
Chapter 400

Chapter 400
Qian Lingzong and Ming Wangdao, two sects that seem incomparable to outsiders, still have contacts.Ming Wang Dao has been very busy in the past few years. Ever since Elder Wen Xin ordered the Zhongzhou Guest Association to visit the main altar, the entire Holy Church has also been busy with this matter.

As for the high-ranking members of Ming Wangdao, they are facing a great enemy. As the elder of the holy religion, Wen Xin has more or less understanding of the origin of the two factions, and when Yi Tian brought Xiao Linhang back, he discussed with the elder behind closed doors for a long time , The final decision is to use the same strategy to respond to all changes.

However, this preparatory work still needs to be fully prepared. After the spy, Xiao Linhang set off directly to the ruins of the Luoxia Sect to set up a large formation.Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, explained the strategy of this time to Elder Wen Xin, and then drew up a list of envoys to meet with.

In addition to the Great Elder Wen Xin, he also added Master and Disciple Le Qingtong of Bliss Heaven, Xiong Batian, the Protector God Beast, Father and Son of Brahma Mantra Heaven Shengxing Kun, Emperor Yutian Shangguan Wufeng and Zhuge Jidian. All the strengths of the top teachers have been assembled.

However, Yi Tian himself participated as the suzerain of Brahma Curse Heaven, and Elder Wen Xin was quite suspicious about this, and asked worriedly: "What if the other party meets the real body of the Holy Son?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian just smiled and then quietly transmitted the voice to the elder, who widened his eyes and asked, "Are you sure that the other party can't see the flaw?"

After receiving Yi Tian's affirmative reply, Elder Wen Xin nodded and agreed to the layout, and then sent a summons to call all the participants to the Hongde Hall for consultation. It would be ridiculous to reveal any flaws.

One day three years later, everyone gathered in the Hongde Hall. Elder Wen Xin was sitting in the center, and the other three tribes were lined up on the left and right. Yi Tian was sitting directly next to Le Qingtong, but Sheng Xingkun and his son were not standing behind him.

Elder Wen Xin frowned and then moved his lips. After hearing the sound transmission, Yi Tian quietly resumed his sentence, and then gave a reassuring look.

All of you here don't know what the two of them are doing, but since the Holy Son doesn't want to reveal his true identity, there must be some intention to show others as the suzerain of the Brahma Mantra Heaven Division.So everyone present laughed and said nothing, anyway, we have to wait and see how this matter changes.

Just after noon, Elder Wen Xin, who closed his eyes and meditated in the main seat, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Here we come."

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian frowned and said: "It's a flying boat, there are about four people, how come there are Jindan monks, the other party doesn't think much of me."

Seeing that the Holy Son was angry, the other people didn't respond. According to their spiritual awareness, they haven't noticed the existence of the other party for the time being.Now Le Tongxuan, who had to stand aside, stared at Yi Tian and looked him up and down, with watery and beautiful eyes in his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After three breaths, Shangguan Wufeng said: "Sage Son is indeed a dragon and phoenix among human beings, and his spiritual consciousness surpasses that of me, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Faced with Di Yutian's compliments, Yi Tian just smiled and nodded in response. Since he succeeded to the throne, he has also suppressed Di Yutian a lot, but now Yi Tian will not mess up when the enemy is the same.As a result, Yi Tian replied after the other party's topic: "Sovereign Shangguan has been praised too much, and Di Yutian's strength is obvious to all. I believe that he will definitely shine in the future development plan of the Holy Cult."

Shangguan Wufeng's eyes lit up when he heard it. Now that the Son of Heaven has returned strongly, the combination of the four tribes is unstoppable, and Di Yutian is also going with the flow.With the help of the other three departments, the speed of development in the past [-] years has also been rapid, not worse than in the past, and the Holy Son has also given full autonomy to the four departments. It can be said that Shangguan Wufeng is more powerful now than before.

Suddenly the Great Elder Wen Xin said: "Here's the person, come out with me to greet him, do all the acting, don't show your feet."

Everyone got up immediately after hearing this, and followed quickly under the leadership of the Great Elder.After a while, he left the gate of the palace, and then he heard the great elder Wen Xin say to the sky above: "The arrival of a visitor from afar really makes my holy sect shine."

Not long after, a reply came from above: "I, Qian Lingyuan, am really ashamed to be greeted personally by Great Elder Wenxin, so hurry up and follow me down to meet the Great Elder."

As soon as the words were closed, four spiritual lights flashed in the air, three yellow and one white, falling straight towards the main entrance of Hongde Hall.

Elder Wen Xin frowned when he heard Qian Lingyuan's name. This small movement was noticed by everyone, and some anxious people hurriedly asked about Qian Lingyuan's background through sound transmission.

After getting an explanation from the Great Elder Wen Xin, everyone's expressions were also unkind, and they all began to murmur in their hearts.

On the contrary, Yi Tian didn't take it seriously, but after quickly scanning the opponent with his divine sense, his own brows frowned.

Immediately after bringing the people to the ground, the leader was a Taoist priest with an immortal demeanor. He looked about 40 to [-] years old, and his cultivation base was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.However, after scanning Yi Tian's consciousness, he found that he had already reached the stage of Nascent Soul Consummation, and he would advance to the late stage anytime, anywhere.

No wonder Elder Wen Xin is so jealous, one is a long-dead late Nascent Soul cultivator, and the other is a rising star, everyone knows how to choose.

Standing next to him was a 30-year-old early Yuanying monk dressed as a Confucian scholar. He showed his vigor and sharpness. It seemed that he had definitely cultivated Yaojian to a very high level.

On the other side of Qianlingyuan was a Jindan cultivator wearing a cloak. His black robe was incompatible with Qianlingzong's costume.At first glance, he knew it was Bo Yunzi from Tianyunmen, but Yi Tian didn't know why he was dressed like this, and he refused to show his true colors.

The last person was known by himself, Shi Qianwei who had a physical relationship in Xihuang back then, but his cultivation had obviously reached the middle stage of Jindan.According to the speed of cultivation, it can be regarded as a heaven-defying existence among ordinary monks. In terms of aptitude, it is comparable to Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue.

After standing still, Qian Lingyuan hurried forward to greet Elder Wen Xin, but his face changed several times after sweeping his divine sense over everyone.When his eyes turned to Xiong Batian, his brows tightened, and then quickly relaxed.Then he saluted everyone present one by one, and everyone responded politely.

But when he saw the pupils in Yi Tianshi's eyes, his face froze for a moment. Fortunately, Elder Wen Xin hurried forward and introduced: "This is Sheng Xingkun, the suzerain of the Brahma Mantra Heaven Department. It is rare to come out to see guests after a long period of retreat."

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Sheng, but I'm being abrupt," Qian Lingyuan then lightly dismissed the embarrassment, but the look of fear flashed across his face after turning his head.

The young monk standing next to him also noticed that something was wrong, but the two of them returned to normal after making faces at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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