
Chapter 387

Chapter 387
Facing the doll puppet exactly like himself, Yi Tian was once forced to run away by surprise.After regaining consciousness, I realized that this is not the process of the seniors trying to teach themselves how to familiarize themselves with the sect's martial arts.

After the confrontation just now, Yi Tian has a deeper understanding of his two-stroke spells. Originally, the spells were only defensive, and as long as they are changed immediately, they can form extremely sharp attack moves.

At this time, he looked at the flame armor that was condensed into the flame in his right hand, and then the figure flashed and flew towards the puppet.The biggest constraint of this move is that it requires hand-to-hand combat. It is estimated that the seniors of the sect must have known the strengths and weaknesses of spells, and I believe the answer lies in the puppet.

When the puppet found that a foreign enemy had entered the attack range, it also rushed towards Yi Tian in a flash, and the spell on its right hand formed a three-foot-large domain space to cover itself without showing any weakness.

Yi Tian also learned from others, as long as he uses the same tricks, he will not lose, at best it will be a tie.

With a 'bang' sound, the two red light balls collided fiercely in the air and refused to give in to each other. The two fields formed by the light balls were constantly squeezing each other's space, and at the same time mobilized the surrounding aura.Over time, a vortex storm of spiritual power formed at the center of the confrontation, uprooting all the trees within a mile around, and the high-speed rotating spiritual energy left scratches on the ground.

Yi Tian, ​​who was staying in the center of the storm, also felt uncomfortable at this time. It was obvious that his strength was comparable to that of the opponent, and if things went on like this, it would become a competition of spiritual power consumption.

Looking closely at the opponent's appearance, it seems that the spiritual pressure output has been very stable. If it continues for a long time, it must be yourself who loses first.Look at the whirlwind blowing around here and the field created by the swirling flames in front of you, no matter which side you go to, I believe it will be enough.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian looked at the flame field on the opposite side and it seemed that there was not much change, but he smiled lightly, and a purple flame popped out towards his right hand after his left hand quickly formed a seal.

With a 'swish' sound, the flame field on his right hand suddenly expanded rapidly, and the scope of that field also gradually expanded. The two flame fields that were originally equal were now slowly suppressed by Yi Tianyi.

Seeing that this trick was effective, Yi Tian was relieved, and then increased his output of spiritual power.Now the situation is the same as I imagined. The senior who originally designed this level never thought that his real fire has been strengthened three times with the Zixiao lamp, and after being pulled by the seal to rob the thunder, it mutated into Leiyan Ziyan.

But from the extent of the use of spells, it is at most equal to the puppet in front of me, so the key point of the decisive victory has returned to the basics, as long as the strength of one's own skills is higher than that of the opponent, you can definitely win.

Sure enough, the original balance of power was slowly broken, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Yi Tian.The domain in the puppet's hand is getting smaller after being compressed, and the purple domain formed by the Thunder Flame Purple Flame in Yi Tian's hand becomes larger rapidly.

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, the opponent could be completely wrapped in it, and then, as if defeated like a mountain, the entire flame field directly swallowed the opponent in.

After a flash of fire, the puppet was slammed down like an arrow from the string.After the storm subsided, Yi Tian saw the puppet's entire body embedded in the ground in midair.

Before I was happy for a while, I saw a crackling sound, and the puppet actually jumped out of the pit and stood on the ground.Then a series of fire aura around him gathered to form a chain of flames to protect the whole body. The seal method of the chain of fire is a bit like the true flame armor, but it is not always the same.

After the seal of the puppet is completed, a layer of red fire light is attached to the surface of the puppet for defense. Unlike the true flame armor, this layer of fire light seems to be imprinted on the surface of the skin, a bit like I have practiced before. Dot the physical technique of Jinyang not damaging the body.

After the incident was completed, the puppet body showed a layer of dark golden luster, as if it had been completely absorbed.

Then Yi Tian didn't think about it, and sacrificed the spiral magic shield again with both hands. The two quickly selected magic shields tore through the air and made a few harsh beeps, and after three breaths, they concentrated on the puppet again.

At this moment, after the two spiral magic shields hit the puppet, there were bursts of 'creaking' sounds, like the sound of spirit swords interlacing.But no matter how Yi Tian manipulated it, he couldn't break through its skin.

The defensive power of this spell is really astonishing. After a quick search in my mind, I found a defensive move called "Fire Alchemy Body". Due to the fact that the technique and body are practiced together, it was not cited as the mainstream at that time.

Judging from the records of this exercise, practitioners must first practice a high-level gymnastics before they can continue to practice.Moreover, the practice requires a furnace-like environment. According to records, one can artificially create such an environment in a large alchemy furnace, or a more direct method is to jump into the magma.

But if you don't have a powerful physical skill, continuing to practice like this is tantamount to seeking death, so even in the heyday of the Lihuo Sect, there were very few people who practiced it.

But now it's a different matter to use it on a puppet. The materials used by this puppet are definitely above level seven, so this technique can be used directly.I believe that the people who set up the formation at that time also considered this point, so they used this as a trump card. No matter how strong you are, you can't pass the level if you can't give the puppet a fatal blow in the end.

The domain moves that Yi Tian gathered from Lei Yan and Ziyan just now were only to repel the puppet without actually causing substantial damage to it. I believe it is not very meaningful to change the moves now.

But now I have to find another way. After looking at the situation below, the spiral magic shield was directly cut on the puppet this time, making a little metal impact noise from time to time, and leaving traces on the puppet's body surface.

If this goes on, it will be a tie, so Yi Tian is very unwilling, but facing this puppet, there is nothing he can do, and the situation froze there for a while.

After a while, Yi Tian, ​​who was in mid-air, remembered his experience in making puppets, and a bold idea popped up inadvertently.Then he looked at the puppet below, took out a few seeds in his hand to slowly inject spiritual power, and then flicked him with ten fingers.

Those seeds turned into rays of light and directly hit the various joints and recesses of the puppet. Most of the seeds were ignited by the high temperature generated by the red flame inscription when they touched the puppet's body surface.

But it couldn't withstand the amount of shots, and there were always a few that broke through the line of defense and got in through the joints.Immediately after seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed and made seals with his hands again, muttering in his mouth: "Grow quickly."

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed at the puppet, and slowly planted a few sprouts directly on his elbows and ankles, but the puppet's own movements gradually became sluggish.

After a quarter of an hour, the entire body of the puppet was covered with intertwined branches, and the puppet's own movements became more and more uncoordinated.When Yi Tian saw that the situation was almost over, he directly sacrificed the True Flame Domain with his hands and covered the puppet's head.

(End of this chapter)

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