
Chapter 399 Planning

Chapter 399 Planning
In the restaurant of Bliss City, Yi Tian and Xiao Linhang were sitting face to face. At this time, the expressions on their faces were very dignified. In Yi Tian's view, the coming catastrophe was clearly aimed at him.The ancestors of the Qianlingzong, Ming Wangdao and Dao sects have been fighting each other for thousands of years, and they all know about this. This time, Qianlingzong's rash visit must be to see if the new Mingwang Shengzi will pose a threat to their sect's foundation.

With the entanglement between the two cases 3000 years ago, it is difficult to deal with it.

The key point is that Qianlingzong even asked Tianjimen for help this time. With the help of Bo Yunzi, he must be determined to be invisible, and now it seems that he can only prepare for the battle with all his strength.

Looking at Xiao Linhang who was continuing to gnaw on the cow's leg, Yi Tian thought about his words.Instead, he asked: "Junior brother Xiao, there is such a traitor out of the humble family, isn't it possible that your master didn't say anything, and didn't your family's ancestor of Tianyun express it?"

Xiao Linhang collected the food in front of him and collected himself before replying: "Uncle Boyun is also too persistent. He thinks that the destiny can be changed, so he will always be your enemy."

"How do you say this? I would like to hear the details," Yi Tian said hastily.

Xiao Linhang sighed before continuing: "The Tianyun Sect has long had the rules to follow the fate of the heavens, and the ancestors have already calculated that there will be a catastrophe in the Tianlan Continent within a thousand years, and you Li Huozong is the leader of this catastrophe." The key point in it, and you, the suzerain of Lihuo, are the key point in this point."

Yi Tian can already guess something about these things, and now he is gradually unraveling the footprints of the two great powers in the upper world, which explains everything in itself.Moreover, he was deeply involved in the matter of Tu Lie, the vanguard of the demon world last time.

I only heard Xiao Linhang continue to explain: "Master Uncle Boyun is originally talented and intelligent. Unfortunately, when he was young, he failed to entrust his master with important tasks several times. On the contrary, he was favored by his old man with a deep style of work. Over time, Master Uncle Feeling dissatisfied, I am determined to turn things around."

"As far as I know, wasn't Bo Yunzi imprisoned in the master's gate, why did you let him out to harm all living beings?" Yi Tian asked.

After hearing this, Xiao Linhang also had a sharp look in his eyes, and then said: "Master Bo Yun is powerful, he has already considered that he will have such a catastrophe, so he made arrangements early in the foundation building period, made many allies abroad, and Li Huozong, thousands of years ago. The monks of the Lingzong have always been in contact. So when he was imprisoned, he was able to escape through these people."

Now Yi Tian finally understands that the Emotional Fortune Sect has a white-eyed wolf, and now it's a good thing to poke Lou Zi and find someone to wipe his ass, needless to say, the person he is looking for is not himself.

But looking at Xiao Linhang's appearance, it seems that he can't bear to deal with his uncle, but this person will not have a good life in the future.Immediately, Yi Tian said sullenly: "Are you here to help me out of this crisis or to deal with Bo Yunzi?"

Xiao Linhang said helplessly: "There are both sides. It is my duty to relieve your worries, and dealing with Uncle Bo Yunzi is also a death order from the master. No matter what, kill him on the spot, and he must not be allowed to disturb the secrets anymore. .”

"Okay, with your words, I'm relieved. To be honest, I don't care about the Qianlingzong's people at all. I have already thought of how to pretend to be fake. But that Bo Yunzi is a big worry in my heart. With him Lu Jinyuan who is in Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou seems to have peace of mind, and when we fight against him in the Guangfu Sect, we can't predict the outcome."

Xiao Linhang said with a smile: "Brother, you don't have to be too obsessed. If you think that Lu Jinyuan is only in the position of the direct line, you can't compare with Brother Yi in terms of orthodox determination. And I also did the calculation for you. Your death is definitely not Lu Jinyuan generation."

After hearing this, Yi Tian turned his worries into joy and said: "Actually, I also know, but it may not be a good thing if my whereabouts are caught everywhere by the other party. This lucky boy must be eliminated, but everything is up to the arrangement of the younger brother. After all, the matter of cleaning up the door must never be left to others."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian felt a trace of unbearable expression in Xiao Linhang's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a burst of determination.Just as the ancestor of Tianyun said that the secrets of the sky cannot be reversed, anyone who has vain plans must be severely suppressed, even if it is his own apprentice.

Xiao Linhang's coming here to express his heart also shows that he must have a way to deal with Bo Yunzi, so Yi Tian is also sure in his heart.It is not difficult to cooperate with arresting people. If you really want to do something on the territory of Ming Wang Dao, you can still find more than a dozen helpers.

However, too many people are involved in this matter, and if one is not handled properly, it will cause disputes between the two factions, so Yi Tian is also preparing to deal with it privately.

Suddenly Xiao Linhang asked: "Brother, do you have the map of the Southern Border Spirit Vein?"

Yi Tian casually took out a jade slip and handed over the map to the other party. After taking it, Xiao Linhang immersed himself in surveying the terrain.This matter of besieging Bo Yunzi still needs to be foolproof, after all, the other party is also a master disciple of Tianyun Sect, Xiao Linhang's uncle.It is still very rare to want to take his life among the people of Qianlingzong.

After a long time, Xiao Linhang took a breath, marked a square area on the map with his hand and said: "Brother, do you know if this area is suitable for formation?"

In one sentence, Yi Tian knew what the other party was thinking. Following the map, Yi Tian saw that the one marked by Xiao Linhang was on the discarded spirit vein of the Luoxia Sect. The original monks here all participated in the Ten Thousand Poison Demon The secret alliance of the organization then moved out.A medium-sized spiritual vein was left behind, covering a radius of about a hundred miles.

"It's confirmed on the ground. From my brother's point of view, this place is definitely not a good place to arrange a trap, and it is located in the southeast of southern Xinjiang, and it is not the only way for the Qianlingzong people to return," Yi Tian puzzled.

Xiao Linhang showed a confident look in his eyes and said: "This is the place, you must know that Uncle Bo Yunzi has never missed anything, but his biggest shortcoming is that he is too confident. If we block him on the way home, we will definitely scare the snake, so we must find a way Bring them here."

"Lead here, how to lead," Yi Tian said in a daze.

Xiao Linhang waved his hands and said, "It's my business to trap people and arrest them. As for luring the enemy to come to the door, I still need to pay more attention to my brother."

This time, Yi Tian was stunned. This Xiao Linhang really knows how to command people, and it is not difficult to set up a formation to arrest people, but it is a big problem to leave the most critical step to himself.

Seeing that Yi Tian couldn't think about it, Xiao Linhang came up and said: "Brother, you are their ultimate goal. If they don't bite such a big bait, then it's a waste of time to come to southern Xinjiang, don't you think so?"

These words awakened the dreamer, thinking about the purpose and plan of the other party's coming to southern border, it is not difficult for Yi Tian to see that he is an excellent bait, but it depends on how to lure the king into the urn then.

(End of this chapter)

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