
Chapter 388 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 388 Dividing the spoils
Half a day later, Yi Tianpan was sitting on the ground and inspecting the spoils in his hands one by one. After killing the puppet, two objects fell out of his body.

One of them was a fist-sized crystal. Fortunately, I had learned some puppet art, so I immediately recognized that it was the energy core driven by the puppet.But this is also the first time Yi Tian has seen such a pure energy source, no wonder he can imitate the tricks of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

The other item was a bit unpredictable. I looked at Qian Qian's hand again and again, and after screening, I found out that it was a golden soul-suppressing pestle.From the point of view of refining the spiritual weapon, it is a seventh-level high-level spiritual weapon. It is shining brightly in the hand, and there is a layer of runes engraved on it. Judging from the style of the characters, it seems to be the same as the one in the treasure of the Holy Son of the Ming King. Same.

Suddenly Yi Tian realized that what was engraved on it was the spirit world script of the upper realm. Since this is the case, the origin of this thing must be simple.Moreover, the ancestors of the Li Fire Sect put this thing in the body of the puppet as a reward for those who passed the test, which must have a deep meaning.

Originally, according to Yi Tian's meaning, the soul-suppressing pestle is definitely classified as those evil weapons, and all monks suppressed by the soul-suppressing pestle almost cut off the possibility of turning around and reincarnating.Even those who have great hatred among monks don't bother to use it, but since it appears here, it seems that the ancestors seem to want to explain something.

After putting away the things, Yi Tian took big steps towards the palace. After a while, he came to the entrance and only saw two passages. There were two stone tablets standing at the entrance, which said "Pass" and "Walk around." OK' a few words.

There is a small groove on the top of the 'pass' stone tablet, and Yi Tian changed hands and put the puppet's energy core into it.Then a red light flashed, and the passage door next to the stele made a 'click', and then revealed a dark road.

Only then did Yi Tian come to his senses. It turns out that this test can be detoured. If you don’t kill the puppet, you can pass the test, but you can only go another way.Immediately, he stretched out his right hand and took out the night pearl to illuminate the way ahead, and then walked into the passage without hesitation.

After walking in the passage for a while, Yi Tian still couldn't find the exit, but from slowly extending his consciousness, he could detect a slight fluctuation of spiritual power a mile away.Although it doesn't feel very certain, it seems to be someone who came in from the same industry.

After sighing, Yi Tian got up his spirits and continued to walk along the passage. In such an environment, it would definitely be an unwise choice to use escapism and run wildly.So Yi Tian still deliberately kept walking at a constant pace, but at this time the weight of those burdens on his body had gradually disappeared.

Take out the hourglass and you can see that all the sand in it has drained out, and the sand below seems to be gradually disappearing.After losing the shackles of gravity, Yi Tian quickened his pace and left the passage in less than an hour.

Scanning the room outside the passage with divine sense seems to be a connected corridor, and the weak spiritual pressure fluctuation seems to come from not far away.

Following the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, Yi Tian used his evasion technique and flew over, turning a few turns before arriving at a place that looked like a medicine garden.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Huo Qing digging for elixir and treasures in the garden.

The latter was also surprised when he saw someone coming, and he looked at Yi Tian with a surprised expression from behind and said: "Fellow Daoist approached me so quietly, I'm afraid it's not the work of a gentleman." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pressed it Putting on the storage ring, there was a vigilant look on his face.

Hearing the other party's remarks, Yi Tian just smiled and said: "It's good luck for you to find Lingzhi Garden so soon, so you must have gained a lot here, right?"

"Fellow Daoist is not bad luck, didn't you also find Lingzhi Garden," Huo Qing replied disdainfully.

Scanning the courtyard roughly with his spiritual sense, Yi Tiancai found that it was about [-] feet in size, and most of the spiritual plants inside were in the shape of logistics ranks, but the advantage lies in the variety of varieties. Huo Qing probably also liked this That's why I'm going to draw materials here.

Then Yi Tian said in a deliberative tone: "You Daoist Huo is an expert in spiritual planting, and I definitely admire you, but everyone is destined to get this genius and treasure. I don't ask for much, and I only take a little of each item, as long as Fellow Daoist Huo likes it." Yes, you only need to mix some fifth-level spiritual plants and subordinates."

Right now is definitely not the time to fight in the nest, so Yi Tian is also making appropriate concessions. I believe that Huo Qing will also have a measure in his heart after hearing this.

Sure enough, he nodded later and said: "Okay, let me transplant the spiritual plants first, and then give a share of each to fellow Taoists."

Seeing that the other party also agreed to the request, Yi Tian was happy not to do it himself, nodded and said: "That's very good, I'll just wait here, fellow daoist, transplant it quickly, and I will go to other places to have a look later. .” After speaking, he found an open space in the garden and sat down cross-legged to rest.

Seeing this, Huo Qing just shook her head helplessly, and then quickened her movements.

After two full hours, Huo Qing finally sorted out all the spiritual plants in the garden, and then transplanted all the plants that could be taken away.When Yi Tian got a spiritual plant bag, he stretched his consciousness in and scanned it, and found that there were dozens of precious materials in it, and most of them were almost extinct in the outside world, and a few of them were emitting bursts of fragrance .

After putting away the things, Yi Tian turned his head and asked, "Do you want to go together, fellow Taoist, or do you want to find another place to explore?"

Huo Qing snorted and replied: "Being the next person is used to it, fellow daoists should do as they please."

Hearing this, Yi Tian knew that he was angry, so he said haha ​​on his face, then said goodbye with a smile, then turned around and flew out of the medicine garden.

Huo Qing breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the person leave. He wasn't afraid of the other party, but it's definitely not a wise move to fight someone here at this time.And I have left behind, maybe someone will be afraid of someone when I see you next time.Immediately, he swept away the haze on his face, jumped out of the medicine garden and flew in another direction.

After leaving Huo Qing, Yi Tian also rushed all the way. The palace seems to be much bigger than he imagined, and since he met Huo Qing, it is estimated that several other people came out, but he became the last one to break through people.

After flying along Langfang for a while, it seems to have found the location of the main hall in the palace. According to the current direction, it is correct, and it should arrive after continuing to fly for half an hour.

There are already so many precious materials in a medicine garden, I really don't know what valuable things will be left here by the seniors of the sect.After half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian stopped in front of a door, and saw the word "Ling Beast Garden" engraved on the door.

Recalling that Beast Lingweng once said that the Lihuo Sect once had the method of transforming form from pets, but it has long been lost.Originally, Yi Tian wanted to try his luck at the Lihuozong site in Zhongzhou, but now he has another chance.

Then he pushed open the stone door and strode in.

(End of this chapter)

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