
Chapter 393

Chapter 393
The whole hall was filled with demonic energy, and Yi Tian and Lu Linsheng were both complaining in their hearts. Although they didn't know the plan of the black corpse, seeing the vulture's appearance would definitely not make them feel better.

After the black corpse absorbed a large amount of cold aura, the whole body slowly recovered as if it had been blown.Then the golden cone pierced in the dantian suddenly made a crisp sound, and then saw a golden light shoot into the air, and finally got stuck on the top of the hall.

The black corpse that lost the five golden cones became stronger and stronger. Although it couldn't move a bit, the spiritual pressure from its body became stronger and stronger, and even made Yi Tian feel a sense of suffocation.

The vulture in front of him is obviously much stronger than himself, but there is nothing he can do now, so Yi Tian has no choice but to bite the bullet and seal his hands again, this time he doesn't care so much. With a sound of '嗖', he directly sacrificed the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel, and then blessed his own spiral fire shield on it, and then said "go" in his mouth, and controlled the Lingbao to attack directly.

On the other side, Lu Linsheng used both hands to sacrifice the spirit sword again, and then controlled it to fly to the back of the vulture and stab it fiercely.

After two flashes of fire, the spirit sword exploded directly behind the vulture.The power of the sixth-level spiritual weapon self-detonating at close range can be imagined, and the whole palace trembled accordingly, and the black corpse on the ground was even bounced away by the self-detonating air wave.

Although Yi Tian was still more than a dozen feet away from the center of the self-destruction, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure really made him unbearable, and then he barely stood firm after opening the protective cover with all his strength.Although his spirit weapon spell hit the vulture before it blew up, it also took advantage of this opportunity to instantly break through the opponent's defense.

After the whirling sparks hit the vulture's black skin, Yi Tian was overjoyed at first, and then showed surprise in his eyes.After bursts of flames splashed directly, the Japanese Tonghui wheel blessed by the spiral magic shield left a foot-long and half-foot-deep mark on the vulture's wings, and the black blood inside gave off a stench, and slowly dripping down.

In the center of the self-explosion, the vulture actually put most of its defensive power on its back. After resisting the fierce spiritual weapon and self-explosion, its whole body trembled, and then said angrily: "You two are all You must die," then he rushed towards Yi Tian as soon as his feet exerted force.

Seeing the powerful enemy attacking, Yi Tian didn't dare to take it head-on, and then the fire flashed all over his body, and then he dodged to the side with force under his feet.The vulture didn't get annoyed when it missed, and directly took out the white feather from its tail, and then cast a spell with both hands to turn the feather into a dark black with black magic energy, and then turned it into a black awn to stab Yi directly. sky.

After three "bang bang bang" sounds, the black glow directly penetrated Yi Tian's body, and interrupted the pillar behind him. Its force remained undiminished, and then it hit the wall directly, revealing a three-foot-large pit Come.

At this time, Yi Tian's body appeared a phantom, and then dispersed, and then his real body appeared ten feet away.But at this moment, Yi Tian was panting heavily, and his whole body was full of blood, and he only felt a sweetness in his throat to calm down his breath.

Seeing this, Vulture was also surprised and said: "My good boy, you escaped all of this."

Faced with Vulture's teasing, Yi Tian was at a loss for words, and after looking inside, he found that there was a double doll that looked exactly like him at the bottom of the Niwan Palace, and a mark had cracked on his body.

After a hundred years of nurturing, this spiritual weapon finally played a role at this time. Although it has resisted [-]% of its power, the saving is still fed back to its own body.

Turning his head to see that the vulture did not take back the black feathers, Yi Tiancai was relieved. Fortunately, this powerful move can only be performed with the feathers.

It seems that the other party did not consume less spiritual power just now, or else I would really have to explain it here a few more times.

Lu Linsheng, who was at the side, changed his face several times at this moment, and then ran away without turning his head.

Thinking about how the two of them called brothers and sisters just now, and now they are flying separately in the face of disaster, Yi Tian also cursed Lu Linsheng in his heart.

And the vulture seemed to have seen through Lu Linsheng's thoughts, and directly fanned its wings and the whole figure stopped Lu Linsheng on the only way to escape at more than double the speed.

Then the vulture smiled maliciously: "Where is Lu Daoyou going, your junior brother is much tougher than you, he would rather fight to the death than back down."

Lu Linsheng said angrily, "He's overthinking his capabilities," and without further ado, he put his hands together, turning into a ball of fire and rushing towards the vulture.

It is also the first time Yi Tian has seen such a move. Although it is recorded in the Xuanyang Secret Code that this move is definitely a desperate move, it seems that Lu Linsheng also knows that his strength is not enough, and he is ready to go all out.

All I saw was that the vulture spit out a cloud of black mist in the air, and then quickly spread it into a three-foot-wide net to catch the incoming fireball.

Then with both hands straight, the black mist net directly encircled Lu Linsheng.Then the Vulture gave a strange laugh and dragged the black mist net to the side of the corpse, then opened his mouth and said, "I'll find a body for you, see if it works."

After hearing that, the black corpse opened his mouth and said, "If I give up my body, my strength will be greatly damaged. Don't think I don't know what kind of idea you have."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yi Tian also frowned. The previous soul felt right, this vulture was a person with a broken soul, as if the other half of the soul still remained in the black corpse.

If I didn't guess wrong, there should be a glimmer of life today.After a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, Yi Tian laughed and said, "Are you a vulture or this black corpse, you should be one person, but it's a pity that the three souls and seven souls have split into two."

The vulture looked sombre and didn't talk at all, but the black corpse said: "You have a good eye, the pioneer of the demon world, Tu Lie, has been imprisoned here by you from the Fire Sect for 5000 years."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, hurry up and seize the house," the vulture on the side said impatiently.

"I'm afraid that as soon as you seize the house, the primordial spirit on the vulture will be eager to fuse with you. At that time, under the assimilation of your spirit and soul, the whole person will never be controlled by you again," Yi Tian sneered for a while. road.

Obviously, the two souls of the demon general's three souls, 'Two Light' and 'Ghost Spirit' are on the body of the vulture, which is why he became so cunning. It's a pity that the remaining one soul 'Shuang Ling' and 'Corpse' among the seven souls Dog, Fushi, Sparrow Yin, Swallow Thief, and Feidu' these five souls must have remained in the corpse, or the strength of Vulture would not be limited to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Over time, the divided souls each derived their own consciousness to resist each other, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, isn't this just his own vitality.Then pointing to the vulture, he said, "You must have put a lot of restrictions on Lu Linsheng's body. As long as the soul in the corpse returns to its place, it will definitely not escape your shackles. Then you will be able to fuse easily."

(End of this chapter)

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