably wouldn't be able to make up the amount.But Lu Linsheng could easily ask for such a condition, and his plan would definitely not be simple.

This Lu Linsheng had explored the cave with Sima Tengyun back then, so he must have what Sima Tengyun had in his hands, and he was born in the Lihuo Sect of Zhongzhou, but he didn't know his relationship with the suzerain Lu Jinyuan.

For a moment, several thoughts flashed in Yi Tian's mind. There must be something wrong with Lu Linsheng's statement, and he didn't know what agreement he had with Wan Dumo and the other Nascent Soul cultivator.

Looking into the light and shadow, everyone around had discussed for a while at this time, and everyone expressed their opinions and expressed their approval of Wan Dumo's proposal, but everyone still hoped that the quota for resource allocation could be fixed, so as to save nights and dreams.

The next thing was to be led by Wan Dumo to discuss the resource allocation and clan relocation with the suzerains present one by one.

From Yi Tian's point of view, this alliance seems to have become a vegetable market now, but it's just the settlement of those sect foundations as Lingshi transactions.Fei Wei of the Longevity Sect took 70 in one go, and then directly sold his sect's foundation.

Yi Tian just shook his head at this, only 700 million spirit stones in ten years, but he paid more than this amount.And that ten thousand poisonous demons had a good plan, let alone ten years, according to this division, these relocated sects may not be able to get all the spirit stones.

At that time, even if it was Lu Linsheng who regretted it, those Jindan monks would still have the courage to go to the Nascent Soul monk to ask for the spirit stone.

After secretly despising these people, Yi Tian suddenly had a thought in his mind, Lu Linsheng and Wan Dumen spared no effort to relocate the sect, could it be that they have taken a fancy to their ancestral property.

Could it be that there are some ulterior secrets hidden in these ancestral properties?
Thinking of this, Yi Tian finally understood that these Nascent Soul cultivators are all human beings, how could they do business at a loss.Why don't you see that the monks attending the meeting today are all sects respected by Jindan stage monks, and none of the other Nascent Soul monks came.

Now Yi Tian is really interested. It seems that this matter is not simple, and the Nascent Soul cultivator who can't see the real face seems to be the key person in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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