
Chapter 396 Counterfeiting

Chapter 396 Counterfeiting
It was only more than 20 years ago that the Holy Son of the Ming Wangdao returned. During this period, the entire Ming Wangdao was gradually integrated from a mess, and then extended its influence to the realm of cultivation and the mortal world.

The purpose of those teachings in the religion is to be kind to others, of course there must be a set of things in it.Yi Tian didn't delve into it when he merged with the King of Ming Dynasty. After all, these teachings were mainly spread among the low-level monks of the peripheral members or in the mortal capitals in the sphere of influence.

After staying on the island for more than 20 years, Yi Tian not only eliminated all the sequelae left by the last war, but also improved his cultivation base.The most fruitful thing is to translate all the spiritual world texts of the Lihuo Sect, and then make continuous revisions according to the existing Xuanyang secret texts in hand.

The purpose of Zixiaozhan is mentioned in this true biography of the spirit world. Every disciple of the Lihuo Sect must use Zixiaozhan for flexible strengthening. The stage of obsession.

For this, Yi Tian began to sympathize with Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan of Zhongzhou Lihuozong. Without Zixiaozhan, they must forcibly refine Xuanyang True Fire. Now they can't see anything, but once they reach the middle stage of Yuanying, those yin and yang imbalances The disadvantages will gradually become apparent.

For example, Chi Yangzi of the Chiyang Sect can only hide in the lava valley in the Zongmen forbidden area, relying on the hot magma environment in the forbidden area to suppress these disadvantages.

But now Yi Tian doesn't want to take out Zixiaozhan to show his identity. After all, the Lihuozong is currently in a state of fragmentation.

During the 20 years of retreat on the island, Yi Tian planned to refine another Zixiao lamp. If according to the jade slip, even the disciples of the Lihuo Sect after ascending to the spirit world need to use the Zixiao lamp to assist in their cultivation, From this point of view, it is necessary to carry one with you.

And according to the situation in his Niwan Palace, it seems that the seal is not repulsive to Zixiaozhan, so Yi Tian directly refined it into a natal magic weapon.And in the jade slips, I also found a magic power of "Zixiao Three Changes".

This first change is the 'Zixiao Domain' recorded in the Xuanyang Secret Code, which is a defensive move. If it is combined with the blessing of my own true flame armor, I believe it can block the full blows of those monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

The second variation 'Zixiao Leihuo Chong' specializes in killing and attacking. Unfortunately, after more than ten years of comprehension, Yi Tian has only refined the realm of Xiaocheng. Has anyone tried it, so the power of this move still needs to be checked.

After this period of practice, the whole person also returned to the best condition, and also received a summons from the Great Elder Wen Xin, saying that three years later, a visitor from Zhongzhou would come to the Ming Wangdao General Altar to see the real body of the Holy Son.

Although Yi Tian didn't know who the visitor from Zhongzhou was and what his purpose was, he could tell a thing or two from Elder Wen Xin's tone that the visitor this time would definitely not be such a simple matter.

Fortunately, this time is considered abundant, so Yi Tian is not in a hurry to return to the main altar of the King of the Ming Dynasty.After flying over the vast South China Sea, he entered the southern border region, passed through several mortal towns, and then continued to fly to the hinterland of southern border. Suddenly, his consciousness swept down and there was a crowd of people in the capital of the mortal country. Celebration of comeback.

Originally, this was understandable, and Yi Tian didn't even look down on these formalisms, but after a sweep of his divine sense, he stabilized his figure in the air, then turned around after thinking for a while and fell down.

After checking the map of southern Xinjiang, I found that I was in the Anyue Kingdom in the Southern Basin, which was the edge of the Ming Wangdao's sphere of influence, and there were disciples stationed in the sect to guard it.However, because it is located thousands of miles away from the hinterland of southern Xinjiang, it is not considered a country that is the focus of attention.

Taking out the power division map of Ming Wang Dao and looking at it, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth. The guard here is an outer monk named Jia Yizhen in the early stage of foundation establishment.In terms of seniority, he is still the third generation of disciples under Gonglitian's subordinates, if he sees Yi Tian, ​​he has to call out his grandfather.

Walking on the streets of Annan King's Capital, you can see the signs of Ming Wangdao everywhere. It is obvious that Jia Yi has really turned Ming Wangdao into the state religion of Annan Kingdom.After strolling around for a while, I learned from the disciples of the market that in two days’ time, the climax of the King’s Way of Ming Dynasty celebration will have the Holy Son of the King of Ming appear.

Although Yi Tian is indifferent to Ming Wangdao's preaching, it's different if someone wants to impersonate himself and ruin his reputation.

After a cold snort, he disappeared into the crowd, and then teleported to the capital of Annan Kingdom.At this time, Yi Tian felt very upset, that a little monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage dared to pretend to be himself, and it would be okay to spread the word.

Fortunately, the whole palace is not big, Yi Tian can basically find out the situation of the king's concubines in the palace with a swipe of his spiritual sense, and Jia Yizhen, the foundation-builder monk stationed by Ming Wangdao, is obediently staying in the National Teacher Hall to cultivate.

After confirming the location of these people, Yi Tian rushed to the door to find out if this Jia Yi was really expected.

As the national teacher of Annan Kingdom, Jia Yizhen has been on duty here for more than ten years. At the beginning, he used the teachings of Ming Wangdao to develop many believers, and even the king of Annan Kingdom was ordained and joined the religion.But as time passed, these believers proposed to see the real body of the Holy Son, which was hard for Jia Yizhen, because he was only lucky enough to have a quick glimpse of the Holy Son in the Hongde Hall more than 20 years ago.

And at that time, I just thought it was a certain important person from the four tribes, until later, the holy son showed his real body, cleaned up the door and killed Emperor Yutian's Sima Tengyun on the spot, and destroyed the Hongde Hall.Although Jia Yizhen was watching this proud fight from tens of miles away, he felt infinite admiration for the Holy Son in his heart.

Fortunately, this Annan country can be regarded as remote and tight, so Jia Yizhen agreed to the auspicious auspiciousness that the son of King Ming would manifest his sanctity at the end of the ceremony under the entreaties of all the believers.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged in the National Teacher Hall alone to cultivate, and suddenly felt a chill for no reason, then Jia Yizhen opened his eyes and took out a magic weapon in his hand and shouted: "He Fang Xiaoxiao dares to disturb my national teacher Qingxiu, you must know that Ming Wangdao controls Covering more than [-]% of the southern border, Your Excellency, being an enemy of our holy religion is no different from hitting a stone with an egg."

After a sneer came, a figure slowly appeared. Jia Yizhen scanned the other party with his spiritual sense, and found that he and he were both in the early stage of foundation establishment. Quick report to the door."

And Yi Tian, ​​who was standing opposite, was not angry, he suppressed his cultivation level to be equal to the opponent, and then deliberately leaked his whereabouts to let him notice.Seeing Jia Yizhen stand up and look annoyed, Yi Tian replied: "I passed by here and heard that there will be a real body of the Son of God at the King's Dao Celebration, so I want to come and see it."

Jia Yizhen heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then continued: "The real body of the Holy Son is something you can see whenever you want, I think you have committed the first crime and leave quickly, or if I show up, I will smash you to ashes."

Now Yi Tian understood, Jia Yi really pretended to be the Son of God with false feelings, he thought about it and then said: "Fellow Daoist is the Holy Son of King Ming, I want to learn some lessons," and then he didn't care How the other party responded, took out a fireball talisman in his hand, sacrificed a fireball and shot it.

(End of this chapter)

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