
Chapter 384 Enter

Chapter 384 Enter
When the evening wind blew in the middle of the night, the Myriad Poison Demon and the Elder Medicine Patriarch also woke up from their trances, and everyone came together to discuss the next action.

It is inconvenient for Yi Tian to intervene as a follow-up member, just listening quietly on the sidelines, and will not express his opinion anyway.Instead, Lu Linsheng and Mi Jie seemed to have reached a tacit agreement and after discussing with Vulture for a while, they decided that Wan Dumo and Yi Tian would be at the forefront.

Wan Dumo is in charge of opening the way, but Yi Tian will take care of any obstacles encountered in the formation, Vulture is in the middle to dispatch, and Huo Qing and Lu Linsheng are behind.

Although it feels a bit like being used as a gun, Yi Tian doesn't care, anyway, we still need sincere cooperation now.

After the planning, the five of them started to act, but Wan Dumo visited relatives. The entrance to the secret store seemed to be in the mountainside of the mountain behind the Xianyao Sect, where the two spiritual veins met.

Walking into the mountains, Yi Tian could clearly feel the chilly aura emanating from the ground veins, and walking on the entire ground, he could clearly feel that the surface temperature was much lower than during the day.

This was not caused by a normal natural phenomenon at all. The five people hurried along the mountain road, passed through the ruins of the Xianyao Sect, and arrived outside the intersection of the spiritual veins.

The underground spiritual veins in this mountain seemed to have been excavated by hand. After entering the cave in the middle of the mountain, everyone held night pearls to illuminate the road ahead.Yi Tian found that the surrounding area was a three-foot-wide cave, and the ground became darker and colder as he walked in.This doesn't feel like a normal cold aura, but rather a different kind of spiritual power mixed in with the normal aura.

When the five people came to the bottom of the cave, they saw a stone door in front of them, as if there was a hole in the cave, and the door was carved with the unique marks of Li Huozong, which made Yi Tian's eyes shine.Looking at the location of this stone gate, even the Nascent Soul cultivator would have to spend some effort to get to the end, and the original Golden Core cultivator of the Xianyao Sect would definitely not be able to get here.

It is also due to the number of days that there is a treasure mountain but it is impossible. It is estimated that the Xianyao sect is also a sect with no blessings, so they have to relocate hastily in the end.

After many thoughts flashed through Yi Tian's mind, he saw Vulture coming forward and taking out a flame-shaped accessory from his feathers, and then embedded it in the middle of the stone gate.

After ten breaths, the cave trembled as if the earth was shaking, and after a few clicks on the Lingguang Mountain on the stone gate, the vulture pushed the heavy stone gate open with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of dirty air came out of it, and it didn't dissipate until half a moment later.The five people looked at each other and then walked down according to the deployment of the time.

After stepping into the stone gate, Yi Tian found that the passages on both sides seemed to be much smaller, but they were obviously artificially repaired.There were some words engraved on the wall, but the Wandu Demon didn't recognize anything after reading it for a long time, so he turned his head and said to Lu Linsheng: "Friend Lu, do you know these words?"

Lu Linsheng shook his head and replied, "I don't know how shallow I am."

The vulture walking in the middle snorted coldly and said: "These are the characters of the monster race, it would be strange if you recognize them."

Mi Jie smiled and said, "Then please ask Fellow Daoist Vulture to help us solve my doubts."

After the vulture cleared his throat, he said: "It is recorded in the text that this is a secret storehouse of the Lihuo Sect in southern Xinjiang. It was built in the glorious era 3000 years ago. The ancestor of Lihuo at that time also knew about the Zongmen The Tianlan Continent has been suppressed too much, so I am afraid that the sect will decline in the future and there will be no successors, so I built this secret store and put some materials in it for emergency use by the disciples of the sect."

The four of them sighed for a while after listening to it, but only God knows whether it is credible or not.On the contrary, Yi Tian looked at the Vulture with great interest, he didn't expect that among the monsters there were people who were proficient in documents.In the conversation with Beast Lingweng before, I talked about that most of the inheritance of monsters depends on blood. It seems that this expedition is getting more and more interesting.

Immediately under the surprise of everyone, Yi Tian took out a jade slip, and recorded all the patterns engraved on the surrounding walls one by one.Suddenly a trace of uneasiness came to my heart, but it was fleeting. Yi Tian just smiled and continued to record as if nothing had happened. Less than a quarter of an hour later, the five continued to probe forward.

After a small episode just now, everyone's actions became more cautious. Although this is the secret treasure kept by the Lihuo Sect in the southern border, until now they have only been groping in the passage. I don't know if there is anything in this secret treasure. Trial or trap.

These big sects will definitely not let the younger generation disciples obtain the property so easily, there must be a test in the follow-up.

Sure enough, after walking for an hour, the five people came to a stone room with a radius of ten feet. There was a table in the middle with eight keys on it, and eight doors corresponding to it.

Seeing such a group of people, they don't know that now they have to look at their own fortunes. Obviously, the test on this table is to each choose a key to pass through the stone gate in front before they can enter the next level.

The formation 3000 years ago seems to be the same as it is now, the eight doors are engraved with gossip symbols, Yi Tian's heart is full of enthusiasm, wanting to try how the formation 3000 years ago is different from the present.

After the five of them stood for a while, it was still Lu Linsheng who went forward to pick out a key with the word 'Li', and then went forward to open the door at the back and then plunged into it.

After his figure completely disappeared, the stone door closed automatically, and then the whole stone door disappeared into the wall, leaving only the bare stone wall outside.

The second one who stepped forward was Vulture, who picked the key without thinking about it, and then walked away.Seeing this, Mi Jie and Huo Qing stepped forward without hesitation. Since Lu Linsheng had taken the lead, they were not to be outdone. After ventilating with each other, they each took a key and found the corresponding door. went in.

After the four left and he was the only one left in the hall, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to choose the key to enter the door.Thinking back on the many suspicious points in this incident, I thought it was the clues of the sect secret hidden by Lu Linsheng, so I followed all the way.

But what I didn't expect was that the one who took the lead turned out to be the Vulture, a demon beast in the form of monsters. Although it was his own words, but for the sake of taking out the key, he believed his words.

But this vulture always makes people feel a little weird, yes, that kind of indescribable weirdness.Yi Tian recalled that he once saw a vulture through his spiritual sense, and that time he obviously cast a spell to hide his face, so he didn't expect it to be real in his eagerness.

But this time it was different. There was already a problem when I first came here seven days ago.Li Huozong's direct lineage has the spells for cultivating divine consciousness, which also strengthens the divine soul, and he has also practiced three points of the divine consciousness in the Asura transformation method, and at the same time, his divine soul power has also been strengthened again.

If you look at people in normal times, you can find out whether the other party is superior from the level of spirit and soul. Even Huya and Yanling, who have dealt with each other before, have not found any problems, but it happened to be on this vulture. Obviously something is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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