
Chapter 397 Replacement

Chapter 397 Replacement
Jia Yizhen in the National Teacher's Hall of Annan Kingdom saw the other party coming up aggressively, so he did not say a word, and he was startled and hurriedly put up a protective cover to protect himself.

After the fireball hit the light film, its momentum remained undiminished, as if it was about to penetrate the defensive cover.Jia Yizhen was so scared that he hastily increased his output of spiritual power to withstand the opponent's attack.

After regaining his senses, he shouted loudly: "Zhuzi Ergan, today I will let you see the might of King Ming's Holy Son." Then he took out a small metal lock-like spiritual weapon, and then poured spiritual energy into it.After ten breaths, the phantom of Asura's body actually appeared on Jia Yizhen's body.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, was amazed. When Jia Yizhen took out the lock, Qin Mingyue's reincarnated lock in his storage bag sensed it. The two spiritual weapons seemed to come from the same source, and they were both stained. Qin Mingyue's cause and effect, so it is not surprising that Jia Yi can really use this to transform the image of Ashura's body.

But Yitian is a person who knows the basics, and the phantom of the dharma body is useless to be honest, at most it is used to fool those mortal followers.

For those Jindan monks and even the discerning Foundation Establishment monks, they will definitely find it tricky, but even so, Yi Tian still admires the phantom in front of him.

Qin Mingyue once said that her Dharma Body cultivation is a little different from his, and the three faces appear in a static form, which is qualitatively different from his killing, bloodlust, and mania.

Looking at the appearance of this Dharma, it should be the appearance of Qin Mingyue back then, and then Yi Tian sneered and shouted "present" after making seals with his hands. In an instant, the four hands were from the deep underarms, and the two faces were now behind the ears.

Jia Yizhen, who was standing in front of him, was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he couldn't speak at this time, and after carefully looking at the other person's face, he remembered that he seemed to be the person in Hongde Hall back then.

In an instant, Jia Yizhen was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kept shouting in the air: "My lord, my lord, will enjoy immortal blessings to rule the southern border forever. My lord will not remember the faults of a villain. Please forgive my disciple, my disciple is willing to go through fire and water for my son and the holy religion." No hesitation."

A sneer came, "What are you guilty of?" Yi Tian looked at the person in front of him with interest, and he was lucky to be able to find Qin Mingyue's relics. What should be done and what should be said has to be said again.

Jia Yizhen, who was kneeling on the ground, was sweating profusely on his back. After hearing the question, he hurriedly raised the little lock above his head and said, "This disciple found this spiritual weapon by accident, and with it, he can transform into the appearance of the Holy Son. Although he didn't bring it Deceiving the public is a crime, but failing to report it is a crime."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "What you said is a matter, but pretending to be my real body to fool mortals is still a serious crime. At this time, I will put it aside for the time being and wait until I have seen the spiritual weapon." Then he pointed With a single tick, he directly took the small lock from the air.

After putting it in front of my eyes for a while, I took out the one in the storage ring and compared it. The materials and craftsmanship of the two spiritual weapons are exactly the same.It's just that the one I own is more refined and of a higher grade.

The little lock was obviously activated only after Jia Yizhen recognized the master with a drop of blood, so he put it away directly, and he felt a little fussy in his heart.

After a while, he turned around and said to Jia Yizhen: "I think you are also loyal to the Holy Cult, so how about I write you a handwritten letter, and after this matter is over, I will go back to the headquarters of Mingwangdao to find the Brahma Mantra Heavenly Lord Shengxingkun." , he will accept you as a registered disciple."

Hearing that the Holy Son did not punish him but instead found a backer, Jia Yizhen also turned from crying to laughing, and immediately thanked him non-stop: "Thank you, Holy Son, thank you, Holy Son."

"You have a good rest under Sheng Xingkun, maybe I will ask you to do something in the future." After saying that, Yi Tian fell into deep thought again. It is impossible for him to stay in Ming Wangdao for a long time, but Jia Yizhen in front of him can drive Qin Mingyue's imagination The shadow method may not be used in the future.

After solving the matter in front of him, Yi Tian asked with great interest: "Then what about your celebration tomorrow?"

Jia Yizhen shook his head and said: "The disciple is just talking nonsense, tomorrow's celebration should be cancelled."

"It cannot be cancelled. Since the holy religion has spent so much manpower, material and financial resources, how can it be abandoned halfway, so tomorrow's celebration will be held as usual. At the climax of the celebration, I will appear in the sky. It can be regarded as a response to the demands of ordinary people here," Yi said. Tian said lightly.

"That's really thanks to the Holy Son. Being able to see the real body of the Holy Son is a blessing that these mortals have cultivated for several lifetimes. I believe that after this celebration, the reputation of the Holy Cult will surely resound throughout southern Xinjiang," Jia Yizhen replied ecstatically. .

After the explanation, Yi Tian took out a jade slip and engraved all the things he was about to order on it, and then left the seal of the Holy Son.Handed the jade slip to Jia Yizhen, then took out the summons slip and left a message with Sheng Xingkun before gradually disappearing.

The tranquility of the past was restored in the entire National Teacher Hall, but Jia Yizhen, who was sitting in the middle, had a happy smile on his face at this moment, and he was indeed holding the jade slip tightly in his hand, which was the foundation of his future life.Since the Holy Son is willing to allow himself to worship the suzerain of the Brahma Mantra Tianbu as his teacher, even if he is a registered disciple, his status is much higher than that of his peers.

At this time, Jia Yizhen could already foresee that as long as he could advance to Jindan, he believed that he would definitely become a pivotal figure in the Ming Dynasty in the future.

On the second day, the whole country of An Nanguo celebrated the arrival of the Holy Son of the King of Ming Dynasty with joy, and at the end of the celebration, Jia Yizhen also lived up to everyone's expectations and read a eulogy on the blessing platform.

Then there seemed to be a sense between heaven and earth, and the giant Dharma body of King Ming Shengzi slowly appeared in mid-air. According to the descriptions of everyone present at the time, the Dharma Avatar had three heads and six arms, and his back was looking for someone. The Holy Son just turned slightly He turned his head and smiled at the mortals on the ground.

Some court painters hurriedly painted this scene on paper to record the largest holy site in the history of Annan Kingdom.

After this matter was settled, Yi Tian also quietly left An Nanguo. There are still thousands of miles to go to the Hongde Hall of Ming Wangdao Gonglitian, but he has never experienced the style of Southern Xinjiang for more than [-] years. .

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to take a good tour. After looking at the map in my hand, the largest cultivation town in the south of southern Xinjiang is the Bliss City under the Bliss Heaven.

Although I feel very uncomfortable with Le Qingtong and Le Tongxuan throwing themselves into their arms, there is nothing I can do.According to the words of Great Elder Wen Xin, the Bliss Heaven Department was originally serving the Holy Son's bed, so it was also on Le Qingtong's side in this matter.

Thinking of Liu Piaopiao Yitian, who is far away from the sect of the Chiyang Sect in Dong'ao, I feel a pang of guilt in my heart, so I have tried to go out and not meet with the members of the Blissful Heaven over the years.

This Bliss City is not as filthy as its name suggests. It was originally a trading place operated by the Bliss Tianbu, and after some renovations, the scale of development is far greater than before, so Yi Tian felt that it was necessary to go once, but he must avoid it. Open eyes and ears of bliss
(End of this chapter)

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