
Chapter 381

Chapter 381
Speaking of medicine in Southern Xinjiang, it is nothing more than the two sects of Wandu Sect and Lingyao Sect. These two sects are located at the north and south ends of Southern Xinjiang.On weekdays, there are many enemies. It is rumored that they were originally in the same line, but they have been divided into two families for thousands of years. They are a bit like Ming Wangdao but not completely similar.

The Wandu Sect studies poisons on weekdays, while the Spiritual Medicine Sect starts to develop antidote, so the two factions are gradually in conflict with each other.

However, these two sects are also one of the few sects that do not need to be attached to Ming Wangdao. Usually, the Spiritual Medicine Sect still has trade relations with Ming Wangdao, so when Yi Tian learned about this, he resolutely decided to try his luck at the Spiritual Medicine Sect.

The goal this time is the psychic grass, but because the grade is a bit high, it is difficult to get it with ordinary methods.Fortunately, his identity as a part-time craftsman is still there, so Yi Tian still made sufficient preparations before he went, refining two pill furnaces of the fifth and sixth ranks in case of emergencies.

Walking in the market outside the territory of the Spiritual Medicine Sect, Yi Tian was looking for the elixir shops here. Although he didn't have any hope of finding the whereabouts of the psychic grass here, he just used it to find the possibility of high-level medicinal materials. message that appears.

After going around for a while, I realized that this elixir sect has only one Nascent Soul cultivator in charge, and most of the medicinal materials in the sect have been controlled by him. As for the other way, it is to find exchange in the black market outside the sect up.

Yi Tian is now thinking about how to reduce his exposure. Judging from the previous incident of the Emperor Beast Sect, these southern border factions have long been wary of Ming Wangdao.If I stand in front of others like myself, I will most likely be associated with the new King of Ming and the Holy Son. In this way, I will become a household name in southern Xinjiang in the future, and it will be troublesome to do things.

In the past seven days, I have inquired about a piece of news at the market. Recently, there will be an exchange meeting for Jindan monks, and the participants will also participate in the monks of the Spiritual Medicine Sect.

At first hearing, Yi Tian immediately thought that this is definitely an opportunity, and the matter of psychic grass has really been implemented in this black market transaction.

Then he concealed his aura and disguised himself as an early-stage Golden Core cultivator, and then performed some illusions in the market to easily get a pass for the black market.

Day and night, Yi Tian followed the instructions on the passing token and hurried along the extension path of the market to thirty miles away.After letting go of his consciousness, he found a secret whistle on the hillside five miles to the southwest. He was delighted that it should be the ticket inspector at the entrance of the black market.

After walking slowly and entering the detection range of the secret sentry, someone walked out from the side and asked Yi Tian, ​​"Daoist friend, please show me the companion token?"

Yi Tian smiled and shook the token in his hand lightly, and the person on the opposite side swept it with his spiritual sense, then stepped forward respectfully and bowed to salute: "I don't know if senior wants to go directly to the black market to wait or rest first one time?"

"I don't know how to rest?" Yi Tian asked with interest.

The waiter replied: "Naturally there are good-looking female cultivators serving seniors. If seniors are interested, they can be used as furnaces."

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "I still have something to do, so don't worry about it, just go to the black market and wait."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian was led to the back of the hillside, and several monks had already arrived, but everyone saw that the person who came was just a monk at the early stage of Jindan, so they just greeted him superficially.A little bit even unceremoniously lost interest after a few glances.

Yi Tian also knew in his heart that his appearance in the early stage of the golden core did not seem to be a treasure, so ordinary monks would not be interested in him.

After waiting for a long time, I saw more than a dozen monks coming to the center one after another, and the leader was a monk dressed in the costume of an inner sect elder of the Spiritual Medicine Sect.It seems that his cultivation base is around the late stage of Jindan, his face is wrinkled, and he looks like a fire burner. It is probably the result of years of alchemy.

