
Chapter 382

Chapter 382
Elder Pharmacist Tong of the Spiritual Medicine Sect hurriedly bypassed many sect restrictions and came to the sect's restricted area in the back mountain, then stretched out his hand towards the restriction and played a few magic formulas, then knelt down and knelt down and said, "Disciple!" The pharmacist asked to see the ancestor."

After half a stick of incense, I heard an old voice responding from inside the restriction: "Shi Tong, come in."

Afterwards, Pharmacist Tong stood up hurriedly and disappeared into the restriction in a flash.The entire interior of the Spiritual Medicine Mountain is full of spiritual energy, and there are many rare treasures of spiritual medicines growing in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

It can be said that besides Mingwangdao, it has the most medicinal materials in Southern Xinjiang, and in comparison, it is a bit more complete than Mingwangdao in terms of variety and grade.

After Yao Shitong was summoned, he ran to the thatched hut in the middle of the forbidden area and knelt down without stopping, then took out the sixth-level alchemy furnace, held it high above his head and said: "Master, my disciple found a sixth-level alchemy furnace today. The pill furnace seems to be made by a famous master, so I offer it here."

After Medicine Master finished speaking, he saw the door of the thatched cottage opened half a foot wide, and then a white light shot out, and the alchemy furnace was rolled in, and the door was closed after a while.

Yao Shitong waited outside for a long time but didn't see any response from the patriarch, but he was unwilling to sacrifice the treasure and get nothing later, so he had to kneel at the door and get up.

This kneeling lasted for three days and three nights, when Pharmacist Tong was full of disappointment, suddenly there was a burst of fresh fragrance of pills from the thatched hut, and then the old voice came again: "Sure enough, it is a good spiritual weapon, You have directly increased the alchemy rate of this seat, and Shitong has worked hard for you this time."

Yao Shitong, who was kneeling outside, was overjoyed at this moment, and hurriedly replied: "Patriarch Mingjian, this is also the spirit weapon that can exert such effects when it meets the right master."

"Well, where did you get such a treasure?"

"This," the pharmacist hesitated to speak.Suddenly he heard Patriarch scolding: "If you have something to say, just say it."

"This is a sixth-level spiritual weapon that my disciple obtained by beheading a monk. I am afraid that the people behind him will pursue it, so I ask the ancestor to protect it." Yao Shitong gritted his teeth and explained the whole process directly.

Unexpectedly, there was a voice from the hut: "It doesn't matter if you kill it. Those who are talented and virtuous use it, not to mention this refined spiritual weapon. This Qingming furnace will accept it." , tell me what reward you want?"

"I don't dare, it's just that I lack a six-level psychic grass for refining elixir recently, which was given by Patriarch Wanwang," Pharmacist Tong replied.

After listening, the voice from the thatched hut did not come out immediately. After waiting for a while, the old voice said: "There are still a few plants in this valley, you can go find them and dig a spare one. If you have nothing else to do, collect it." Leave as soon as you finish the medicinal materials, don't disturb my cleansing."

Overjoyed, Pharmacist Tong hurriedly apologized and withdrew, then took out a small medicine shovel and began to look for the sixth-level psychic grass.

Half an hour later, I found the medicinal materials in the valley, dug up the whole plant and put it in the storage ring, then hurriedly left the forbidden area in the back mountain.

After he finished all this, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room of the house in an unremarkable courtyard outside a hundred miles away, was relieved to see the image in front of him.

This time, the old trick was repeated, and the soul peeping technique was performed on Yao Shitong, erasing the memory of being shot down during his pursuit, and replacing it with psychological hints of him killing people to obtain treasures.

And the need to use the psychic grass will be forced into his deep memory, so when the pharmacist asks for credit through Tongxianbao, he will not hesitate to use the psychic grass as the first item he asks for.

The next thing will be much easier. Yi Tian can't guarantee that he can control a monk for a long time by using Soul Peep. The basis of this casting is that his spiritual consciousness needs to be much higher than that of the opponent, and he can only use it when the opponent has no resistance. OK.

Therefore, Yi Tian had already thought of the next countermeasure when defeating the medicine master's pass. If he robbed him openly, it would be hard to guarantee that it would be false. It is indeed an excellent way to outsmart him secretly.

Participating in the black market redemption was nothing more than throwing stones to ask for directions. I didn't expect to lead to three desperate monks.After cleaning up the three people this time, Yi Tian directly melted the other two.It would be a good ending for these people who have no vision and are greedy for money to let them evaporate silently.

As for Yao Shitong, who holds a high position in the Spiritual Medicine Sect, and has also been given the technique of soul peeping, as long as he is not seen through, he can still be used as an internal agent in the future.

Originally, Lu Linsheng saw through the first time he performed this technique on Fei Wei of the Longevity Sect, which really hit his confidence.However, the ancestor of the elixir did not see through it the second time. Only then did he realize that Lu Linsheng's strength should be far superior to that of the same level. This direct disciple of the Lihuo Sect is not a fuel-efficient lamp. From this, it is known that Lu Jinyuan, as the suzerain, should The strength is stronger, maybe he is on equal foot with himself.

After tidying up my mood, I waited for nearly half an hour before I heard someone approaching the house.Yi Tian smiled and directly put the fifth-level alchemy furnace in the hall.After Yao Shitong walked in, he put the psychic grass on the table without saying a word, then picked up the alchemy furnace and put it in the storage ring.

After finishing the work together, he said: "Fellow Daoist, we have completed this transaction. I hope we can continue to cooperate next time."

Suddenly, after a response came from his ear, the pharmacist happily turned around and left.

After he left the small courtyard, Yi Tian's figure gradually appeared in the hall, and after putting away the psychic grass, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.This soul peeping had already been deeply hinted at by Yao Shitong, making him think that it was a private transaction with a monk of the same rank.

After collecting the spiritual plants, Yi Tian also left the Spiritual Medicine Sect in a hurry, and then randomly opened a cave in the deep mountains of southern Xinjiang, sat in it and began to refine the Xingshen Pill.

At the same time, in order to deal with the evil tricks that Wan Poison Demon may use, he also took out Mi Jianchou's Poison Sutra and studied it carefully.

Wandumen was originally called Wudumen, because the hot climate in southern Xinjiang produces the five poisons of snakes, scorpions, centipedes, geckos and toads.Later, after the expansion of the Zongmen's power, more and more poisonous substances were found and cultivated, so the name of Wandumen was gradually replaced by the original name.

However, at the end of this Poison Sutra, it is also recorded that the Lingyao Sect and the Five Poisons Sect came from the same line. The ancestors of the two schools were originally brothers. One passed down the Taoism respectively in the north.

According to their seniority, Wan Poison Demon and Spirit Medicine Patriarch can be regarded as senior brothers, so Yi Tian shook his head after reading it. He didn't expect that in the cultivation world, in order to continue the Taoist lineage, the Buli Fire Sect would be split up, and the other sects would be separated. Pis also spread the bets.

(End of this chapter)

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