
Chapter 392 Mutation

Chapter 392 Mutation
Half a day later, the three people in the palace sat cross-legged on the ground and replied, among them, Vulture and Lu Linsheng maintained a gloomy expression.After the two of them were recruited one after another before, they all relied on their own advanced cultivation to forcibly suppress the effect of Nascent Soul Drunk.

Now wait until everything is over before rushing to force the remaining toxins out of the body.The vulture's move, Raining in the Sky, seemed powerful, but after the attack, it was obviously much weaker. It seemed like a fatal blow. Fortunately, it directly injured Mi Jie, the poisonous demon, and forced him to escape from the Nascent Soul.

As for Lu Linsheng's current situation, it was even worse. Although he held his breath just now and insisted on understanding Huo Qing, the other party's natal Gu was not a vegetarian either.

Huo Qing was killed on the spot when both sides hit each other, and Lu Linsheng was also uncomfortable. The seven-colored Gu butterfly actually pierced through the protective cover and directly smashed his defensive spirit weapon.

In the end, the remaining [-]% of the power almost smashed Lu Linsheng's True Flame Armor, and as a result, the two of them also ended up with one dead and one injured.

After Lu Linsheng confiscated all of Huo Qing's belongings, he went directly to Yi Tian, ​​and the two sat cross-legged together and began to recover.From Lu Linsheng's point of view, at least the two of them are from the same clan of Lihuo, and now they are more reliable than the vulture.

And Yi Tian also saw through Lu Linsheng's careful thinking, but now it is beneficial according to the situation in front of him, so he closed his eyes and opened his eyes.

Looking at Huo Qing's body in the distance, it was a blur of burning, and even his Nascent Soul hadn't had time to escape.

After a long time, Lu Linsheng recovered a little bit, then opened his eyes and scanned the surroundings, and then said to Yi Tian who was beside him: "This time, it is thanks to my junior brother who arrived in time, otherwise we will be punished by this ten thousand if we continue to stand still." The poisonous demon was consumed alive."

"Senior brother is serious, even if the younger brother doesn't come, I think the senior brother will have a way to get out, but it will just take a little more time," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

After complimenting for a while, the two stood up and walked forward slowly.At this time, the vulture on the other side also opened its eyes, then stood up and walked towards the stone platform where the treasures were stored in the hall.

Although the three of them were very polite on the surface, they were secretly on guard in their hearts.There are only two jade boxes in front of them, no matter how the three of them divide them, they will not be happy.

Looking at the two jade boxes on the stone platform, Yi Tian was also silent for a while. Although the incident of two peaches killing three men will not happen again, everyone has worked so hard to come here, and so many unpleasant things have happened. I have some small calculations in my heart.

The three looked at each other, and then fell silent.It took a long time before Lu Linsheng sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist Vulture, Junior Brother Yi, how do you divide these two jade boxes?"

Yi Tian was silent on the face, but he felt contempt for Lu Linsheng in his heart. Just now, when he was needed in a crisis, he was fawning, but now it is another scene.

On the other hand, the vulture glanced at Lu Linsheng and Yi Tian, ​​and then said as if he had made up his mind: "The two jade boxes on the stone platform should be divided between the two, and I will This corpse behind this stone platform."

As soon as he said the words, Lu Linsheng showed a satisfied smile on his face. Although the situation was different from the expected situation, it was still within the plan.

Then he turned his head and asked Yi Tian, ​​"Then that's fine, Junior Brother Yi, you should choose first."

"Okay," Yi Tian then scanned the two jade boxes with his spiritual sense, and saw the same seal on them, and then took one casually and put it into the storage ring.

And Lu Linsheng was not polite, he put away the other jade box directly, and the two smiled face to face, since everyone had this tacit understanding, there was less dispute.

At this moment, Vulture didn't care about the actions of the two of them at all. He walked up to the black corpse and looked at it again and again. After a flash of surprise, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the golden awl on the corpse.

Just listening to the sound of 'bang', after a golden cone bounced, bursts of cold air suddenly surged from all around the hall, making Yi Tian and the other two feel uncomfortable.

When the second gold cone was pulled out again, Yi Tian seemed to notice that the black corpse moved obviously.Shocked, he hurriedly shouted at Lu Linsheng: "This black corpse is weird, and this vulture is even more problematic."

Lu Linsheng on the side also sensed something was wrong, nodded towards Yi Tian and shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist Vulture, please ask for an assistant, or don't blame us for being rude." The sword attached the real fire of life to it.

Unexpectedly, the vulture didn't pay any attention at all, and just sullenly tried to pull out the few remaining gold cones on the black corpse one by one.

When they got here, Yi Tian and Lu Linsheng didn't understand that the spiritual pressure emanating from this black corpse made people feel extremely uncomfortable.It is conceivable that this person can retain such terrifying power for 3000 years after his death, and how powerful he was during his lifetime.

At this time, the vulture's appearance also began to change rapidly. A mass of black aura surrounded the whole body, and after three breaths, it appeared completely demonized, and the aura on its body and the aura exuded by this black corpse same.

Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Leave him alone, let's shoot directly," then put his hands together and sacrificed the spiral magic shield directly, then separated his hands, and controlled two small magic shields with both hands to greet the vulture.

Not to be outdone, Lu Linsheng hurriedly manipulated the spirit sword in his hand to stab at the vulture's defensive cover.

The vulture just snorted coldly, then flapped its wings and dropped hundreds of black feathers, turning into a black whirlwind and wrapping itself and the black corpse on the ground.

After the two spells hit the black whirlwind, it only slightly weakened it by three points, and then it was bounced back, failing to break it immediately.

At this moment, the whole palace trembled a few times, and two more golden lights shot out, and only two of the six gold cones on the black corpse's dantian and Niwan Palace remained.

Suddenly Vulture put away his defensive spells, sneered at the two of them and said, "I still need a human body, which one of you will give in?"

Yi Tian and Lu Linsheng were shocked after hearing this. The vulture in front of them seemed to be a different person, and their strength and cultivation base were obviously much stronger. It is estimated that they had reached the peak of the Nascent Soul mid-stage, even if they joined forces, they could not break through it. defense.

At this time, the body of the black corpse suddenly changed, quickly absorbing the surrounding cold aura into the body, and then the two remaining gold cones on the body also began to tremble non-stop, as if they were about to be rejected by it immediately Come out like that.

The vulture was overjoyed when he saw this, and looked at the two of them fiercely from behind, and said: "Little fire sect brats, now is the time to repay the debt that your ancestors trapped me here."

(End of this chapter)

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