
Chapter 391 Countermeasures

Chapter 391 Countermeasures
The situation on the scene changed rapidly, and when the ghost face bud swallowed Mi Jie's natal Gu in one gulp, Yi Tian's face looked a little better.But before he could relax, the ghost face bud shook violently for a while, and then traces of black liquid slowly flowed out from the crack of the bud.

After ten breaths, the ghost-faced flower vine, which was originally stretching its teeth and claws, slowly fell down, and a small black spot appeared in the middle of the bud, and then it became bigger and bigger.After it swelled to an inch in size, the entire flower bud was rotted to form a black hole, and the shoe struggled to crawl out of it later.

Seeing such a live target, Yi Tian fired another burst of fireballs in his hand, and this time all ten fireballs hit it accurately.But the black shoes survived the attack by relying on their hard outer shell, and then jumped out of it thumping.

It's no wonder that Mi Jie is so determined to let the natal Gu chase him. The strength of emotion is definitely not simple. Ordinary monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul will inevitably fall into the Tao if they are careless.

Now Yi Tian tried a few tricks but couldn't do anything to it. The black scorpion is small in size and its carapace is extremely hard. It is very difficult to hurt it with magic alone.And the poison on it is definitely not simple, the venom that splashes out is definitely the nemesis of ordinary spells.

Just now, the black venom splashed on the defensive cover and made a hissing sound just now, and it was still corroding.

Fortunately, Yi Tian kept a certain distance from it, but gradually being forced by it to shrink the activity space in the hall, he could not wait for an opportunity to fight back.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was also slightly skewed. After being unable to attack for a long time, Mi Jie and Huo Qing's faces became more and more impatient.Because they found that the opponent's magic power was gradually increasing, and the effect of Nascent Soul Drunk was slowly fading away.

Mi Jie's face twitched at this time, if it wasn't for Yi Tian's sudden feeling that he had shared the attack of his natal Gu, the vulture's defense might have been broken by now.

After scanning Yi Tian in the distance, Mi Jie's face darkened, he bit the tip of his tongue, and shot a drop of dark green blood towards the natal Gu.

After the black scorpion was covered with dark green blood, its whole body suddenly doubled in size, and then its eyes turned red, and its speed immediately increased by three points.

Seeing the other party's painful attack, Yi Tian was also startled, and hastily doubled his escapism. The protective shield on his body is useless now. The venom sprayed by this black scorpion can directly penetrate the defense of the spell, instead of wasting it Spiritual power is not as good as increasing speed to find fighters.

Turning around, suddenly a cock crowed from the spirit beast pouch around Yi Tian's waist, and then a red light flew out, and the figure of Miss Qingyu appeared on the ground.

Immediately, Yi Tian had a headache, and he didn't call her, but how could she fly out.And in the face of Mi Jie's natal Gu, if Miss Qingyu made any mistakes, the Qingtian Demon King would chop himself up and feed him to the dogs.

But the situation on the scene suddenly turned upside down, and the aggressive Black Scorpion suddenly stopped when he heard the cock crowing.Then they confronted Qingyu, and the two scorpion pincers and tail hooks in their hands were erected as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Only now did he understand that the black scorpion had met a natural enemy. Although the level was two levels higher than the opponent's, it still couldn't change the fear of chickens in his bones.

Standing behind Qingyu, Yi Tian said, "Qingyu, go up and entangle that scorpion, I'll find a way to take care of it directly."

He only heard a jiaohe reply from Qingyu's mouth: "I want to eat it for lunch, don't smash it," and then he walked forward step by step, stretched out the beak of the chicken and started to peck the chicken. The back of the black scorpion.

Not to be outdone, the black scorpion directly rolled up its scorpion tail hook and moved towards Qingyu, where the two monsters fought back and forth.

Yi Tian couldn't let go of such a good opportunity, he stretched out his hands to sacrifice the True Flame Armor, and then sealed again to use the Flame Hand.The power of this True Flame Armor's transformation has only been tested, but Yi Tian compressed the spell again and added Leiyan Ziyan.

The fight between Hei Xie and Qing Yu was at the stage of getting along, but unexpectedly a big purple hand sprang out from the side and grabbed him.Scared so much that the black scorpion hurriedly sprayed out venom to resist, but the venom was burned without a trace as soon as it touched Ziyan.

Miss Qingyu was also startled by this sudden situation, she wanted to rush up, but when she saw that Zi Yan in Yi Tian's hand evaporated the venom in an instant, she pushed back a few steps.

These spiritually activated monsters are still very sensitive to threats and know what they can't afford to mess with.

In less than ten breaths, the black scorpion was burned away by the purple flame and died, and the venom on its body was also evaporated, leaving only the roasted scorpion meat, and the crystal clear Qingyu drools.

Yi Tian threw the body of the black scorpion directly to Qingyu, then put away the spell and began to adjust his breath for a while.Qingyu was not polite, pecked open the scorpion and swallowed it into his stomach, and then turned into a red light and flew into the spirit beast's pouch.

Not far away, Mi Jie suddenly blushed when Yi Tianhuo roasted the black scorpion, and a stream of blood spurted out. The killing of the natal Gu had a great backlash on him, and at this time it was no longer possible to keep the poisonous fog surrounding the vulture.

Slowly the poisonous mist began to thin out, and the white feather protection of the bald eagle gradually appeared, and then a white light flashed to reveal the bald eagle holding the feathers.I saw that his pale complexion was obviously due to excessive consumption of spiritual power, and the feathers in his hands were also corroded by the poisonous mist and changed color.

Not caring so much, the vulture seized the gap after Mi Jie's retaliation, jumped out, turned his hands into two wings and pointed at Mi Jie, and suddenly hundreds of feathers came out and turned into light spots and hit Mi Jie directly.

Hearing "Oops", the spot of light instantly pierced Mi Jie's defensive cover and shot his body into a sieve.

A green light flashed from Mi Jie's forehead, and a three-inch green Nascent Soul escaped from it, and then flew towards Huo Qing, and hurriedly shouted: "Senior Brother Huo, save me."

Huo Qing, who was on the side, saw that he couldn't resist in a hurry, so he took out a jade bottle and put Mi Jie's Nascent Soul in it, then pointed at the Gu butterfly and quickly took it back, ready to run away.

As soon as he flashed to the door, he saw a red light catching up from behind twice as fast as him, and stopped in front of him after a U-turn.A sneer came out from the light: "Where is Huo Daoyou going? Our fight is not over yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lu Linsheng appearing in the flames. At this moment, he glared at Huo Qing, who showed a one-foot-sized spirit sword in his hand, and struck the opponent with bright white flames.

Yi Tian looked at it and felt nervous, this Lu Linsheng is really powerful, although Zi Xiaozhan has not strengthened the real fire, but it is obvious that he has done alternative condensing through other methods, and he does not know whether this posture is stronger or weaker than his own skill.

Huo Qing obviously didn't want to sit still, although as an alchemist, fighting was obviously not his strong point, but the title of Nascent Soul cultivator was not given for nothing.

Pointing at the opponent, the natal Gu butterfly on his body also suddenly doubled in size, turning into a meteor-like flash, bypassing the spirit sword and striking towards Lu Linsheng.

(End of this chapter)

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