
Chapter 398

Chapter 398
Bliss City is an important town in southern Xinjiang. It is located in the south of the hinterland and has a radiating range of more than a thousand miles. It is about five or six hundred miles away from the headquarters of Blissful Heaven. There are layers of restrictions, and ordinary monks can't get close to it five hundred miles away. However, those monks who admired Le Tongxuan would never see her even if they came here.

[-]% of the property in the entire town belongs to Ming Wang Dao, but it is unknown to outsiders how much of it is in Blissful Heaven. Even he, the current Holy Son of Ming Wang, doesn't care about the ownership of these properties.

When entering the city, Yi Tian stole Jia Yizhen's identity. Anyway, this kind of three-generation disciples of Ming Wangdao can be found everywhere in Bliss City, and because the stall of Gonglitian is too big, even the three generations of disciples have not met each other. .

Yi Tian took the identity token that imitated Jia Yizhen, suppressed his cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, and then swaggered into the city.This kind of cultivation base and identity is not likely to be fooled by others in the city of bliss, and even a golden core monk will be scruples about the strength of Ming Wangdao and show mercy when he sees him.

This time around the Bliss City, Yi Tian also wanted to collect a copy of the materials for the Zixiao lamp. If the Five Elements Spiritual Core cannot be collected for a while, he can also refine the lamp embryo first.

As for the material of this lamp embryo, it is not difficult to find, and they are all five-level materials. With my cultivation level, it will not attract the attention of interested people.

This Zixiao lamp is different from other spiritual weapons, which can be gradually upgraded after being warmed up slowly, but I don’t know that the Zixiao lamp that I have been playing with in the hands of Yuanying in Niwan Palace is already a top-level spiritual weapon , as long as you advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I believe that you will also break through the natural moat of the seventh level of spiritual weapons.

After walking for a while, Yi Tian found a lot of information about peace, but in order to deceive people, he only took three points every time he took a shot.

After a whole day, I walked all the small shops in Bliss City, and then I looked up to see that it was already late in the early summer, so I went to a restaurant directly to taste the delicacies of southern Xinjiang.

Although cultivators are not allowed to avoid food and drink, this does not prevent Yi Tian from pursuing the customs of various places.To put it bluntly, it was the small thoughts left behind when he was in the gang back then, so Yi Tian thought that there were very few people who knew the other side of this arrogance.

After the food and wine were served, Yi Tian unceremoniously pushed away the young man at the door when he saw the table full of delicacies, and the young man began to bloom.I just ate a braised beef hoof, and after drinking two glasses of wine, I heard the boy outside knocking on the door: "Guest officer, do you have any friends invited to the party? They have already reached the stairs."

At first glance, Yi Tian was also puzzled by Zhang Er. He seemed to have no friends in southern Xinjiang except Lao Xiong.It was a bit unpleasant to be interrupted to eat, and a little impatient appeared on his face.

However, if I falsely use Jia Yizhen's name, I might really be his friend, so I can't avoid revealing my identity, so I have no choice but to reply: "I, Jia Yizhen, do not have any friends here, haven't you heard of this, please come in and meet him. "

Unexpectedly, just as I was talking, there was a burst of laughter from the doorway: "When the truth is false, the truth is also false, when the false is true, the false seems true. Brother, we meet again."

Hearing that the speaker was absolutely familiar, Yi Tian was also startled and quickly searched for his acquaintances in his mind. After confirming the person who came, he smiled and replied: "I haven't seen you for many years, so you will be fine."

After the door was opened, a 30-year-old Taoist priest came in, wearing a square scarf cap, gossip robe, and a pair of cloth shoes.After coming in, he arched his hands together and said: "Senior brother, I haven't seen you for many years, but I'm free, and I'm here with you."

The person who came was Xiao Linhang, the young master of Tianyunmen. When Yi Tian saw him, he smiled and pointed to the seat next to him. After he was done, he casually threw a middle-grade spirit stone to the waiter in the restaurant and said: "You didn't see anything here today, you know?"