The man walked to the center, cleared his throat, bowed to everyone around him and said loudly: "The pharmacist of the Poor Dao Lingyao Sect sees you all."

Everyone around hurriedly returned the gift after hearing this, Yi Tianhun looked among the crowd, it seems that this person has a high position in the elixir sect, and he should have the opportunity to come into contact with high-level medicinal materials.

In the following time, each monk stepped forward one by one to show the materials they needed, and then took out some exchange materials to check the price.

In less than half an hour, after the previous people had all gone up and exchanged, Yi Tian looked as if it was his turn and strode forward, took out the fifth-rank alchemy furnace and said, "I'm looking for a sixth-rank 'tong Spirit Grass, I would like to exchange this pill furnace for it."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around them started to discuss. It seems that the quality of this pill furnace should have reached the peak of Tier [-], but if it is exchanged for Tier [-] materials, it seems that there is a difference in value.

At the same time, five or six strands of spiritual consciousness quietly extended up to sweep the alchemy furnace, and then the faces of several alchemists present all showed expressions of eagerness to try.

As an alchemist, who doesn't know what a good alchemy furnace means to increase the rate of alchemy, and this fifth-level alchemy furnace is obviously a top-level spiritual weapon, and alchemists in the late stage of golden alchemy are more than enough to use it.

And some people are laughing at the side, this wealth is revealed to be afraid of endless troubles.

After asking three times, no one came out to answer, Yi Tian just pretended to be sorry for a while, then put away the things and returned them to their original places.

After the black market transaction was over, no monk came forward to say anything, as if they had forgotten the episode that Yi Tian had just appeared.Then everyone left the arena one after another, and everyone came out in order according to the direction they came in, and there was no disorder.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that there must be some sanctimonious people among these monks, but whether he can succeed in fishing for big fish with a long line depends on what the other party does.

After leaving the area of ​​the black market, Yi Tian clearly felt that there were at least three strands of spiritual consciousness locked behind him, one of which was obviously stronger than others, and it should be the appearance of a late-stage Jindan cultivator.

Recall that in the entire black market transaction, there were only a few late-stage Jindan cultivators, and the one who came was most likely the pharmacist.

Now that the fish took the bait, he didn't need to pay attention to the bastards next to him, and then he straightened up and flew towards the outside of the elixir sect.As long as he was two hundred miles away, Yi Tian was sure that he would not let the Yuan Ying monk of the Spiritual Medicine Sect instantly restrain the Medicine Master Tong.

Sure enough, the people behind seemed to have discovered Yi Tian's intentions, and immediately rushed after him.At this time, they also took off their disguises, and the three monks appeared fiercely, as if they had discussed it, they copied them from the left, middle, and right sides.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the four of them left the realm of the elixir sect, and then surrounded Yi Tian in the air.The leader, Yaoshi Tong, said with a smile on his face: "Why is fellow daoist leaving in such a hurry? I still have something I want to talk to fellow daoist about."

The two people around them are middle-stage Jindan monks, and they seem to be familiar with Medicine Master, and they agree to keep Yi Tian.

Seeing these three people, Yi Tian laughed for a while, then took out the fifth-level alchemy furnace and handed it directly to Yaoshitong, and then took out a sixth-level alchemy furnace and said: "I still have one in my hand, I don't know if you are interested."

At this time, the three of them were just immersed in joy, but they didn't expect that the matter would go so smoothly. They saw the sixth-level spiritual weapon again, and their faces were also full of joy.In less than three breaths, Pharmacist Tong's face changed several times, and then he hurriedly turned around and ran away. Before the other two could react, they fell down in the dark.

Yi Tian cut off Yaoshitong's return path with a single teleportation, and without waiting for the other party to respond, he stretched out his finger and tapped him three times, and suddenly Yaoshitong fell from the sky like a kite that had lost its string.

After three breaths, the three chasing monks were taken away by Yi Tian, ​​and there was not even a wave of spells left in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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