
Chapter 385

Chapter 385
Sitting in that hall, Yi Tian was thinking hard, as if he missed something when he saw the vulture before. Although it was not obvious, it did give him a feeling of extreme uneasiness.

After standing up and walking a few steps in the hall, the chill all over his body was slowly removed, but the feeling that troubled his heart still existed, and it showed no signs of weakening.This feeling has become more and more intense since entering the forbidden cave of the Xianyao Sect.

And it must be inextricably related to Vulture. Don't look at what he said, the key was stolen from the King of Eagles. If the key kept by the King of Eagles himself is believed to give him a hundred courage He didn't dare to steal what was in the hands of the Great Sage of the Monster Race.

This time, even the vultures who saw the collusion found helpers, but he was indifferent, which proved that he must have something in this burrow.Although there is nothing to discover now, let's take one step at a time.

Then Yi Tian scanned the table and found that only the key of the "Xunkan Genkun" Siyin Gate was left, and he also showed a look of helplessness on his face.Who said that these people are easy to fool, in this cave full of Yin Qi, it seems that they have made up their minds, and everyone chooses to go to the Yangmen.

After rolling up the key with the word 'Xun' in his hand, he strode forward and opened the stone door, and then stepped in.After entering the door, the stone door behind him closed as scheduled and disappeared. After taking two steps forward, Yi Tian only felt that his body was extremely heavy, and then he stepped on the ground and the whole person fell from the air like weightless.

After being in a trance for a while, Yi Tian hurriedly adjusted his falling posture in the air before he stabilized his figure, and then slowly fell to the ground a little later.Looking up, the stone gate that came in had disappeared without a trace, and there was a forest in front of him, and a blood-red sky above his head.

Even though it was already night when they came in, it was still brightly lit here, obviously it was daytime.He squatted down and touched the soil on the ground. The touch on his hand told him that this was not an illusion. He stood up and stretched out his consciousness, only to find that there was obviously a hindrance to his consciousness. limit.

At this time, Yi Tian found that his weight seemed to have doubled several times, even if he wanted to fly in mid-air, he would have to consume more spiritual power.He sighed for the superb formation of the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect, and there is obviously a small Sumeru space hidden here.What is different from what I have seen before is that the gravity has doubled several times. If you want to maintain the same mobility as the outside world here, you will need to spend more spiritual power.

After turning around for a few times, Yi Tian just gave a wry smile, since the seniors have drawn the line, the junior who takes himself as the younger has to take over, and everything has to be done according to the thinking when setting up the formation.

At this time, the key that was originally held in his hand flashed a few times and then turned into a half-foot-sized hourglass. Yi Tian could see that the sand on it began to leak down slowly, and on the top of the hourglass were written a few words. Fortunately, I didn't do much research on it in my spare time, and now I also recognized the four characters written on it as 'passing the test and beheading the general'.

I couldn't help being startled, it seemed that the test had already begun, and I couldn't just stand here and do something according to the prompts.Then he pulled himself together and jumped up a little to observe the surrounding terrain, only to see a huge palace standing there in the distance.

Presumably the end point should be there, it's useless to think too much, Yi Tian immediately took a big step and rushed forward.

This time because of the time limit, Yi Tian didn't care so much, he just spread his legs and ran forward, and didn't find any living things along the way.After running for a long time, the whole person feels heavier and heavier, as if the burden on his back is constantly strengthening.

Take out the hourglass to have a look, and it seems that half of it has leaked out, which stunned Yi Tian, ​​and he didn't seem to spend a lot of time. Could it be that the hourglass itself didn't give much time or would follow his own time? Accelerate the speed of action.

Going forward for a while, Yi Tian found that the falling speed of the hourglass in his hand slowed down a bit. After walking a certain distance slowly, he did not expect that the hourglass fell even slower.

At this time, Yi Tian felt strange, so he simply found an open space in the woods to sit down and rest, and glanced at the hourglass that fell more slowly.

Now Yi Tian seems to have caught something. The only change after entering the door here is the burden of gravity on his body. It seems that the faster he walks, the faster the gravity will increase.Now sitting like this, although the hourglass is still falling slowly, the increase in gravity on the body seems to be unfeeling.

Then Yi Tian was overjoyed, and said to himself: "It turned out that I misunderstood the seniors of the sect. This space is a place for gravity trials. The faster you run, the heavier your burden will be." Turning his head to look Only after looking at the hourglass did he realize that it was not a timing hourglass at all, but a gravity hourglass, which calculated the gravity of his own burden.

After recovering, Yi Tian estimated that if he kept running blindly, he would be completely crushed by the gravity of his body in a short time. This practice is the same as carrying weight. I can’t remember it. I still have to take it step by step. I must be the senior who arranged this space array One of the meanings you want to convey.

Also, the four-character reminder for passing the level seems to indicate that there must be something blocking the way ahead. If you just push hard, you may not be able to pass the level even if you spend most of your spiritual power there.

Then Yi Tian ignored the others and sat cross-legged for a few hours to quickly replenish the consumed spiritual power. After he felt good about himself, he got up and walked slowly towards the palace.

This time, Yi Tian wants to fully enjoy his practice and wants to go shopping, stop and go, and he will not let go of any treasures that look like spiritual plants, take out the spiritual medicine shovel, dig them out and transplant them into the spiritual plant pot middle.

After walking like this for a long time, Yi Tian suddenly found that there seemed to be no night in this space, and the whole sky was always red.I took out the coronal clock, and found that the water leak time in it had marked about seven or eight days since I joined the battle.

Looking at the road ahead, it might take some time, but after these few days of wandering, now Yi Tian has fully adapted to the burden brought by gravity, and then slightly accelerated towards the destination.

Two days later, Yi Tian arrived less than ten miles away from the palace, and encountered some trouble here.There was a puppet standing in the middle of the road in front of him. When Yi Tian approached, the puppet walked forward as if alive, and then a flash of light flew away from the hourglass in his hand, and later merged with the puppet. together.

Just when he was wondering for a while, the face and figure of the puppet unexpectedly changed slowly, and after ten breaths, it became exactly the same as himself.

This time Yi Tian was taken aback, he knew that he was going to kill the general, but he didn't expect to kill himself, but he didn't know how powerful this puppet was.

(End of this chapter)

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