
Chapter 394

Chapter 394
After listening to Yi Tian's speech, the vulture in the hall couldn't let it go, and then shouted loudly: "What do you know, ignorant boy, if it wasn't for this vulture who committed a crime and stole the Soul Forbidden Pot of the King of Eagles and released me, I would How could he take the opportunity to devour his primordial spirit. This seat just wants to restore the former spirit, and then guide the army of the demon world to completely eradicate the Lihuo lineage."

There was a sudden flash of black energy on the black corpse, and then directly forced Yi Tian in the distance to take a few steps back, and then scolded: "Junior is rude, I will deal with you after I fuse, quickly open the restriction and let me take it away!" Abandon."

After hearing this, the vulture showed joy on his face, and then dispersed the black mist with a little finger, revealing the unconscious Lu Linsheng inside.

Then I saw bursts of dark light spots flashing from the whole black corpse, which scattered from the eyes, mouth, nose and ears respectively, and then slowly began to condense in the air.The last black glow slowly penetrated from the side of the golden cone inserted in the Niwan Palace, and when the black glow gathered together, it turned into a black ball of light the size of a longan, and then circled around Lu Linsheng's head for a few times , and finally pierced it from his forehead.

After the ball of light entered Lu Linsheng's body, his whole body began to tremble, and then a cloud of black air emerged from the seven orifices, covering the whole body and staying in the air.

Seeing this, the vulture laughed from the bottom of his heart, and then quickly sealed his hands on his chest, and then tapped directly towards the black mist, and saw that the entire body was covered with inscriptions, and the leaked spirit The strength has converged.

Then the vulture smiled and turned to Yi Tian and said, "Boy, you are knowledgeable, but it's a pity that I didn't set up the restriction first, but trapped him after he entered."

Hearing so much, Yi Tian's heart turned cold for a while, these great powers in the upper realm are all cunning people, he guessed the beginning correctly but failed to guess the ending.I didn't expect that the remaining one soul and five souls were so stupid, and they played around with me. This matter is really memorized. After the soul returns to its place, the first thing I will do is to chop myself up and feed it to the dog .

In the midst of a real distress, a third person's voice suddenly came from the black mist: "Where is the evildoer who dares to take away my brother, and why don't you get out of the body quickly."

Then a burst of golden light burst from Lu Linsheng's chest and rushed directly into the Niwan Palace to protect his primordial spirit, and then the voice of slaughter came: "How can mere protection of the soul be difficult for me, and my Clone, don't think that I don't know what you're paying attention to, even if I can't completely control this body, you don't want to fuse me."

Afterwards, a long black air leaked from under the body surface, breaking the restrictions of the inscriptions bound on his body.When the black air dissipated, he saw Lu Linsheng standing in the air with a black face, and there seemed to be a golden light shining in the Niwan palace between his eyebrows.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw this. It was Lu Jinyuan's spiritual guard left on Lu Linsheng's body to protect his Niwan Palace. In this way, the slaughter would not be considered a success, even if he relied on one soul and five souls in a place that could not be fully controlled. His body can only exert at most [-]% of its strength.

The vulture said angrily from the side: "You and I are one, why don't you want to merge for the sake of dominance?"

Tu Lu laughed loudly and said: "Are the two souls and two souls also worthy of the dominant body? If you are willing to blend into me obediently, then everything will be easy to talk about." Then Tu Lu stiffly raised his hand and condensed a black air to greet the vulture. go.

And the vulture was also exposed, showing a fierce look on his face: "If it weren't for the fact that the body of this monster can't exert the strength of the general, why did I plan for so long to find the host? Since you are not willing to submit, then I can only subdue you!" , "Then two clouds of black mist condensed in his hands and used the same tricks to fight the massacre.

It is clear that the mountains and rivers are at the end of the earth, but the vitality suddenly appeared, Yi Tian is also secretly happy at this time.Visually inspecting the surrounding environment, it seemed that there could only be an exit near the stone platform, and then quietly avoided the two of them and moved towards the stone platform.

Tu Lie and Vulture were in full swing, but they both used part of their consciousness to track Yi Tian's whereabouts, so if they found something was wrong, they were ready to stop it.

Before Yi Tian got close to the stone platform, he saw the vulture's black whirlwind approaching, and without saying a word, Yi Tian directly opened the spiral magic shield to catch it.Originally waiting for Tu Lie's move, Lu Jinyuan's voice suddenly came from his mouth and said: "Junior Brother Yi, please put away my brother's things, and the relics of the sect must not be leaked. I will definitely investigate this matter to the end."

After speaking, he saw a golden light shining between Tu Lie's brows, and then his right hand seemed to be disobedient, directly took off the ring worn on the index finger, and then flicked towards Yi Tian's position.After the golden light flashed, the golden color between the eyebrows seemed to have dimmed a bit, and then was wrapped in a cloud of black air, but it was never swallowed up.

Yi Tian caught the flying ring, and then ran to the side of the stone platform without saying a word, and quickly scanned it with his spiritual sense, only to find that the stone platform was engraved with a formation.With both hands in front of his body, he sacrificed the Xuanyang True Fire, and flicked it towards the stone platform, and immediately the formation patterns on the entire stone platform were activated, and then a formation map of the Big Dipper appeared.

The black corpse on the ground floated up and hovered above the formation as if it had been summoned by some kind. Listen carefully to the crisp buzzing sound from the black corpse.It was the sound of the golden cone inserted in the Niwan Palace, and then the sound in the whole hall echoed one after another.

In an instant, five golden lights flashed and hit the body of the black corpse directly. The golden cones that had just been pulled out returned to their original positions, and the entire array was activated to protect the stones.

Seeing that his body was sealed again, Tu Lu shouted angrily, "We are on the verge of Lihuo Sect. As long as I am still in this world, I will definitely regain my body." Then he turned around and his eyes showed greed He looked at the vulture with wide eyes, and he didn't keep his hands anymore.

And the vulture in the distance had never seen such a battle before, and he gritted his teeth angrily: "Boy, you ruined my good deeds, and I will definitely eradicate you from the Fire Sect in this life." Then the figure turned around and rushed out from a door next to it.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the light array, saw that the array was still unwilling to activate, and he also showed suspicion. He suddenly felt movement in the storage ring, and hurriedly extended his consciousness in, only to find that the one he got as a reward was The golden cone seemed to be summoned by its companions, revealing a dazzling golden light.

After taking it out, the golden cone flew directly to the top of the black corpse's head and pierced it directly. After the entire formation was fully activated, Yi Tian and the black corpse were wrapped in golden light and sent out together.

(End of this chapter)

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