
Chapter 383 Convergence

Chapter 383 Convergence
Lu Linsheng and Wan Dumo's underground alliance in southern Xinjiang has made some progress, but the two spent three or four years selecting new locations for those small sects, and then began to move the sect with great fanfare.

However, the two of them spent a lot of effort in finding the entrance to the secret storage among those sect ruins.Through the clues given by the Vulture and the records left by the Lihuo Sect, they really found two possible entrances.

On the other hand, in the past few years, Yi Tian has been dormant after refining the Xingshen Pill. Although he has not fallen behind in his cultivation, he still pays attention to Lu Linsheng's communication from time to time.

Finally, a few days ago, the jade tablet flashed a gleam of light, and then the message left on it showed the words "Xianyao Sect Crocodile Dragon Cave in Eastern Southern Xinjiang".

After reading the news, Yi Tian just curled his mouth. It seems that the two people really spared no effort, so it's easy to sit back and get ready-made, and they are in a good mood.

After packing up the things around him, Yi Tian teleported directly to the sky, then took out the map of Southern Xinjiang, found the location of the Xianyao faction, and flew straight there.

Three days later, outside Crocodile Dragon Cave, Vulture, a monster, looked at Wan Poison Demon with a glaring face, and seemed to have something unwilling to say, but he couldn't say it.

Lu Linsheng, who was standing on the other side, also looked indifferent at this time. The Wandu Demon in front of him actually found a helper in advance. This person was wrinkled and old, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were unusually strong.

However, since Wan Dumo has found a helper, there is nothing wrong with it. At this time, Lu Linsheng only hopes that Yi Tian can keep his promise and come to meet in time.

Originally two people and one demon, Vulture thought he could suppress it with his cultivation advantage, but Wan Poison Demon found foreign aid to break the balance, which was the most depressing thing for him.

Fortunately, Lu Linsheng also opened his mouth to find a helper, and now it was Wan Dumo's turn to look dazed.On the contrary, Vulture now feels that the two partners in front of him seem to be guarding against each other, so it seems to have reached a new balance point.

When a red flame flashed in the sky at noon, Yi Tian rushed to the sky above the Crocodile Dragon Cave of the Xianyao Sect, scanned with his spiritual sense and found four people standing below, besides the original three, the fourth This person is actually the patriarch of the elixir sect.

Although I haven't met him directly, I have already learned about the other party's consciousness and aura through Medicine Master before, so I can't be wrong.

After slowly lowering the cloud head, he said to Lu Linsheng: "Brother, forgive me, the younger brother came all the way without stopping, I hope I didn't miss the time."

As soon as the words were finished, the atmosphere on the scene became more subtle. Vulture looked Yi Tian up and down, then nodded slightly and sent a voice transmission to Lu Linsheng.

The latter also nodded with a smile after listening, and then replied: "Where is it, the younger brother came at the right time, and we can go in later."

On the contrary, Wan Poison Demon and Elder Medicine Patriarch on the other side didn't show any worry or happiness on their faces, instead they generously came forward and introduced themselves.It turns out that Wan Dumo is called Mi Jie, and Yi Tian probably is the ancestor of Mi Jianchou.And the ancestor of the elixir is called Huo Qing, which should also be his real name.

Lu Linsheng introduced to the others that Dao Yitian was a fellow disciple of Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou, and he was also entrusted by him to come to help this time.

Yi Tian also recognized this generously. With Lu Linsheng covering up his identity, I believe that everyone present will definitely not associate himself with Ming Wangdao in the slightest.

The highest cultivation level of the Xianyao Sect is only a mid-Gold Core monk. After this alliance, he took nearly one million funds provided by Lu Linsheng every year and went directly to the northern border to find a medium-sized spiritual vein to settle down.

The place where the original sect was located was formed by the confluence of the spiritual veins of two days, but for some reason, the spiritual weapons coming out of the spiritual veins are always muddy, so the monks of the Xianyao sect can't practice further here .

After Wan Dumo got the news, he took it to heart, and after several years of investigation and investigation, he found some clues.After the vulture came here, he was shocked for no reason, and then he was very sure to communicate with the two of them, and nine out of ten it was this place.

However, the vulture obviously complained about Wan Dumo and Lu Linsheng looking for helpers respectively, but the situation is stronger than others, so he didn't express his opinion for the time being, but after seeing who came, he said lightly: "Since everyone is here, why don't you come here?" You need to wait patiently, seven days later will be the new moon, at this time the strength of Yang Qi between heaven and earth is weakest, and it is the best time to enter."

Both Mi Jie and Huo Qing expressed no objection, and then each found an open space to sit cross-legged and began to meditate and rest.

Lu Linsheng also replied little by little: "It's okay, we can still afford to wait for a few days, Junior Brother Yi, let's find a place to rest."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, then looked at the vulture meaningfully, and then followed Lu Linsheng and quietly transmitted voice: "Brother Lu, do you know anything about the spirit of monsters?"

Without changing his face, Lu Linsheng pointed to an open space next to him and replied, "Let's talk there."

Obviously, he also found some clues, but Jing Yitian was also slightly puzzled when he said it.

After the two of them walked to one side and sat down, Lu Linsheng quietly transmitted voice: "To be honest, I think my junior should have practiced some spirit-like spells, so I have a special feeling for modifying the spirit."

Yi Tian nodded, then looked at Lu Linsheng who was hesitant to speak, and held back for a long time without saying anything.

After half the payment, Lu Linsheng just replied indifferently: "It's a bit strange, but I can't say anything, I always feel like it is,"

"Is there something missing in the soul?" Yi Tian said.

"That's true, does my junior also have this doubt?" Lu Linsheng nodded.

The two looked sideways at the vulture standing in the distance, then fell silent in a tacit understanding, and then sat cross-legged to rest.Since the vulture said to go in at the new moon, wait.

But Yi Tian wouldn't believe the one-sided words of the monsters, and there might be a lot of trouble after entering.But Vulture didn't seem to have any intention of looking for helpers, and according to the character of these monsters, they wouldn't just admit it.

Ever since he reached the Nascent Soul stage, Yi Tian also fully realized that he had to keep his spirits up when dealing with these Nascent Soul monsters. These people had too many routines.

At night after seven days, Yi Tian slowly woke up from his meditation, looked up at the sky, but there was no moonlight at this time.It was the unique scene of the new moon night. Under the pitch-black night, the surroundings were also deathly silent.

At this time, the yang energy in the world is not yet generated, and the yin energy is flourishing. After practicing the fire-type kung fu, Yi Tian is more sensitive to the surrounding environment. Under such circumstances, the power of the fire-type kung fu must be weakened by at least [-]%.

But Vulture can take this into consideration, which is enough to show that he has a good understanding of Lihuozong.

(End of this chapter)

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