
Chapter 386 Amazed

Chapter 386 Amazed
After entering the Lihuo Zong secret store, Yi Tian found that the surrounding environment seemed a bit like a place of trial, just like the puppet in front of him, which was originally ordinary. Only when he walked in did he realize that the puppet was like After staring at himself for a while, he slowly transformed into his own appearance.

Needless to say, these are all settings in the formation, but I don't know how powerful it can be.Yi Tian smiled at this and knew that this level must be passed, and then he was not polite, walked up slowly, took out a few ghost face flower seeds in his hand and started to seal them.

Looking for my original guess, these puppets are just imitating my appearance, but there may not be props and other items. If I use magic attacks, maybe the other party can completely imitate them, and they are even stronger than the main body three points.

With a shake of his hand, a vine vein as thick as an arm pierced directly into the ground, and then quickly extended along the ground.

At this time, the puppet on the opposite side also started to move. It was almost the same as guessed before. The puppet didn't use the wood system skills, but just raised its hand and quickly sealed it on its chest.

Yi Tian, ​​who was originally on the side, became extremely dignified when he saw the puppet's seal gesture. This seal method is very familiar to him, and it is really the best spiral fire shield technique.

Under the attack, the emphasis is on surprise, and then pointing to the ground, the ghost-faced flower vines rushed out from behind the puppet, and then opened the buds and bit them down.

But then Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and saw that the puppet used both hands to sacrifice a two-foot-sized spiral fire shield and instantly split it into two.Then, holding a half-foot-sized fire shield in one hand, it began to spin rapidly. When the flower bud fell, the puppet hardly moved at all, and just stretched out its hand to defeat the incoming enemies one by one.

In less than ten breaths, the end of the ghost face flower was cut to pieces by the two spiral fire shields. Seeing that the strong attack was unsuccessful, Yi Tian withdrew the spell first, then took out a handful of seeds and sacrificed them with both hands, and instantly formed hundreds of logs around it stabbed, and then attacked from all directions of the puppet with one finger.

The puppet on the opposite side didn't change expression, and glanced at the surrounding environment, then put the spiral fire shield in his hand, and then combined his hands together to seal again.

This time, Yi Tian's eyelids jumped a few more times, and when the opponent started to seal, he had already recognized that this move was the True Flame Armor that he was best at now.Sure enough, within three breaths, the puppet's whole body was covered with a layer of red flames, and after hundreds of wooden thorns all attacked it, it was directly stuck on the outer layer of the true flame armor.

Before Yi Tian exerted his strength again, the seal on the puppet's hand began to change again.Suddenly, there was a wave of spiritual energy around, and the true flame armor covering the surface began to expand rapidly, and the wooden thorns stuck on the shell were instantly burned to ashes.

The two fought against each other for only half an hour, but at this time Yi Tian began to feel a little jealous of the puppet in his heart.It was obvious that the other party was using the techniques inherited from the Lihuo Sect, and it was his own famous stunt, but his understanding of the techniques was much better than his own.

Looking back at the spells in his hand, Yi Tian suddenly realized that this space was obviously the place of trial left for his back by the seniors of the Lihuo Sect. See the essence clearly.

Isn't the puppet in front of him a very good teacher? Since the other party can only use Li Huo Zong's spells, and they are very skillful in using them, shouldn't he just deepen his use of Xuanyang True Fire through fighting.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's mood is suddenly enlightened, since this is the case, how can such a good opportunity be missed.Afterwards, as soon as the wood spell in his hand was withdrawn, a flame ignited in front of him, and then he imitated the puppet's move and used the spiral fire shield.

Not only that, at this time, both hands were stretched out to split the big fire shield into two, and under the control of the divine sense, the one-foot-sized fire shields on both sides spun rapidly and attacked the doll.

He only heard two high-speed rotating spiral fire shields directly hit the true flame armor on the puppet, but at this moment Yi Tian's face was still frowning.The puppet on the opposite side has a much higher attainment than himself in the True Flame Armor, and has a more thorough understanding of spells.

The flame armor not only blocked the spiral fire shield, but also swelled up again, absorbing the two fire shields alive after a while.

This made Yi Tian dumbfounded, he never expected that the True Flame Armor could have such a function.The doll who had absorbed the Spiral Fire Shield now had a three-pointer more powerful True Flame Armor, which obviously absorbed the spiritual power of Yi Tian's spell and strengthened itself.

At the moment, Yi Tian is really regretful in his heart. He has gathered all the strengths of various families for so many years, and his strength seems amazing.But now that I think about it carefully, I don't know enough about my own natal skills. Obviously, the strength of the puppet opposite may not be as strong as my own, but my understanding of Li Huozong's skills is definitely much better than my own.

From this point of view, the problem still lies with me. I used to laugh at others for their lack of skill, but now I see that I am also greedy for more than I can chew.If one can thoroughly understand the cultivation technique passed down from the Lihuo Sect, its power can definitely be doubled.

Just thinking that the puppet on the opposite side started to move, and slowly walked towards Yi Tian's direction, and walked faster and faster, and gradually displayed the fire escape technique under his feet.I saw a red aura covering the doll's lower legs, and the true flame armor attached to the whole body of the doll slowly began to fade.

The pupils in Yi Tian's eyes froze, and then a sense of crisis rushed into his heart instantly.I saw that the true flame armor on the puppet faded away quickly, and then all gathered on the right hand to form a hot fist. Because the spiritual pressure was too strong, there was obviously a small hole around the fist that could be seen by the naked eye. Warp space.

If it was hit for a while without dying, it would not be far from being seriously injured. Under the blessing of the fire escape technique, the speed of the puppet suddenly increased several times.Yi Tian didn't even want to directly sacrifice the True Flame Armor, and then used Fenghuo Dun under his feet at the same time, increasing the speed to the fastest, and a teleport opened the distance between the two of them by three miles.

The puppet seemed to have a range of movement, moving within a radius of one mile from its original position, and returned to its original position quickly after Yi Tian left.But the spell in his hand didn't dissipate, he just looked into the distance to lock the target.

This made Yi Tian stumped, obviously this level must be passed, and only by defeating the puppet head-on.

After gritting his teeth, he put his hands together in front of his chest, and then condensed the True Flame Armor on his body in the palm of his right hand like a gourd.After being compressed, the scorching flame wrapped around the right hand and formed a vacuum field, which seemed to be three points stronger than the power of the puppet's hand.

Yi Tian stared at the puppet for a long time, and then made up his mind to give it a try. If his guess is correct, it will definitely not be difficult to pass the level.

(End of this chapter)

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