
Chapter 395

Chapter 395
A few years ago, the return of the Holy Son of Ming Wang Dao in Southern Xinjiang was just a gossip in the cultivation world, but it has become more and more serious in the past few years.The four tribes of Ming Wangdao also seem to have ended the hundreds of years of estrangement in a very tacit understanding, and they all gathered under the leadership headed by Wen Xin, the elder of Gongli Tianda.

In the past few years, the forces of all parties were still secretly integrated, but just a few years ago, the Great Elder Wen Xin suddenly issued an order from King Ming that he had not seen for a long time, directly dispatching the father and son of Blissful Heaven, Le Tongxuan, and Brahma Curse Heaven to intervene in the compilation of the Spiritual Medicine Sect and the Wanwan King. The matter of the poison door.

The original secret alliance formed by the Wandumen was also unearthed. Based on the conclusive evidence, Elder Wen Xin also directly dispatched Le Qingtong to lead the two masters of Di Yutian to attack directly, and quickly wiped out the Wandumen.The two Nascent Soul monks who stayed behind also ran away, but were killed and one injured by Le Qingtong's pursuit.

The remaining sects in the entire southern border either belonged to Ming Wangdao or became its vassal sects. Elder Wen Xin also screened them and transferred them to each other to redistribute the sect territories, firmly restraining those disobedient sects.

It also stipulated that these sects should submit a certain amount of offerings every ten years, which greatly squeezed the living space of small and medium sects, and they were firmly under control in just ten years.

Then, Wandumo divided and ruled the original sect foundation, and set up a branch of the Northern Xinjiang Ming Wangdao at its headquarters, and Brahma Mantra Tian Shengkun led everything.

Immediately, Brahma Mantra Heaven rose strongly in Ming Wang Dao, and his strength quickly recovered, and all the disciples selected were diehards who were willing to dedicate themselves unconditionally to the Holy Son.

At the same time, in a cave on an unknown island in the sea south of southern Xinjiang, Yi Tianzheng sat cross-legged next to a teleportation stone formation and meditated.I came to this small island after being teleported out of that palace more than ten years ago, along with the black corpse with the seven soul-suppressing pestles stuck in it.

Now Yi Tiancai knew that the Soul Suppressing Pestle was really used. He thought it was some kind of evil energy when he got it, but he didn't expect it to be used to seal the body of the demon general from the upper realm.

This encounter can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune, but fortunately, the slaughter did not take him away.But on the other hand, I still have to thank Lu Linsheng. If he hadn't been so disrespectful and ran away first, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Yi Tian was still a little scared when he was teleported here, so he chopped off a corner of the teleportation stone formation immediately after he came out.After a brief interrogation with Elder Wen Xin, King Dao of Ming Dynasty, Yi Tian also briefly informed him of what had happened in this world, and ordered him to uproot the Spiritual Medicine Sect and the Wandu Sect by the way.

After doing this, he stretched out his spiritual consciousness to find out the location of the entire island, and only after setting up a defensive maze and restrictions did he start to meditate in the cave.

This fight made him clearly aware of the gap with that slaughter, not to mention his one soul and five souls, even the vulture controlled by two souls and two souls made him unable to stand up.If it wasn't for the doll stand-in who took the fatal blow for him, I'm afraid that he should be the one who was taken away at this time.

Now I looked inside at the substitute doll in the Niwan Palace. At this time, after more than ten years of nurturing, it has returned to its original state, and the cracks on its body have also healed.What is even more surprising is that after this restoration, the stand-in doll has advanced to a sixth-level high-level spiritual weapon.

This made the gloomy mood of the past ten years finally feel better, as long as the spiritual weapon is advanced, the effect will be better.

Right now, the entire Southern Xinjiang is looking for the vultures and the massacres, and to the outside world, there is a pretext for the monster clan to rebel and collude with the human traitors to harm Southern Xinjiang.However, high-level monks didn't take this matter too seriously. After all, at their level, trying to catch them by wanted is tantamount to nonsense, but it would be of great benefit to be able to detect their whereabouts.

Now Yi Tian also feels a sense of urgency about his own cultivation progress, after all, no matter which of the two potential opponents he can match now.

He took out Lu Linsheng's storage ring and checked it again. Besides the jade box inside, there was also a genealogy of the Lihuo Sect, which made Yi Tian very interested.

After opening it, I realized that Lihuo Patriarch had four apprentices back then, Gu Hui and Yun Zhongzheng were the direct disciples, and he himself was descended from Yun Zhongzheng's branch.As for Lu Jinyuan, he was Gu Hui's reincarnated disciple, so he was of the same generation as himself in terms of seniority.However, beside Lu Jinyuan's name, the names of Lu Linsheng and Hu Yiyuan are recorded.

Then I looked at the genealogy and saw that Chi Yangzi's name was still recorded in the two generations after Yun Zhongzheng, so it should be considered the third generation. He was of the same generation as Lu Jinyuan, and there were Yan Bingyan from the girl school and a man named Mo Wen Tian's name can be regarded as the second generation of Yun Zhongzheng.

This Mo Wentian should be the Taishang Patriarch of the Dongao Iron Sword Sect. Presumably he also occupied the ancestral land and set up another sect. I don't have the strength to solve this matter now, but I believe that I will definitely do it in the near future. Ask this Master Mo's brilliant move.

Chiyangzi's contemporaries include Nangongba and Dongfang Lingyun of the Xuanling Sect, and the positions recorded in the genealogy should be Chiyangzi's contemporaries.

In fact, Yi Tian recalled that he only recognized him as a junior because of Chi Yangzi's words. If he really looked into his seniority, he should belong to Yun Zhongzheng's fourth generation.

As for the branch of refining equipment and alchemy, there is still the name of Huo Chilian, and according to his seniority, he is a generation lower than his current self.

After putting away this thing, Yi Tianyou turned his attention to the rest of the items. Except for the jade box, the others were nothing more than some pills, spirit stones and exercises, and he lost interest even after looking at them for a long time.

Afterwards, he took out the two jade boxes, and after gently removing the seal talisman on them, Yi Tian removed the lid and found that there were two jade slips inside.

Taking out one of them and opening it, a look of joy appeared on his face.The text recorded on it turned out to be the spiritual text of the upper realm, and the content in it was a scroll of how to practice the Lihuo technique.

Fortunately, he had learned some spiritual literature from Ming Yaohui many years ago, so Yi Tian directly read the scroll twice from the beginning to the end, and recorded all the uncertain words encountered in it.

Finally, at the end of this jade slip, it was discovered that the inheritance of the Lihuo Sect was actually related to the upper realm. The Lihuozong was originally a branch of the spiritual world sect. After taking root in this realm, it was dedicated to cultivating those potential disciples to enrich the upper realm. The strength of the sect.

After reading it, Yi Tiancai learned that there was a reason behind the Lihuo Sect's dominance of this realm, but now that the sect has been broken and the Ascension Platform is gone, the upper realm must have known about it long ago, but why has it not been for 3000 years? Didn't send people down to the realm?

After taking out another jade slip, Yi Tian felt his back was dripping with sweat after reading it. The information recorded on this jade slip turned out to be related to the pioneer of the demon world. The reason why Lihuozong was exterminated in this world is roughly understood.

(End of this chapter)

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