
Chapter 379 See Through

Chapter 379 See Through
The entire alliance turned into a trading market in the first place, and the suzerains of those small sects rushed forward to sell their belongings, and then found a foothold within the area provided by Wandumen , and personally drew the adjournment and agreed on the date of relocation.

Afterwards, Wan Poison Demon also directly paid the negotiated first-year spirit stones to each suzerain one by one.

When Fei Wei stepped forward to draw a bet, he saw Lu Linsheng who was standing aside looked at him meaningfully.Then, in private, he had a few voice transmissions with Wan Du Mo.

After the exchange between the two, Wan Dumo also looked at Fei Wei in surprise, but there seemed to be some doubts on his face.However, the things that should be done at hand were not idle, and all the things were solved step by step.

On the contrary, it was Lu Linsheng who locked his consciousness on Fei Wei from the beginning to the end, and only showed a meaningful smile after finishing the work, but there was a strange haze in his eyes.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the tree hole, was also shocked at this time, this Lu Linsheng was indeed more difficult than Wan Poison Demon.It seems that he has spent a lot of hard work on the soul, and he should have seen that Fei Wei's soul is incomplete. Usually only Nascent Soul monks can do such things.

It is estimated that he should have consulted about the situation of the Longevity Sect, Wan Dumo, but he didn't seem to say anything clearly.

From Lu Linsheng's appearance, it seemed that he wanted to meet him alone, and that was fine, since he didn't know their plot, it would be better to get involved and mess up the situation.

What's more, the blue glow that flashed in Lu Linsheng's eyes at the end seemed to have greeted him, and Yi Tian couldn't deny it with a smile.Then quietly came out of the tree hole, and flew towards the south with a secret aura, but said "Nanhuai City" in his mouth.

After the alliance ended, all suzerains went back the same way, and the three Nascent Soul monks discussed and said goodbye one by one.

Lu Linsheng got the escape light and flew north for a while, and when there was no one around, he turned around and flew south. He also took out a map in his hand to look at it, then corrected the direction and flew .

Half a day later at noon, in a small teahouse in Nanhuai City, Yi Tian was sitting in an elegant room, sorting out the information in his hand, bored.Along the way, I saw that all sects in southern Xinjiang are immersed in intrigue. As long as they continue to do so, they will become more and more optimistic that Ming Wangdao can dominate southern Xinjiang in the future.

Sitting in the room, he took out two cups and filled them with tea, and then picked up one cup and poured himself a drink.Less than half an hour later, there was a knock on the door, and Yi Tian said lightly, "Please come in."

The person who came was Lu Linsheng dressed in Confucianism attire. Although he suppressed his cultivation base at the foundation establishment level at this time, the two parties had already met each other with their spiritual sense, so he just smiled and looked around, and then Then he slowly walked forward and sat down in front of Yi Tian.

After sitting down, Lu Linsheng stretched out his hand to isolate the room first, and then took a look at the cup on the table, only to see that the hot tea in the cup was steaming, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I don't know friends spying on me." What do you want to do, I don’t know what advice you can give me when you are invited here?”

Yi Tian didn't say much and directly took out the token token that Hu Yiyuan gave him back then and put it on the table.Lu Linsheng seemed to be taken aback when he saw it, and after scanning the token with his divine sense for a while, he laughed dumbly and said, "It turns out that he is Dong Ao's branch sect, Junior Brother Yi, what can I do?"

After listening to this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, the way this person in front of him and Hu Yiyuan deal with people is very different, but he is not willing to tear his face for the time being.I haven't found out their plot yet, so it's inconvenient to turn my face at this time, and then said with a smile: "Senior brother Hu told me back then that although the Lihuo sect has several branches, they are still a family at heart, and everyone should take care of each other when they go out. Is it?"

Lu Linsheng was stunned by these words and couldn't answer, he hesitated for a while and then replied: "Junior Brother Yi sent people to infiltrate this alliance by means of a good means, so I can get some news."

"I have no other choice. The old devil Wandu has made such a big fight. I also want to see what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd. Unexpectedly, I just ran into Senior Brother Lu. I think it's fate."

"I heard from Hu Yiyuan that Junior Brother Yi learned the craft of Qige," Lu Linsheng didn't answer Yi Tian's words, but asked another topic.

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard him call Hu Yiyuan's name, and then he just nodded his head and said seriously: "I have learned a little about Qige, it's nothing. If there is a chance, I would like to go to Zhongzhou Zu Let's pay a visit."

After hearing this, Lu Linsheng pondered for a while, and then asked again: "I heard that Junior Brother Yi has a lot of research on the formation, I wonder if it is true?"

"It's all just a little knowledge, and I have nothing to do in my spare time. I just read a few volumes of formation books when I was young."

"It's just right, I have something that I need to use my junior brother's ability, I don't know if my junior brother is lucky enough to accompany me for a walk," Lu Linsheng said.

Although Yi Tian was very willing to agree, but this matter has not been asked in detail, so it is inconvenient to directly agree.After pretending to think about it for a while, he deliberately declined and said: "Senior brother is determined to accept it, but now I am looking for a way to return to Dong'ao, if I rashly get involved at this time, I am afraid it will be delayed for a while. This time, please come forward It’s just that I want to make more friends with my ancestors.”

Seeing Yi Tian's refusal, Lu Linsheng frowned, obviously Yi Tian's reaction was somewhat different from what he imagined, but right now, there was an indescribable awkwardness.Then he looked at Yi Tiandao with a smirk on his face, "Why did Junior Brother play this trick of playing hard to get?"

Yi Tian didn't shy away from seeing through his mind, and asked instead: "Senior brother Lu has never told the real purpose of this trip, so how can I agree?"

Then even people in the room kept silent, just drinking tea quietly.After a while, Lu Linsheng nodded as if making a decision and said to Yi Tian, ​​"Junior brother is really a thoughtful person, so I might as well just say it straight."

"Brother Lu, please speak clearly, so that I can make a decision earlier."

Then Lu Linsheng said seriously: "This time, Wan Ying Wang sat down and sat down with Fellow Daoist Vulture to start, and found me and Wan Dumo, who wanted to find the Lihuo Secret Treasure in the hinterland of southern Xinjiang."

As soon as he heard that it was related to Li Huo Zong Yitian, he immediately became interested, but it seemed that the Yaozu took the lead in this matter.Then he just asked indifferently: "Is the source of the news led by the monster clan reliable? I guess you have tried everything possible to relocate those small sects. Is the secret hidden in the ancestral lands of these small sects?"

Lu Linsheng nodded and said: "That's true, but these secret treasures must require special keys and people with ancestral lines to open them, and Wan Poison Demon is a native of the southern border, and he is responsible for finding the secret treasures."

"Then the three of you spend so much Lingshi, if you can't find a clue within ten years, will you lose everything?"

"That's not necessarily the case," Lu Linsheng said with a sly look in his eyes: "It will take at most three years to find the hidden location, and I don't have to worry about the future. I will leave it to Wandumo. I believe he can deal with it. Those little sects have a lot of ways."

In this way, Yi Tian finally confirmed the thoughts in his heart before, and couldn't help sighing secretly for Fei Wei and others. A bunch of greedy guys should have this retribution.

(End of this chapter)

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