That guy was also a clever person, seeing that the foundation-building monk called Jindan monk to be his junior, he couldn't guess something, so he hurriedly collected the spirit stone, then closed the door and went downstairs.

After sitting down, Xiao Linhang directly opened the sound-proof bar, and then took a few mouthfuls of a roasted cracked cow's hoof, and then pointed to the wine glass on the table to indicate that it should be filled.

Yi Tian also laughed angrily at his appearance, reached out to fill up his wine glass and handed it over: "We haven't seen Junior Brother Xiao for a hundred years, but he is good at cultivation, and he probably has reached the late stage of Golden Core now."

"It's not as powerful as senior brother's. Nascent Soul, who is not yet 250 years old, will shake the entire Tianlan Continent if he speaks out," Xiao Linhang replied.

If he had known that their Tianyun Sect had the power of ghosts and gods, Yi Tian had already learned a thing or two, and this time the other party could find him so accurately in the City of Elysium, and he definitely wouldn't just cheat for some food and drink just to chat about family affairs.

Then Yi Tian also picked up a cow's hoof and slowly gnawed on it, and the two drank each other for a while before repaying their appetite.

Later, Xiao Linhang straightened his face and said: "Senior brother, the news that you have reorganized the Ming Dynasty has spread to Zhongzhou. I really admire it. It is not everyone who can kill mid-stage monks in the early Yuanying stage."

Seeing the topic, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "That's because my kung fu restrains the other party. You know that I also can only avoid the edge of Fu Kecheng, a mid-stage monk of the Yin Corpse Sect in Shangdongao."

"Brother Yi is self-effacing, I believe that Fu Kecheng will be able to catch Fu Kecheng when he is facing each other today," Xiao Linhang said with a smile.

"Oh, how does the younger brother know that the elder brother has this ability," Yi Tian said puzzled.

Xiao Linhang said with certainty: "My teacher once said that once Senior Brother Yi enters the Nascent Soul, he will surely make rapid progress, and he will be absolutely invincible in the same rank. Senior brother's opponent. From my point of view, senior brother's strength will definitely not be inferior to that Zhongzhou Lihuo lord Lu Jinyuan after 20 years."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes froze and said: "How is it that 20 years later, I had a spiritual relationship with Lu Jinyuan 20 years ago, and I have never seen how strong I am?"

Xiao Linhang waved his hand and said, "Brother, don't be impatient, and listen to me carefully. This Lu Jinyuan has broken through the entrance five years ago and achieved the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and he must have a spirit treasure in his hand, so the little brother will have it." this inference."

That's why Yi Tian nodded and said in agreement: "Since I have such a judgment from the eyes of my younger brother, then I have to hurry up and practice. The entanglement between Lu Jinyuan and me is too deep, and it is definitely not for ordinary people to intervene."

"Senior brother, there is no need to worry about this at the moment. I think that Lu Jinyuan has just advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he must retreat and stabilize his cultivation for a while. Moreover, he broke through the middle stage at the age of six hundred, which in itself represents his unique talent. Compared with For Senior Brother, it’s a thousand miles away.”

Yi Tian came back to his senses and said to Xiao Linhang: "In this way, I still strike late. But you went all the way to the southern border to find me, isn't it just for these things?"

Xiao Linhang also sighed and said: "Unfortunately, everyone has been affected by the master's school. Senior brother knows that disaster is imminent. After the news of the reorganization of the Ming Dynasty spread to the Qianling Sect in Zhongzhou, the Qianling cultivator made an appointment to come to the southern border to challenge the saint. My son, it is bound to cause a bloodbath. Presumably you also know the entanglement between the two schools thousands of years ago, so I don’t need to say more about it.”

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, if you can't provoke it, you can hide it. At worst, I'll hide in the South China Sea," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"This time, Bo Yunzi, a traitor from the humble sect, came here together. In terms of seniority, he is my uncle. In terms of strength, his ability to penetrate the secrets is not inferior to mine. How do you hide?" Xiao Linhang said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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